by Mr Loyal Royal » 29 Oct 2008 20:45
by PlasticRoyale » 30 Oct 2008 05:25
by RFCMod » 30 Oct 2008 08:28
PlasticRoyale The 3 Chav kids sat behind me who talked constantly about their driving lessons. Finally had enough by hte time we played Watford (prem) and asked them to put a sock in it (i may have sworn a few times)
by Sun Tzu » 30 Oct 2008 09:10
by LoyalRoyalFan » 30 Oct 2008 16:07
Mr Loyal Royal People who make irrelevant comments, that have no meaning whatsoever throughout the game, man behind me does it constantly for 90mins.
by madreadingfan » 30 Oct 2008 16:13
by bobby1413 » 30 Oct 2008 16:20
madreadingfan they dont veen cheer if we score they just do little pathetic claps
by T.R.O.L.I. » 31 Oct 2008 13:30
by urz_1871 » 31 Oct 2008 13:35
bobby1413madreadingfan they dont veen cheer if we score they just do little pathetic claps
I do that sometimes, especially when I know that Tom Hark is about to start. I normally just stand motionless for that, waiting for the all clear to sit back down again.
by West Stand Man » 31 Oct 2008 14:09
urz_1871bobby1413madreadingfan they dont veen cheer if we score they just do little pathetic claps
I do that sometimes, especially when I know that Tom Hark is about to start. I normally just stand motionless for that, waiting for the all clear to sit back down again.
I do exactly the same thing. What is worse is that it's starting to come into the away games when we score.
Tom Hark is shite. We don't need some crap music when we score a goal and doing some stupid dance.
by madreadingfan » 31 Oct 2008 15:30
by gh7901 » 01 Nov 2008 15:08
madreadingfan tbh i dont mind tom hark, if your away from home and the home opposition score and that music gets played and everyones dancing around like mad being prats i would be really pissed offbecause its like were laughing at them with a dance and song which is really childish but it does make the opposition fans feel worse so thats why i like it
by winchester_royal » 02 Nov 2008 16:28
gh7901madreadingfan tbh i dont mind tom hark, if your away from home and the home opposition score and that music gets played and everyones dancing around like mad being prats i would be really pissed offbecause its like were laughing at them with a dance and song which is really childish but it does make the opposition fans feel worse so thats why i like it
Im sure away fans dont get pissed off about it at all. They probably just think we're slightly pathetic
by SLAMMED » 02 Nov 2008 19:39
lowerwestjnr The fat bloke behind me whenever i stood up told me to sit down, and he only stood up the whole game to get a pie. Not even for a goal :O I have now moved seat. West stand pcunt
by bobby1413 » 02 Nov 2008 20:29
West Stand Manurz_1871bobby1413 I do exactly the same thing. What is worse is that it's starting to come into the away games when we score.
Tom Hark is shite. We don't need some crap music when we score a goal and doing some stupid dance.
Yawn. This has been argued to death so many times and to no conclusion. If you listen to the line on HNA you'd think it was very unpopular, yet every time that TH is played there is a large proportion of the crowd responding to it. The current compromise is fine by me; play it and allow those who want to respond to it do so, and the others of us can stand or sit without responding to it.
by S09Royal » 03 Nov 2008 19:58
by nicky's left foot » 03 Nov 2008 22:06
by tee peg » 03 Nov 2008 23:06
by SLAMMED » 04 Nov 2008 00:34
PlasticRoyale The 3 Chav kids sat behind me who talked constantly about their driving lessons. Finally had enough by hte time we played Watford (prem) and asked them to put a sock in it (i may have sworn a few times)
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