by Ollie »
01 Sep 2007 09:19
This is a common complaint and it's being looked at by the BBC's central team of engineers, but I can't promise you'll see Windows Media format any time in the immediate future.
Here's the official line from the BBC's radio help guide:
"UK users can listen live to all of the BBC's national and digital-only stations in Windows Media Audio format.
"We are currently unable to offer this service for Radio Cymru, Radio Scotland, Radio Foyle, Radio nan Gaidheal, Radio Scotland, Radio Ulster, Radio Wales and local radio stations [that'd be us].
"Listen Again programmes are currently only available in Real Media format.
"The BBC continues to assess the way our content is distributed in order to make it as widely accessible as possible. We hope to extend the range of streaming audio formats in which our radio programmes are made available in the not too distant future."
More: ... lity.shtml