BBC Berks Website

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BBC Berks Website

by Geekins » 21 Aug 2007 12:38


Are you also in control of the Reading FC section on the bbc website. If you are or if you can pass this on to anyone then please do so.

I have a slight complaint. The website is always out of date. We still have Murty talking about the Chelsea game, and this was before the match and Hahnemann saying that the United game will not define out season. It was good to have the Reading tour updated everyday, but nothing else seems to move along with the times. Also any pics for wallpapers are not shown and the latest one is Lita away to Man City last season.

Please update it more regularly so us people who don't live around Reading and who don't always listen to the radio, can still get match interviews etc asap. Also some cool new wallpaper design would be good. Maybe you could team up with Shades!

Thank You.

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by Ollie » 22 Aug 2007 11:37

I'm in charge of the Reading FC section of the BBC Berkshire website, and have a feeling the page you're referring to is probably this one: ... /features/

That's the home of all our Reading features - i.e. articles about the club or its players that don't involve a match report. The index automatically takes the latest such articles and will usually display interviews with players between matches, like Murty and Hahnemann, not match reports. They have a separate page here: ... match_day/

All the match reports go on that page, not the features page. It's not an ideal divide but all these articles on BBC websites need a "home" index so we have these pages to house them. Then they get to go on our main indexes like the big Reading FC index here:

And that is the page you'll want to bookmark for all our latest Reading FC articles, not either of the first two (which serve mainly as archives of our material but have to exist for various boring reasons).

You'll see that the main Reading index has reports and Coppell quotes pertaining to the last three games plus a link to a page where you can hear all the interviews we've done so far this season - much better than the features page with Murty and Hahnemann, and those player interview articles will appear on the main index at appropriate times in between games.

The main Reading index also has a box with all of BBC Sport's latest Reading stories on it, so you won't miss any of those either.

As for wallpapers, I've not yet seen any images from this season which grab me to the extent those ones from last year did. When our agency photographers produce a brilliant one I'll transform it into wallpaper (we can't go and take photos ourselves since you really need to be a full time photographer with an established track record to get access to Premier League games). I'll keep an extra eye out over the next couple of weeks once Reading Festival's over.

The best time to check the website after a Saturday game is Sunday lunchtime, by which time I'll have been in and had time to encode all the interviews, plus transcribe them.

It's worth pointing out that our website does not have a dedicated Reading FC journalist or even a dedicated sports journalist - two people maintain the site and while I look after the sport section with help from my colleague Andy, we're responsible for other sections too. So if you spot something out of date or want us to cover more of something, drop me an email and I'll make sure we devote some time to it.


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by Geekins » 22 Aug 2007 12:15

Thanks Ollie,

Is this job paying you enough for what you do! Working on a sunday!!!

You do a wonderful job, keep up the good work!

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by Sharpy » 22 Aug 2007 12:30


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by Geekins » 22 Aug 2007 15:27

My post above makes me sound Gay, i'm not by the way!

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