Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by RoyalBlue » 24 Aug 2012 17:44

Harpers So Solid Crew Is to do with being a tripping hazard. With lid rolls, no lid can trip pple up.

I think that is just a dodgy excuse that they came up with at one point to justify the policy. If it is the real reason, how come people are able to bring in flasks, bottles of sun cream etc. What's more there are plenty of other trip hazards that are allowed in.

Does the same policy apply to the rugger buggers?

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Royal Lady » 25 Aug 2012 12:46

John Madejski's Wallet
Royal Lady I also saw someone with a bottle of coke with the lid on on Saturday. Either they managed to smuggle it in, or someone behind the kiosks doesn't know you have to remove the lid. I bought a little bottle of water and the bloke fair apologised for having to remove the lid, bless him.

Please tell me you didnt grass about lids not being removed :evil: :evil:

I hate having the lid taken as I end up drinking my drink before half time even gets there, and going for a p*ss before the game is a pain :evil: :evil:
Stupid f*cking rule. As if some idiots think you can't throw a bottle very far without the lid :roll: . Seeing the distance pint glasses of p*ss go at Reading festival tells you thats bollox

// sadly enough, I generally have a spare lid in my pocket when I go to games, so I can put the lid on after entering the stadium :oops:

No I didn't grass about that - I was just mentioning that it's not consistent. I don't see the point of it either - I'm sure I've been to other grounds where they don't make you remove the lids, so why would it be dangerous in one ground and not in another? :|

And, for the record, I haven't grassed about anything - I mentioned the positioning of the ambulance, the bloke selling lager in the entrance to the ladies toilets, the stewards blocking the entrance into the concourse just before half time and the fact that the tiny bag of a 52 year old woman is searched for "offensive weapons" but last season a Cardiff fan managed to bring in and set off a flare in the away end. Just thought if I pointed out a few observations, something might be done to change a few things .

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Rex » 25 Aug 2012 20:10

I am sure there is an issue with plastic bottles with lids for other reasons such as a trip hazard on stairwells. Leaving the lid on may prevent the bottle being crushed if stood on. At Chelsea I was admiring the health and safety officers complete disregard to bottles laying on the steps while he paraded up and down.

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by PieEater » 17 Sep 2012 12:48

It was there again, time to set RL on them?

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by royalflush » 18 Sep 2012 15:30

Take a photo of everyone squeezing past at the end of a game and go to the local rag complaining about what would happen in an emergency. I'm sure something will get done with a bit of publicity.

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by John Madejski's Wallet » 19 Sep 2012 15:21

Forgot to take a lid with me, so begrudgingly queued up for a fanta at the outside kiosk, knowing they were going to take the lid.

Got quite excited that they weren't taking the lids from any people in front of me (who all had coke or water), so was right f*cked off when she took my lid :cry:

......clearly they only take your lid if its fanta (or more likely that you just look a wrong 'un) :evil:

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Royal Lady » 19 Sep 2012 20:50

PieEater It was there again, time to set RL on them?

They PROMISED me they were looking into that. I suggest you write to the club PieEater and anyone else who feels it is causing an obstruction. The more people who write in and explain the problem, the more likely they are to take notice.

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Rex » 19 Sep 2012 22:00

John Madejski's Wallet ......clearly they only take your lid if its fanta (or more likely that you just look a wrong 'un) :evil:

this is correct.

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by melonhead » 20 Sep 2012 11:46

Royal Lady
PieEater It was there again, time to set RL on them?

They PROMISED me they were looking into that. I suggest you write to the club PieEater and anyone else who feels it is causing an obstruction. The more people who write in and explain the problem, the more likely they are to take notice.

im sure they have looked into it

cant expect tehm to do every little thing you demand of them, theyd need to hire a new person just to wade through them all for starters

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Royal Lady » 20 Sep 2012 15:21

Pah. If that were me, I'd think "ooh H&S issue with ambulance obstructing exit walkways at end of a game - let's ensure we tell the ambulance people to park across the road for future games. "

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by melonhead » 21 Sep 2012 10:06

clearly looked at it and thought, what is the old bint going on about- loads of space to walk around it-case closed

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Green » 21 Sep 2012 13:09

Didn't think this'd make five pages tbf.

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 21 Sep 2012 13:16

To be fair, if a H&S issue has been raised, as it has by RL, and then there is an incident that involves this ambulance the club could find themselves on a very sticky wicket.

That is what risk assessment is all about, RL has pointed out a risk, the club decide to ignore it at their peril.

It is not quite Hillsborough, but any rush out can cause a crush, and forcing crowds down a small space is hazardous at the best of times. Imagine a fire and 8000 fans trying to escape quickly for safety, go RL and stop being so , ok its not a problem Benders.

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 21 Sep 2012 13:16

To be fair, if a H&S issue has been raised, as it has by RL, and then there is an incident that involves this ambulance the club could find themselves on a very sticky wicket.

That is what risk assessment is all about, RL has pointed out a risk, the club decide to ignore it at their peril.

It is not quite Hillsborough, but any rush out can cause a crush, and forcing crowds down a small space is hazardous at the best of times. Imagine a fire and 8000 fans trying to escape quickly for safety, go RL and stop being so , ok its not a problem Benders.

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Alexander Litvinenko » 21 Sep 2012 13:30

Svlad Cjelli This was raised at a meeting of the Safety Advisory Group about 3 years ago and it was agreed to be a problem - and a promise was made that the ambulance would park elsewhere so the problem wouldn't happen again.

That certainly stopped this happening for a while - looks like someone at the club or on the SAG has forgotten all about the problem this causes.

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Royal Lady » 21 Sep 2012 15:15

And IGNORED my email to them on the subject, and just gave platitudes.

Let's hope this doesn't cause a problem in the future. I've already been pushed into once by the force of people squeezing past.

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Royal Lady » 21 Sep 2012 15:21

Tbf - this is all they said about the ambulance in their response:

Your feedback will also be passed on regarding the positioning of our stewards, mobile hawkers and Ambulance

Doesn't actually say they are going to do anything, just pass my feedback on. :roll:

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 22 Sep 2012 08:39

TBF that is the only response I would expect, I would then expect to know what the decision was after it had been passed on. ANd would keep asking what that decision is, and has it been looked at?

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by Rex » 22 Sep 2012 10:56

RL - to get your opinions rolling, there needs to be a groundswell of additional support and suggestions. Should it be a lone email received it will probably be ignored.

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Re: Ambulance obstructing Gate 7 exit

by SLAMMED » 22 Sep 2012 21:11

At least if there is an injury they can simply throw open the back doors and sling them in the back.

You could always fake getting injured while someone films it. You could be on the next claims direct advert.

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