by BobKnows » 29 Aug 2007 13:22
by Rawlie19 » 30 Aug 2007 07:48
BobKnows Can't bitch about BBCRB as I can't get their commetaries anymore, but having listened to the match yesterday on (I think) BBC South Wales online (due to a Reading World gremlin) I have to say, they were real quality! Expected to get pissed off by their Swansea bias after about five seconds, but their commentators were totally fair minded, pretty witty, and sooo much better than the total tat offered by 107. I might try it more often in fact....
by BobKnows » 30 Aug 2007 09:10
by Stranded » 30 Aug 2007 09:16
Rawlie19BobKnows Can't bitch about BBCRB as I can't get their commetaries anymore, but having listened to the match yesterday on (I think) BBC South Wales online (due to a Reading World gremlin) I have to say, they were real quality! Expected to get pissed off by their Swansea bias after about five seconds, but their commentators were totally fair minded, pretty witty, and sooo much better than the total tat offered by 107. I might try it more often in fact....
How come BBC South Wales are allowed to stream live over 'tinternet but BBC Radio Berks (and I mean Berks) can't?
by Rawlie19 » 30 Aug 2007 09:52
StrandedRawlie19BobKnows Can't bitch about BBCRB as I can't get their commetaries anymore, but having listened to the match yesterday on (I think) BBC South Wales online (due to a Reading World gremlin) I have to say, they were real quality! Expected to get pissed off by their Swansea bias after about five seconds, but their commentators were totally fair minded, pretty witty, and sooo much better than the total tat offered by 107. I might try it more often in fact....
How come BBC South Wales are allowed to stream live over 'tinternet but BBC Radio Berks (and I mean Berks) can't?
Think it's because we're in the PL and Swansea aren't.
by Katie Marsden » 30 Aug 2007 16:21
Super Kevin Bremner! Which commentator was the one constantly whinging about 'having to go all the way to Swansea' to commentate on a 'Nothing' game?
If you don't like it mate hand your notice in and do something else. There's plenty of people about who wouldn't be moaning about being paid to watch football.
I tuned in to listen to the game, not some fool constantly creating because he might have to travel back late after penalities or extra time.
I hope it goes the distance now.
Anyone know if I can make a formal complaint against this utter joke?
by RoyalBlue » 01 Sep 2007 19:49
Barry the bird bogglerTheLawnMowerMan There was a time when the letters BBC actually stood for quality.
Tonight surprised me, because it was actually worse than before, and I already thought it was very, very poor.
It's difficult to start to describe how bad it is because it is all so bad but I will try:
1) Banter between the two of you is so inane - stop it, only you find it funny.
2) I don't care who players played for 5 years ago.
3) I'm listening on the radio - I didn't drive to the game! I don't care how bad the traffic was for someone who is paid to go there. Get it?
4) Your food is only interesting to you - most people learn this by the age of 5.
5) Please try and commentate about the football - I get more acurate and up to date information from the newspapers. Good commentry is not "Well Joel how is your pie ....? GOAL!!!!"
Given the absolutely dire game that was on offer there isn't really much else to do except go into banter mode, there's only so many times you can say the ref's having a shocker or that Swansea couldn't hit a barn door with a small traction engine.
BBC Berks normally are excellent in their coverage and commentaries so long may it continue.
by weybridgewanderer » 01 Sep 2007 20:57
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