by Denver Royal »
30 May 2007 15:20
When I was a boy, I couldn't really afford to go to games because my pocket money didn't stretch that far. But I didn't think to myself 'I have no choice'. Instead, I supplemented my income by doing a paper round, working at a bakers, etc. Bottom line was, somehow, some way I found a way to pay for the game, bus fare, train fare, etc, Why? Because I really wanted to go. And I did.
If you currently have a season ticket, and go to games, and have beers and pies there, have a shirt and scarf, etc, it would indicate you have leisure money at your disposal.
Nobody likes the high prices, and if you choose not to go, thats your business. But the point is, you are making a choice.
You could quit smoking. Quit drinking. Quit taking a holiday. You could do a lot of things to come up with 500 quid and a season ticket. If you really want to.
Some who are claiming they won't re-up, will do so in the end anyway. And some who are broadcasting their plight want to have a moan and want sympathy and want for ReadingFC to cut prices in half or something like that.
Well, it aint happening. If you want to watch sports these days, you have to pay for it. The Premiership is what it is and it was that way before ReadingFC graced it with their presence.