Always the Bridesmaid.....

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Always the Bridesmaid.....

by floyd__streete » 06 Aug 2014 20:32

Any excitement at signing two players unwanted at Forest is surely tempered by the fact that Forest themselves have signed the exciting young Assombalonga from Peterborough. £5 million is a lot of money to pay but you can bet your bottom dollar that he'll score more in the Champ than Cox and Mackie will score.....combined. We'll just make do with Forest's cheap cast-offs eh :?:

Different ownership, same old, same old. Perhaps we'll soon be able to add Forest to the increasing list of teams we used to be streets ahead of who have now passed us by since that 2005-07 Golden Era; Burnley, Palace, Hull, Saints, Swansea.....

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by MmmMonsterMunch » 06 Aug 2014 21:08

What a load of nonsense. Imagine how Forest fans feel given they've won the European cup & have been scratching around the lower divisions for almost 20 years now.

Sh1t happens. Every club has it's peaks & troughs.

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by Ian Royal » 06 Aug 2014 21:20

Come on Floyd, you can do better than this.

floyd__streete But again, he's [Mackie] be an improvement on current dire options HRK and Blackman.

floyd__streete Cox would significantly improve our threadbare squad.

Changed your tune a little. Your posts on the rumours threads show boundless enthusiasm compared to your normal suicidal rants.

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by Vision » 07 Aug 2014 08:52

Bit odd to compare us with former European Champions Forest who have finished above us in the league pyramid just once in the last 8 seasons as an example of how far we've supposedly fallen in that time period.

Even for someone with Floyd's amusingly miserablist outlook

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by sandman » 07 Aug 2014 09:15

floyd__streete Any excitement at signing two players unwanted at Forest is surely tempered by the fact that Forest themselves have signed the exciting young Assombalonga from Peterborough. £5 million is a lot of money to pay but you can bet your bottom dollar that he'll score more in the Champ than Cox and Mackie will score.....combined. We'll just make do with Forest's cheap cast-offs eh :?:

Different ownership, same old, same old. Perhaps we'll soon be able to add Forest to the increasing list of teams we used to be streets ahead of who have now passed us by since that 2005-07 Golden Era; Burnley, Palace, Hull, Saints, Swansea.....

They've also sold two of their brightest players, signed a Reading reject and the owner has fallen out with their new Manager a couple of months into the job.

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by floyd__streete » 07 Aug 2014 12:48

Ian Royal Come on Floyd, you can do better than this.

floyd__streete But again, he's [Mackie] be an improvement on current dire options HRK and Blackman.

floyd__streete Cox would significantly improve our threadbare squad.

Changed your tune a little.

How exactly is that changing my tune, Ian?

As I've pointed out:

Assambalonga > Cox <> Mackie > Blackman <> HRK.

Was being a bit tongue in cheek on this thread really, apologies for the lack of winky face for you all.....I realise how difficult the internet can be for you without emoticons.

Forest may be splashing the cash, but with the woeful Pearce in charge I don't expect them to be too far ahead of us* given that Psycho makes Adkins look Rinus Michels.

*assuming we bring in Mackie, Cox, Ferdinand.

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by Green » 07 Aug 2014 14:48

My favourite Ian Royal anecdote is probably the one about meeting Schards who kindly bought him a pint. Come 9am Monday morning IR was back on here calling him a pcunt.

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by Royal Lady » 07 Aug 2014 16:19

Green My favourite Ian Royal anecdote is probably the one about meeting Schards who kindly bought him a pint. Come 9am Monday morning IR was back on here calling him a pcunt.

LOLz - not only that, he was saying that EVERY Tory he'd ever met was a pcunt - and he'd happily chatted to me for a while too! :lol:

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by soggy biscuit » 07 Aug 2014 16:40

Green My favourite Ian Royal anecdote is probably the one about meeting Schards who kindly bought him a pint. Come 9am Monday morning IR was back on here calling him a pcunt.


No Fixed Abode

Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by No Fixed Abode » 07 Aug 2014 16:53

Simon Cox is a typical modern day English player. Think they're big stars from a few months decent form, ponce about and get lots of tattoo's whilst their career remains stagnant.

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by Royal Lady » 07 Aug 2014 16:58

No Fixed Abode Simon Cox is a typical modern day English player. Think they're big stars from a few months decent form, ponce about and get lots of tattoo's whilst their career remains stagnant.

He's ok Kes, when you get to know him. :wink:

No Fixed Abode

Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by No Fixed Abode » 07 Aug 2014 16:59

Royal Lady
No Fixed Abode Simon Cox is a typical modern day English player. Think they're big stars from a few months decent form, ponce about and get lots of tattoo's whilst their career remains stagnant.

He's ok Kes, when you get to know him. :wink:

I do. He went to my school. His career has been stagnant though....

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by Royal Lady » 07 Aug 2014 17:02

You ok hun? Feeling a bit jeaLOLous? He's a nice bloke - or he was when I was in touch with him - hope he left FB rather than deleted me :wink: Sent my niece a couple of signed pics when he was at West Brom and always been polite and not at all like you describe.

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by Mr Optimist » 07 Aug 2014 18:11

Royal Lady You ok hun? Feeling a bit jeaLOLous? He's a nice bloke - or he was when I was in touch with him - hope he left FB rather than deleted me :wink: Sent my niece a couple of signed pics when he was at West Brom and always been polite and not at all like you describe.

Cox was a gent when I met him in the hotel bar once. He was sat with his mum and dad having a pint after a West Brom game and he was happy to chat and my eldest had his picture taken with him.
None of the big headphones on pretending to listen to music and straight off home in a flash motor without even looking up to acknowledge supporters shenanigans that you get from some Premier Loleague Superoflstars.

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by Nameless » 07 Aug 2014 19:22

We're a bridesmaid that's won the league twice in the last decade.

Really not sure you've chosen a winning analogy there Floyd.....

Bet Leeds, Wolves, Forest, Middlesboro and a number of others would love to be asked to be a bridesmaid....

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by sandman » 07 Aug 2014 19:37

floyd__streete Pah, Puh, Pfft I was only joking lads, can't you tell?

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by P!ssed Off » 07 Aug 2014 19:40

No Fixed Abode
Royal Lady
No Fixed Abode Simon Cox is a typical modern day English player. Think they're big stars from a few months decent form, ponce about and get lots of tattoo's whilst their career remains stagnant.

He's ok Kes, when you get to know him. :wink:

I do. He went to my school. His career has been stagnant though....

You're 36 and he's 27.
How many years were you held back m8?

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by No Fixed Abode » 07 Aug 2014 19:51

Pretty weird that you profess to know my age m8.

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by P!ssed Off » 07 Aug 2014 20:51

Username:No Fixed Abode

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Re: Always the Bridesmaid.....

by W&E Royal » 07 Aug 2014 22:48

floyd__streete Any excitement at signing two players unwanted at Forest is surely tempered by the fact that Forest themselves have signed the exciting young Assombalonga from Peterborough. £5 million is a lot of money to pay but you can bet your bottom dollar that he'll score more in the Champ than Cox and Mackie will score.....combined. We'll just make do with Forest's cheap cast-offs eh :?:

Different ownership, same old, same old. Perhaps we'll soon be able to add Forest to the increasing list of teams we used to be streets ahead of who have now passed us by since that 2005-07 Golden Era; Burnley, Palace, Hull, Saints, Swansea.....

For someone who lives in the past you are sounding like one of those idiots on Samrits Facebook page.

I see people criticise or disagree with you on here and it's amazing how other people jump on them and stand up for you. You are their king or leader, it's like Lord of the Flies and poor old Ian Royal is Piggy.

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