Known Available seats

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Known Available seats

by One Beer is never enough. » 26 Jun 2007 05:52

As per my entry on the 'Not renewing' link, the following seats are known to be available (If you can stand being next to a 4 and 6 year old).

Y25 HH 211 and 212.

in case anyone is interested and cares, qutoing exact seats may help their cause..............

Anyone elso who knows of available seats feel free to join this public information system!

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by addsrfc » 28 Jun 2007 12:46

Y19 seats 40 and 41

if you can stand sitting in front of a moaning women who "knows everything"

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by Silver Fox » 28 Jun 2007 12:54

You'll have to be more specific, that describes every woman in the world doesn't it?

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by bigmike » 28 Jun 2007 12:58

It doesn't matter where you sit if you are infront of a woman they will know everything anyways :lol:

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by Huntley & Palmer » 28 Jun 2007 14:57

Silver Fox You'll have to be more specific, that describes every woman in the world doesn't it?

I'd narrowed it down to RL myself

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by Vision » 28 Jun 2007 15:02

Upper West Row DD seat 226.

This is also next to a woman but i'm not sexist and won't say she claims to know everything. She does however shout "what are you playing at"? every 8 minutes and 30 seconds. I've always assumed she is directing this at the players but as a man with a guilty conscience i do frequently have to ensure my flies aren't open.

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Re: Known Available seats

by bb0118 » 28 Jun 2007 15:15

One Beer is never enough. As per my entry on the 'Not renewing' link, the following seats are known to be available (If you can stand being next to a 4 and 6 year old).

Y25 HH 211 and 212.

in case anyone is interested and cares, qutoing exact seats may help their cause..............

Anyone elso who knows of available seats feel free to join this public information system!

Your very near floyd_____streete ST seat and Im ony 25 seats up from you (well was!)

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by eaststandbird » 28 Jun 2007 17:00

Y26 FF 256

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by Royal Lady » 28 Jun 2007 17:32

Huntley & Palmer
Silver Fox You'll have to be more specific, that describes every woman in the world doesn't it?

I'd narrowed it down to RL myself
:evil: I always shout encouragement. Unlike the old baggage behind me. (And I don't mean Russell Street) :wink:

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Re: Known Available seats

by One Beer is never enough. » 28 Jun 2007 19:02

One Beer is never enough. As per my entry on the 'Not renewing' link, the following seats are known to be available (If you can stand being next to a 4 and 6 year old).

Y25 HH 211 and 212.

in case anyone is interested and cares, qutoing exact seats may help their cause..............

Anyone elso who knows of available seats feel free to join this public information system!

Your very near floyd_____streete ST seat and Im ony 25 seats up from you (well was!)

Well I've probably outed myself them (damn the secrecy of a message board)..... the good news is the seats are the opposite side to the direction I have to walk to the steps for the four year old to go to the toilet halfway through each half!

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by Russell Street » 29 Jun 2007 15:14

Royal Lady
Huntley & Palmer
Silver Fox You'll have to be more specific, that describes every woman in the world doesn't it?

I'd narrowed it down to RL myself
:evil: I always shout encouragement. Unlike the old baggage behind me. (And I don't mean Russell Street) :wink:

Oi! I might well join in with her this season. I shall boo every time we score a goal and shout 'You're rubbish' if we don't score more than two. And hopefully we'll be relegated so the extension doesn't go ahead, and I can keep my 'prime' seat.

You're gonna love me....x x

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by Royal Lady » 29 Jun 2007 16:37

:roll: Have you EVER seen them clap a goal or stand up after we've scored? Only whenever we're going mental, they appear to be sat down. :roll:

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by Mummy » 29 Jun 2007 17:17

Two seats to my left and one to my right up for grabs in G9 thanks to the rest of my family :roll:

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by Dirk Gently » 29 Jun 2007 17:18

Mummy Two seats to my left and one to my right up for grabs in G9 thanks to the rest of my family :roll:

addsrfc Y19 seats 40 and 41

if you can stand sitting in front of a moaning women who "knows everything"

Suddenly it all becomes clear.... :wink:

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by Mummy » 29 Jun 2007 17:27

Dirk Gently
Mummy Two seats to my left and one to my right up for grabs in G9 thanks to the rest of my family :roll:

addsrfc Y19 seats 40 and 41

if you can stand sitting in front of a moaning women who "knows everything"

Suddenly it all becomes clear.... :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol: It's all the men in my family that are the moaners - hence being left behind this season- hoo bloody ray

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