The not renewing ST list

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by The 17 Bus » 30 May 2007 07:51

Maguire Ah, so the plastics have now seen Manure/Cheatski/ just don't enjoy the home games very much. Lifeless stadium, souless experience etc etc. .

Ah, spotted your problem !

We play at the Mad Stad and you've been going to Arsenal every other week !

well that would be enough to make you give up, watching a top club week in week out, oh hang on :D

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by Forbury Lion » 30 May 2007 09:01

West Stand Man - naive, if they think that they'll get to see many games next season. It can be very difficult to buy them by the game.
A friend of mine has bought 2 tickets to every game bar one that he couldn't make without any problems.

He wanted a season ticket but the club had sold out.

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by Dirk Gently » 30 May 2007 09:27

And, of course, the more matches you can get tickets for, the easier it then becomes to get tickets for other matches, because of the points you gain.

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by boycey » 30 May 2007 13:56

Row V Ah, so the plastics have now seen Manure/Cheatski/Assnal/etc live for the first time and don't know what all the fuss is about.

I'd love a ST, just can't afford the 19 transatlantic airfares.

I've had a ST for years, just don't enjoy the home games very much. Lifeless stadium, souless experience etc etc. Most of the time I just want to stay in the pub, so I may well do that next year instead.

Plus 550 quid is no small amount of money to spend on a pretty sedentary hobby.

hit the nail on the head there .
The watford game was a dull blip on what was otherwise a good days drinking .

There are far better ways to spend 550 squid .

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by Winchester Royal » 30 May 2007 14:32

People turn and and expect there to be a booming atmosphere, but don't realise that they have to be part of what creates it.

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by Royalee » 30 May 2007 14:37

Winchester Royal People turn and and expect there to be a booming atmosphere, but don't realise that they have to be part of what creates it.

Indeed, spot on.

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by Denver Royal » 30 May 2007 15:20

When I was a boy, I couldn't really afford to go to games because my pocket money didn't stretch that far. But I didn't think to myself 'I have no choice'. Instead, I supplemented my income by doing a paper round, working at a bakers, etc. Bottom line was, somehow, some way I found a way to pay for the game, bus fare, train fare, etc, Why? Because I really wanted to go. And I did.

If you currently have a season ticket, and go to games, and have beers and pies there, have a shirt and scarf, etc, it would indicate you have leisure money at your disposal.

Nobody likes the high prices, and if you choose not to go, thats your business. But the point is, you are making a choice.

You could quit smoking. Quit drinking. Quit taking a holiday. You could do a lot of things to come up with 500 quid and a season ticket. If you really want to.

Some who are claiming they won't re-up, will do so in the end anyway. And some who are broadcasting their plight want to have a moan and want sympathy and want for ReadingFC to cut prices in half or something like that.

Well, it aint happening. If you want to watch sports these days, you have to pay for it. The Premiership is what it is and it was that way before ReadingFC graced it with their presence.

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by Behindu » 30 May 2007 15:38

Finding £500 shouldn't be impossible for a lot of people, but may not be what they choose to do.

Reading University pay people for taking part in research programs, there are companies on the internet whopay you for taking part in market research, there is Ebay and car boots.

I can understand for some people they look at a tenner a week and decide they'd rather have 4 beers, or go see a film, or buy a CD.

But I'd put watching 19 games of football pretty high up - and I know that there is a huge difference between going every week and going to the odd game so I would be really loath to opt for 'Football Lite' and just do odd games in order to save a couple of hundred quid.

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by bigmike » 30 May 2007 16:28

I suspect that there will be a lot of people who are renewing this year choosing the installments option.

Either on an interest free credit card or through zebra finance

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by Mr Brightside » 30 May 2007 17:28

bigmike I suspect that there will be a lot of people who are renewing this year choosing the installments option.

Either on an interest free credit card or through zebra finance

I paid in installments last year, but decided to take the hit in one go this time.

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by The 17 Bus » 30 May 2007 19:56

anyone who can pay for a lap dance can afford a ST

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by Woodcote Royal » 30 May 2007 23:06

See you in August

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by Coppelled Streets » 31 May 2007 04:16

Winchester Royal People turn and and expect there to be a booming atmosphere, but don't realise that they have to be part of what creates it.


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by working class hero » 31 May 2007 17:25

Finding £500 shouldn't be impossible for a lot of people, but may not be what they choose to do

Although this is simplistic and only works for single people. Chuck in a spouse who may not be able to work and one or more kids and many will be looking to find a great deal more than that.

I know one family of 7 who may be forced out for the first time in 10 years as the sum required now is over £3000....

The megablock was a great idea for folk in this predicament.

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by Dirk Gently » 31 May 2007 18:54

Now multiply that £500 for a family of 4 or 5, or a pensioner, and expect them to find it all in one go.

There are quite a few people (as well as quite a few who are under 18 or over 65) who won't be eligible for the credit scheme for one reason or another - for them they have to find the money all in one go, which may not be so easy.

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by Maguire » 31 May 2007 22:10

It isn't just about the money though. Not everybody lives for the football.

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by Jerry St Clair » 01 Jun 2007 08:34

The 17 Bus anyone who can pay for a lap dance can afford a ST


If Nigel Howe takes me into a private room, plys me with gin and tonics, gets his tits out and rubs them in my face, I might buy a season ticket.

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by working class hero » 01 Jun 2007 12:14

the credit scheme

Obviously worth noting that when we were struggling to half fill the ground the credit scheme offered incurred one fee [?£20] for all tickets bought. Now it incurs a fee per ticket...

Sure, the club is a business and this will maximise profits. However, it is also a poor way to treat those who were loyal enough to watch games against Huddersfield, Walsall etc.
Especially since the increase in TV cash is so huge that the club could let in all 18000 STHs free all season and still be better off than last season.

Should the club fall from grace and be relegated [a likely occurrence at some stage] then it may find that its newer fans desert and those whom it has priced out will be loath to return.
The phrase may be 'hoist with its own petard'.

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by Mummy » 05 Jun 2007 10:54

I have just renewed mine - only one in our family of four .

Kids not interested any more and hubby will be entertaining them 8)

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by Behindu » 05 Jun 2007 10:58

working class hero
the credit scheme

Obviously worth noting that when we were struggling to half fill the ground the credit scheme offered incurred one fee [?£20] for all tickets bought. Now it incurs a fee per ticket...

Sure, the club is a business and this will maximise profits. .

Not sure it will make the club any money (directly) as the current scheme is run by a third party whereas before it was run by the club.

I know the club stopped running the scheme at least partly because the admin headache in chasing all the people who got their ticket and then failed to keep up with payments was to big.

It would be great if there was an interest free credit scheme (like you can get with certain football cards) but at least part of the blame for there not being is done to the few who as ever spoil it for the many

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