UPDATE - Radio Contract

STAR Voice
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UPDATE - Radio Contract

by STAR Voice » 24 Jul 2006 16:41

I have just received notice that RFC are about to issue the following statement - which will also be used as a response to the numerous e-mails etc that they have received.

Reading FC We are aware that some supporters are unhappy with the announcement that BBC Radio Berkshire has decided not to pay the live commentary fee that we requested for the forthcoming Premiership season.

We believe the commentary fee has been set at a fair level for Premiership football, especially for a radio station that only has one professional club within its broadcast area.

However, we are prepared to meet BBC Radio Berkshire in the middle on the figures that have been quoted in the media, and we hope that they will reconsider their offer so that these ongoing discussions can reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion.

Obviously this is a very promising move, so that the price for the BBC to have coverage rights has come down significantly, although I'm not going to discuss exact numbers on a public forum.

The BBC have a pot of money for all "local" broadcasting, controlled by a gentleman in London, so I do hope that he will be able to find enough flexibility in his pot of money in order to increase the offer enough to make things happen. Then, I think, everyone will be happy.

So the next move is with the BBC, and I'd applaud the FC for listening to us and for understanding the strength of feeling over this matter.

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by Alan Titchmarsh » 24 Jul 2006 18:09

Trouble with the BBC is that its licence payers money and so everything has to be accountable, as a result 'over the odds' bids may not be possible as i would imagine the Beeb will have a top figure over which they will not go .

The figure they bidded previously was what they felt to be fair given the clubs stature, the catchment area etc.... and I would have though that this figure will have been arrived at by looking at what is paid for similar rights up and down the country.

Going to be interesting though, let's hope it happens.....

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by PieEater » 24 Jul 2006 18:12

Good news Jon, and if the deal is done it's a vindication of fan power. I hope there is some middle ground the club and beeb can find.

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by Scrappy » 24 Jul 2006 18:15

Fingers crossed this will go through. A lot of fans will owe this man a lot if it does come through! Top work Jon.

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by Rhys The Royal » 24 Jul 2006 18:16

If a deal is done, then the club will definatly need some praise becuase they could easily of brushed this aside.

And STAR of course

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by RoyalBlue » 24 Jul 2006 18:50

Has no one questioned why the club have suddenly broken a habit of a lifetime and are now conducting commercial negotiations in the public spotlight?

Could it be the late entry of 'spin', hoping to tip public opinion in their favour when the BBC appear not to accept the compromise because their hands are tied as Alan Titchmarsh has suggested?

Cynical perhaps, but that's the world of business for you.

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by Wycombe Royal » 24 Jul 2006 19:06

Regardless of whether this is spin or not it is a positive move and would not have happened had it not been for the comments we have made. I do think the club need some praise for making that statement and let us now hope that the BBC can meet them halfway.

The fact that we have given BBC Berkshire so much support may help in getting them to agree to this.

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by STAR Voice » 24 Jul 2006 19:38

Guys - Don't try and read too much into the exact wording used. Lots of positive things are happening and I'm very hopeful that a deal will be struck.

The only limit I know about is what is in the pot for total rights across BBC local radio, so what flexibility the BBC has will depend upon the deals being done with all other clubs. Presumably the rights that BBC Radio Oxford & BBC Wiltshire have to pay are a lot cheaper this year :lol:

But certainly the strength of feeling in favour of BBC Berks has been passed onto the BBC moneymen, so they now know how people feel and so they know it will be money well spent if they can match the price.

Hopefully there will be an outcome tomorrow - as soon as I have some news I'll pass on what I can - but at least now the door is open and everyone is talking,

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Re: UPDATE - Radio Contract

by Blue Heart » 24 Jul 2006 19:59

Reading FC We are aware that some supporters are unhappy with the announcement that BBC Radio Berkshire has decided not to pay the live commentary fee that we requested for the forthcoming Premiership season.
We believe the commentary fee has been set at a fair level for Premiership football, especially for a radio station that only has one professional club within its broadcast area.

However, we are prepared to meet BBC Radio Berkshire in the middle on the figures that have been quoted in the media, and we hope that they will reconsider their offer so that these ongoing discussions can reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion.

How cleverly worded, laying the blame soley on Radio Berkshire in the first paragraph and offering them a second bite of the cherry in the third.


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by Warfield Royal » 24 Jul 2006 22:34

The offer to meet halfway is still holding BBCRB to ransom. IMO

OTOH it could be the start of a massive climbdown and setting of precedent by RFC.

Sorry if the above statements don't show RFC in a good light but the whole thing stinks to me.

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by Gav » 24 Jul 2006 23:39

If the shortfall is not a ridiculous amount, and it turns out the BBC do indeed have their hands tied by centrally controlled funding, is there any kind of fundraiser the fans/STAR can organise to raise the extra cash?

I'd be more than willing to throw in a few quid to keep Berks coverage on air, and I'm sure many more would too. I'm not sure about the legality of it all, or the 'shame' of the BBC coming cap-in-hand to its listeners, but I'd assume it would be a fundraiser they themselves couldn't/wouldn't organise.

If the club really have made a significant effort, and Radio Berks still cannot meet the amount requested, then it'd be a nice gesture from the fans for years of excellent service to try and make up that shortfall for them. Providing, of course, it's a realistically attainable amount (I have no idea what sort of figures are involved).

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by bobby1413 » 24 Jul 2006 23:45

Gav If the shortfall is not a ridiculous amount, and it turns out the BBC do indeed have their hands tied by centrally controlled funding, is there any kind of fundraiser the fans/STAR can organise to raise the extra cash?

I'd be more than willing to throw in a few quid to keep Berks coverage on air, and I'm sure many more would too. I'm not sure about the legality of it all, or the 'shame' of the BBC coming cap-in-hand to its listeners, but I'd assume it would be a fundraiser they themselves couldn't/wouldn't organise.

If the club really have made a significant effort, and Radio Berks still cannot meet the amount requested, then it'd be a nice gesture from the fans for years of excellent service to try and make up that shortfall for them. Providing, of course, it's a realistically attainable amount (I have no idea what sort of figures are involved).

I would also be willing and in fact would love to give some money to the BBC Berkshire fund... our official radio station of RFC.

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by STAR Voice » 25 Jul 2006 08:07

Gav If the shortfall is not a ridiculous amount, and it turns out the BBC do indeed have their hands tied by centrally controlled funding, is there any kind of fundraiser the fans/STAR can organise to raise the extra cash?

Tentative planning for this is already in progress, but at the moment the hope is that there is enough flexibility within the Beeb and RFC that a deal can be done without the need for additional finances.

If not, STAR is certainly all setup and ready to co-ordinate whatever is needed to make this happen.

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by Alan Titchmarsh » 25 Jul 2006 09:22

One wonders why it had to be exclusive rights? Why not have both 107 and Auntie pay 50 grand each? The club gets their 100k and we get two radio stations providing friendly rivalry with their coverage - wins all round methinks.

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by ellpryjon » 25 Jul 2006 09:38

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Gav If the shortfall is not a ridiculous amount, and it turns out the BBC do indeed have their hands tied by centrally controlled funding, is there any kind of fundraiser the fans/STAR can organise to raise the extra cash?

Tentative planning for this is already in progress, but at the moment the hope is that there is enough flexibility within the Beeb and RFC that a deal can be done without the need for additional finances.

If not, STAR is certainly all setup and ready to co-ordinate whatever is needed to make this happen.

said it before but ill say it again

BBCRB XI Vs Hobnob/Star XI

Local businesses to sponsor ?

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by Hoop Blah » 25 Jul 2006 10:00

Alan Titchmarsh One wonders why it had to be exclusive rights? Why not have both 107 and Auntie pay 50 grand each? The club gets their 100k and we get two radio stations providing friendly rivalry with their coverage - wins all round methinks.

By the sounds of things the price 107 have paid isn't for the exclusive rights. If it was then this really would be a dead debate as the BBC wouldn't be able to match the price and gain rights after 107 have agreed the deal for exclusivity.

I'm guessing, but I think they've announced it as exclusive because nobody else was willing to pay the price set by the club for radio coverage and so as a result 107 have ended up with 'exclusive' coverage.

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by firstdivision » 25 Jul 2006 10:38

Firstly, congratulations to all involved in this for conducting a well ballanced and constructed argument/campaign. This approach can only add to the weight of the argument put forwards by the fans.

No one can (or should) criticise John Madejski after all the work, effort and money he has injected into the club.

The financial implications of bankrolling a Premiership team must be a real concern to him, and this is, I think, reflected in his comments in the EP. (Send a pound etc).

If this does go the way we would like then I for one would be happy to help organise/man/canvass business contacts for sponsorship etc to show that whilst we are a demanding bunch, we are also prepared to be constructive and contribute.

Even if it is only 2k, I am sure the thought would be appreciated.

So where and how do we start Star? PM me for my contact details.

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by MartinRdg » 25 Jul 2006 10:44

Gav If the shortfall is not a ridiculous amount, and it turns out the BBC do indeed have their hands tied by centrally controlled funding, is there any kind of fundraiser the fans/STAR can organise to raise the extra cash?

I'd be more than willing to throw in a few quid to keep Berks coverage on air, and I'm sure many more would too. I'm not sure about the legality of it all, or the 'shame' of the BBC coming cap-in-hand to its listeners, but I'd assume it would be a fundraiser they themselves couldn't/wouldn't organise.

If the club really have made a significant effort, and Radio Berks still cannot meet the amount requested, then it'd be a nice gesture from the fans for years of excellent service to try and make up that shortfall for them. Providing, of course, it's a realistically attainable amount (I have no idea what sort of figures are involved).

How about an agreement just to broadcast away games (as it used to be)? Surely this could be a compromise which would save money for BBCRB.

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by Forbury Lion » 25 Jul 2006 11:54

Gav If the shortfall is not a ridiculous amount, and it turns out the BBC do indeed have their hands tied by centrally controlled funding, is there any kind of fundraiser the fans/STAR can organise to raise the extra cash?

I'd be more than willing to throw in a few quid to keep Berks coverage on air, and I'm sure many more would too. I'm not sure about the legality of it all, or the 'shame' of the BBC coming cap-in-hand to its listeners, but I'd assume it would be a fundraiser they themselves couldn't/wouldn't organise.

If the club really have made a significant effort, and Radio Berks still cannot meet the amount requested, then it'd be a nice gesture from the fans for years of excellent service to try and make up that shortfall for them. Providing, of course, it's a realistically attainable amount (I have no idea what sort of figures are involved).

How about an agreement just to broadcast away games (as it used to be)? Surely this could be a compromise which would save money for BBCRB.
It doesn't help those who can't get a home ticket for love nor money.

A delayed transmission clause might be a clincher with BBC Berks only permitted to broadcase coverage 5 or 10 minute behind the action old so that it makes it less attractive (and therefore cheaper) than the live broadcast rights 107 have purchased...... Would also not compete for Reading World in terms of providing the most up to date broadcast.

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by bb0118 » 25 Jul 2006 12:03

STAR Campaigns
Gav If the shortfall is not a ridiculous amount, and it turns out the BBC do indeed have their hands tied by centrally controlled funding, is there any kind of fundraiser the fans/STAR can organise to raise the extra cash?

Tentative planning for this is already in progress, but at the moment the hope is that there is enough flexibility within the Beeb and RFC that a deal can be done without the need for additional finances.

If not, STAR is certainly all setup and ready to co-ordinate whatever is needed to make this happen.

said it before but ill say it again

BBCRB XI Vs Hobnob/Star XI

Local businesses to sponsor ?

Good idea!

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