by RoyalBlue »
31 Jan 2008 13:47
West Stand Man RoyalBlue ... they could make strong representations to both those bodies and include video evidence to prove how bad the persistent standing was. Will they? Well I wouldn't bet anything on that happening.
They could, but until there is a way of physically reducing the number of away seats without financially penalising RFC then I can't see it happening. The away section that we have at the moment is as small as it can be. If we reduced the away allocation that would simply reduce the total crowd numbers. What is needed is a way to take a smaller section of the stadium for away fans, so that the balance of the seats freed up can be sold on to home fans. Maybe the design of the extension will take that into consideration?
If you are right, then the point is prove i.e. To the club income means far more than the perceived and loudly trumpeted safety risk of supporters standing throughout the game.
starliaison Nice though that may seem it will not happen and when the FLA insist on reducing numbers they don't just sell 90% of the seats and have the remaining 10% to try to sell to home fans (assuming this was possible logistically) as the whole reason the FLA use is that standing fans need more room and so the club has to take one ticket in 10 out of those for sale to allow more space for standing. The club have suggested that means they should increase the cost of tickets when this happens but we at STAR have argued against that strongly as the fight for away fans to be charged the same as home fans is not one to give up whatever the justification. So despite what is perceived on here the club puts a lot of effort into getting the away fans to sit as they do not want to see 10% of the away income taken away by the FLA.
So talking about that great effort made to make away fans sit - how many Man U fans were quietly apprehended in the concourse and ejected for persistent standing (in the seated area!)?
They keep telling us it happens but never offer any evidence to support it. Little wonder that what is perceived on here is that they don't put that much effort in.