by Huntley & Palmer » 20 Mar 2008 14:43
by West Stand Man » 20 Mar 2008 17:11
Woodcote Royal Dead ducks, dodos and white Elephants are starting to form an orderly queue just north of Mortimer........................
Whilst I have no doubt that, sometime in the not too distant future we will start to see the beginnings of a new station at Green Park, the chances of it ever being of much use to Reading fans on match days seems as remote as ever.
Using some of the thousands of empty parking spaces that lie between this much anticipated new facility and the Mad Stad has only ever required permission from the blinkered owners of Green Park, yet nearly a decade since we moved from EP, I am one of a very small number of fans who are lucky enough to enjoy this privilege.
Sorry, but I think there's more chance of flying pigs dive-bombing Lime Square than a train service being provided that will be worth using on matchdays, especially considering the station is going to be three quarters of a mile from the Mad Stad.
by Woodcote Royal » 21 Mar 2008 04:08
Huntley & Palmer Bit strange that you write off the vast majority of West Reading, most of whom I would presume get to the ground via a bus from the station or drive. Add in two pubs that run double decker buses to the ground from this area and I think you would find a rather large amount of people that would get a match day train to Green Park from Reading West.
The whole points is to stop people from driving to the ground, not encourage it which is why Green Park has never been a consideration.
by The Cube » 21 Mar 2008 11:20
The CubeRhys The Royal Any progress?
And now for my normal contribution to this topic. Remembered to look out the train window this morning and there is no sign of station-building or approach work on either side of the line.
by Rhys The Royal » 05 Jun 2008 20:08
by The Cube » 05 Jun 2008 21:18
by Royalshow » 05 Jun 2008 21:50
by JC » 05 Jun 2008 23:53
by premiership_bound » 06 Jun 2008 08:51
by Chaney » 26 Jul 2008 00:53
by North Somerset Royal » 03 Sep 2008 22:25
by Streets » 05 Sep 2008 08:18
by West Stand Man » 05 Sep 2008 08:32
Streets It has to way way down in the list of priorities now we're back in the Championship and not filling the stadium weekly.
by Wycombe Royal » 05 Sep 2008 08:32
Streets It has to way way down in the list of priorities now we're back in the Championship and not filling the stadium weekly.
by Streets » 05 Sep 2008 08:34
by Wycombe Royal » 05 Sep 2008 08:45
Streets I didn't say we were paying for it. I meant that the fact we are attractind around 5000 less people to that 'area' most weeks, it's useage is greatly reduced and therefore less of a priority now.
by Stranded » 05 Sep 2008 08:46
Streets I didn't say we were paying for it. I meant that the fact we are attractind around 5000 less people to that 'area' most weeks, it's useage is greatly reduced and therefore less of a priority now.
by Streets » 05 Sep 2008 08:53
Wycombe RoyalStreets I didn't say we were paying for it. I meant that the fact we are attractind around 5000 less people to that 'area' most weeks, it's useage is greatly reduced and therefore less of a priority now.
But what difference does that make to the Pru? As I said they would rather football fans werre banned from using it.
by Jerry St Clair » 05 Sep 2008 08:54
Streets I didn't say we were paying for it. I meant that the fact we are attractind around 5000 less people to that 'area' most weeks, it's useage is greatly reduced and therefore less of a priority now.
by Wycombe Royal » 05 Sep 2008 09:01
StreetsWycombe RoyalStreets I didn't say we were paying for it. I meant that the fact we are attractind around 5000 less people to that 'area' most weeks, it's useage is greatly reduced and therefore less of a priority now.
But what difference does that make to the Pru? As I said they would rather football fans werre banned from using it.
Not to the Pru, sure, but 20,000 using it for football will far out way the usage to and from the offices in a 2 week period and therefore the football will bring greater revenue.
I take your point that the station is mainly for the business park. I had thought as it was talked up so much that it was very much for the football traffic to and from town, but clearly not so much.
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