Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by RoyalBlue » 12 Dec 2008 17:14

RoyalBlue Useless ****ing BBC barstewards. Have just switched off the on-line transmission, even though kick-off at Barnsley has been delayed by 15 minutes!

A tad harsh. The online stream blocking is operated centrally for all BBC local radio stations from Birmingham, and usually runs to a schedule laid down weeks or months in advance. (As soon as the fixtures are out and TV swaps accounted for, normally.)

So it's not somebody sat in the studio at 3pm on Saturday, stubbornly switching the online stream off even though they know there's still 15 mins before kick-off. Given the almighty number of hoops to be jumped through to get Birmingham to go into their schedule and reset it for 15 minutes later, by the time they got it changed, it'd be 3.15pm anyway.

John - I still do browse HNA regularly! I just don't have the power to supply Tim with comedy texts any more...

In other words the problem occurs because BBC local radio is becoming increasingly less local and more centrally controlled!

Anyway, you've kindly answered that one. Now:

Why are the footy shows being curtailed at bizarre times only for us to join a (pretty dire IMO) BBC South syndicated broadcast mid 'record' (and if it's Dave Cash they probably are records!)/mid sentence?

Why do 'licensing/contractual issues' appear to prevent post match coverage being broadcast on line? It's very irritating to click 'listen live' after a game only to get told that the broadcast isn't being carried due to said licensing/contractual issues!

BTW if the BBC could sort out the pirate afro-caribbean station that has started to broadcast over the top of 104.1/104.4 in my area, I wouldn't have to resort to on-line!

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Ollie » 12 Dec 2008 17:52

RoyalBlue In other words the problem occurs because BBC local radio is becoming increasingly less local and more centrally controlled!

To my knowledge it's always been controlled from Birmingham. Shush.

RoyalBlue Why are the footy shows being curtailed at bizarre times only for us to join a (pretty dire IMO) BBC South syndicated broadcast mid 'record' (and if it's Dave Cash they probably are records!)/mid sentence?

Not one for me to answer since I've not actually heard a show finish in over a year, given I don't work there or live in the transmission area any more. However, with regard to the mid-record bit, you try fading one show out and joining a regionally shared show at an opportune moment. It is bloody difficult! You have to listen to the end of your show in one ear, listen to the shared show in the other ear, and try to pick a moment when neither presenter is talking. Making the swap during a song is therefore the obvious choice, but you're never going to get both shows starting songs at precisely the same moment, so you are probably going to have to dive into the shared show midway through a song.

Even when shows end on the hour, making that swap can be a real nightmare. You are relying on the regional show hitting its timings bang on and providing - for want of a better phrase - a clean entry point. Otherwise you're back to crashing into the middle of their show.

Anyway enough of listening to the end of Dave Cash for an entry point. Next...

RoyalBlue Why do 'licensing/contractual issues' appear to prevent post match coverage being broadcast on line? It's very irritating to click 'listen live' after a game only to get told that the broadcast isn't being carried due to said licensing/contractual issues!

So, we know this great big "online stream on/off" button lives in Birmingham. It's actually a spreadsheet-type thing and you have to enter all the times in well before the day itself. So you need to put the time to block online, and the time to activate it again.

Guessing precisely when a match is going to finish is impossible, so you can't put "16:53:35" then hope for two minutes of first-half injury time, two minutes' delay getting underway again, and another four and a half minutes' stoppage time at the end. Normally you'd go for a round number instead - if it were me, I'd go for 5pm, on the grounds that almost all 3pm kick-offs are done by then. But I suppose some people might play it a tad more safe and go for 5.30, or even 6, to allow the whole programme to finish.

RoyalBlue BTW if the BBC could sort out the pirate afro-caribbean station that has started to broadcast over the top of 104.1/104.4 in my area, I wouldn't have to resort to on-line!

Not sure if there will be any immediate action there, short of sending Dellor and McKechnie round with bats, so if I were you I'd get a DAB radio. I'm a big fan of 6 Music so I've got one (6 Music being digital-only) and the signal/coverage area is much better than it used to be. Plus it'd be one Xmas present from a relative sorted. Everybody wins.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by RoyalBlue » 12 Dec 2008 18:13

Ollie Many thanks for your replies to the various questions I had

I recognise the diificulty of switching from one show to another, although since BBRB employ top professionals it surely shouldn't be beyond their capabilities! :wink: I'm sure it must be a bit easier doing it on the hour or half hour and, even if it isn't, it certainly is more logical and less irritating to the footy show listeners than doing it at daft times like 18 minutes past the hour!

Incidentally, every morning the BBC and GMTV breakfast shows break out for regional news and weather reports from all around the country and, certainly within the London area, this is done perfectly seamlessly day in day out. I often wonder how they do it but maybe TV producers can just do it better than their radio counterparts! :wink:

Clearly the presser of the online stream on/off button is far more risk averse than you because he/she doesn't turn it on after games until well after 5pm (I don't know when because I've long since given up trying!).

As for DAB, does that enable you to pick up BBCRB anywhere in the country? I didn't think it did. In which case, given that receiving a DAB broadcast, like Digital TV, is usually a case of all or nothing, there is no way I will pick up the BBCRB DAB signal in Middx/Northwest London, whereas I could get the FM signal, albeit in varying strength, till the pirates started in on the act.

Therefore, please send Dellor and McKechnie round with bats. Given that the problem is at its worse at the top of a hill in Harefield, which overlooks Northwest London, I would suggest the high rises in the Wembley/Neasden area are a good starting point in their mission!!

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Barry the bird boggler » 15 Dec 2008 10:04

Ollie - thanks for your responses on this it's really helpful - would it be possible for you to contact Tim or someone at BBC Berks and just remind them they have Forum on HNA and while we appreciate that this site is not going to be a priority for them it would be nice if they could "pop in" every month or so even, if its no more than to remind people about the various shows they have coming up.

Another question re: local output on DAB, I note that you can get regional BBC TV programmes on digital TV from wherever you are in the country, therefore why is it not possible to get regional BBC radio programmes on DAB wherever you are in the country, as it would be very useful if you could pick up local radio shows when travelling back from an away game.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by BBC Radio Berkshire » 15 Dec 2008 11:35

Hello all,

I am still here too and can assure you that your comments have been read and understood.

Our use and interaction of this forum is really down to personal preference. I believe this BBC Radio Berkshire section was set up by Ollie, with Joel Hufford's input.

When Ollie left, I effectively took over as our spokesperson. BUT this has always had an 'unofficial' feel to it AND I no longer work on matchdays (except this Saturday when I make a glorious return...can't wait to rejoin Dave Cash's show with extreme precision at 6pm...ahem)

Because I am not diretly involved on matchdays, I can only pass on your comments, rather than actively doing something about them on-air at the time.

One thing I would say is that the number of people who use this section of Hob Nob is pretty small, compared to the number of people who use Hob Nob as a whole.

Andy Stevenson
BBC Radio Berkshire

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Dirk Gently » 15 Dec 2008 11:55


Thanks for clarification - can you please feed back to whoever puts the programme together that there are far, far too many recorded highlights of what has just happened in the match - or even what has not happened.

Just once - if you must!- will do, there's no need to repeat them 3 or 4 times in an hour. Or are they just to cover over the cracks where you're short of enough people to cover the programme properly?

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by The 17 Bus » 15 Dec 2008 12:11

Andy, can you tell Dave Cash that I am in possession of a poster that was used when he started on Capital Radio, way back when, and if he is not forthcoming with a large wedge of cash for charity, I shall be forced to reproduce said poster for all to giggle at, and will then auction it on E-Bay for charity instead!! :wink:

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by The 17 Bus » 15 Dec 2008 12:13

edit, now I see he is a Chelsea fan the price has gone up!! I reckon this poster is from way back 1973 even.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by John 3:16 » 15 Dec 2008 12:50

Dirk Gently Andy

Thanks for clarification - can you please feed back to whoever puts the programme together that there are far, far too many recorded highlights of what has just happened in the match - or even what has not happened.

Just once - if you must!- will do, there's no need to repeat them 3 or 4 times in an hour. Or are they just to cover over the cracks where you're short of enough people to cover the programme properly?

Some people are still making their way back to their cars and so don't get to hear everything as soon as the match has finished. Takes me 10 mins to get to the car for instance. Although I guess they could just play them the once, right at the end of the show.

People getting shirty about how the show ends into the Cash show? I don't get it? Are you Cash fans and are annoyed at having missed some? Or is that you'd rather have a longer RFC show and not bother with the Cash?

Thanks Ollie. Could do you with you back at BBCRB tbh.

Oh, while I'm here, I've been listening to the games recently while I've actually been at the game, and when they drivel on for ages without talking about football suddenly one of them will remember what they're there for and say "don't worry about missing the football, nothing's happening at the moment"... This, I can tell you from at least the last 3 matches, is cow manure. There is quite often something going on and it's normally the ball pinging around just outside of one of the pen areas. I'll admit that at most of these times the play isn't the most inspiring, but when listening from home people don't have the benefit of seeing anything and would like to know as much as possible what is happening. Maybe when Joel left they should have replaced him rather than just making the Dellor do the WHOLE commentary (I'm right in saying they used to take it in 15 minute stints?).

Anywho, rant over. :wink:

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Royal Rother » 15 Dec 2008 13:16

I have no problem with Dellor and Gooding - they have a decent rapport and commentating on the same team usually twice a week for 8 months of the year cannot be easy. Especially when considering they are unbroken for the whole game.

However I do agree that I would like to hear a bit more precise commentary of what is happening in the game of football before them. Listening to the national broadcasters (admittedly paid a whole lot more for their expertise / efforts) I get a much stronger vision of the game than is the case with Dellor's commentary.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Dirk Gently » 15 Dec 2008 13:18

Can you also tell Mick Gooding that "now" is a far preferable alternative to "at this moment in time"?

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by John 3:16 » 15 Dec 2008 13:34

Dirk Gently Can you also tell Mick Gooding that "now" is a far preferable alternative to "at this moment in time"?

Unless you're writing an essay and need to pad.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Royal Rother » 15 Dec 2008 13:37

In which case "having looked at all the available evidence, at this moment in time I would suggest that" might be used.

I'm sure others could get well beyond 16 words.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by rabidbee » 15 Dec 2008 13:40

Royal Rother I'm sure others could get well beyond 16 words.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by BBC Radio Berkshire » 15 Dec 2008 15:10

You could all just jack in the football and listen to Ollie and I doing live ice hockey commentary online instead...(cue anti-ice hockey bile no doubt)

Seriously though, on the issue of repetition of highlights, it's a tricky one because as John suggests, people are tuning in all the time between 5 and 6, and I guess all want to hear the game commentary at some point on their journey home.

Just as a warning, we obviously have live coverage of Reading-Birmigham on Saturday, followed by London Irish-Gloucester (1st vs 2nd), so MOST of the football reaction will come after the rugby. I know some of you won't like this but they are both big games and both will get big audiences.

Remember - You can't please all of the people all of the time.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by John 3:16 » 15 Dec 2008 15:24

BBC Radio Berkshire You could all just jack in the football and listen to Ollie and I doing live ice hockey commentary online instead...(cue anti-ice hockey bile no doubt)

Seriously though, on the issue of repetition of highlights, it's a tricky one because as John suggests, people are tuning in all the time between 5 and 6, and I guess all want to hear the game commentary at some point on their journey home.

Just as a warning, we obviously have live coverage of Reading-Birmigham on Saturday, followed by London Irish-Gloucester (1st vs 2nd), so MOST of the football reaction will come after the rugby. I know some of you won't like this but they are both big games and both will get big audiences.

Remember - You can't please all of the people all of the time.

It's an OUTRAGE! :evil: I want my license fee back! well, a little part of it.

Oh, scrap that, just remembered I'm going to the game so won't be able to listen to any of it anyway. Carry on then. As it's just me that's important you can do what you like :wink:

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Royal Lady » 16 Dec 2008 12:39

Oooh Ice Hockey - I might just listen out for you then Andy and Ollie.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Southbank Old Boy » 16 Dec 2008 21:21

BBC Radio Berkshire You could all just jack in the football and listen to Ollie and I doing live ice hockey commentary online instead...(cue anti-ice hockey bile no doubt)

Seriously though, on the issue of repetition of highlights, it's a tricky one because as John suggests, people are tuning in all the time between 5 and 6, and I guess all want to hear the game commentary at some point on their journey home.

Just as a warning, we obviously have live coverage of Reading-Birmigham on Saturday, followed by London Irish-Gloucester (1st vs 2nd), so MOST of the football reaction will come after the rugby. I know some of you won't like this but they are both big games and both will get big audiences.

Remember - You can't please all of the people all of the time.

I can't believe that anyone who's been at the game really wants to listen to radio commentry highlights on something they've already seen! I'd most would like to hear opinion and discussion about what they've seen and hear what others think about the afternoon and weeks events

Anyone who's already listened to the game can't really want to hear highlights again do they? It's radio, it can't give you that much information on something so visual

As for the commentry, I think Tim and Mick do a pretty good job to be fair. They give a insight into the flow of the game and the atmosphere by their off subject interludes and personally I'd rather that then be given the a pass by pass account of the game when very little constructive play is going on

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by weybridgewanderer » 22 Dec 2008 00:03

RoyalBlue BTW if the BBC could sort out the pirate afro-caribbean station that has started to broadcast over the top of 104.1/104.4 in my area, I wouldn't have to resort to on-line!

I think this is affect me too, I pick up some caribean music on 104.1 /104.4 around heathrow and walton on thames

who can we go to? unfortuately Radio berks on DAB does not stretch as far as me

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Dirk Gently » 22 Dec 2008 09:55

RoyalBlue BTW if the BBC could sort out the pirate afro-caribbean station that has started to broadcast over the top of 104.1/104.4 in my area, I wouldn't have to resort to on-line!

I think this is affect me too, I pick up some caribean music on 104.1 /104.4 around heathrow and walton on thames

who can we go to? unfortuately Radio berks on DAB does not stretch as far as me

That'll be Ofcom's responsibility :

I think the culprits are in the blocks of flats by the Langley mM4 junction.

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