PA announcer

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Re: PA announcer

by sandman » 20 Dec 2015 22:31

paultheroyal For all these comments, for all his cringeyness I think he is bloody brilliant.

He is our embarrassment, let's embrace him.

You would.

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Re: PA announcer

by IceIceGylfi » 20 Dec 2015 23:22

He was annoying yet again today. It was satisfying to see when he did the "come on urzzzz" quite a few people around me were giving him the finger. Rightfully so, he was piss annoying as usual. :evil:

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Re: PA announcer

by Caversham Royal » 20 Dec 2015 23:26

bobby1413 When he did the back the boys and make some noise... I thought he had got the message as there was a pause and until that bit it wasn't too bad - well, by that I mean I didn't want to stick pins in my ears.

Then he did the "Can you hear the royals fans... COOOMmmEEEMEMEMEMEEE ooNNNNnNNNNnnN YOUUUUUUUUU ARSSEEEEEEERRSSSSSSS" or whatever in god's name he chose to squeal down the microphone.

From my spot in the East Stand I decided to adopt the 'grown up' approach of shouting something rude in his general direction when he did this today, just to make myself feel a bit better. This drew a laugh from one or two folk sat in front of me but one fella took a real exception to it & I was told in no uncertain terms I was "bang out of order" & to "mind my language". Have I inadvertently found out where Mr PA Announcer's Father sits I wonder....... :?

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Re: PA announcer

by bobby1413 » 21 Dec 2015 09:31

Caversham Royal
bobby1413 When he did the back the boys and make some noise... I thought he had got the message as there was a pause and until that bit it wasn't too bad - well, by that I mean I didn't want to stick pins in my ears.

Then he did the "Can you hear the royals fans... COOOMmmEEEMEMEMEMEEE ooNNNNnNNNNnnN YOUUUUUUUUU ARSSEEEEEEERRSSSSSSS" or whatever in god's name he chose to squeal down the microphone.

From my spot in the East Stand I decided to adopt the 'grown up' approach of shouting something rude in his general direction when he did this today, just to make myself feel a bit better. This drew a laugh from one or two folk sat in front of me but one fella took a real exception to it & I was told in no uncertain terms I was "bang out of order" & to "mind my language". Have I inadvertently found out where Mr PA Announcer's Father sits I wonder....... :?

If someone at a football match told me to "mind my language", I'd promptly respond by saying "fcuk you stupid cnut" and then poke them in the eye

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Re: PA announcer

by PieEater » 21 Dec 2015 09:47

I think he must be a Bullseye fan,

Innn 2
Innn 3

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Re: PA announcer

by Lenny The Tramp » 21 Dec 2015 10:15

At the end of the game he gave the score as 'Reading 4 … er … 1, Blackburn 0'

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Re: PA announcer

by SCIAG » 21 Dec 2015 13:20

Lenny The Tramp At the end of the game he gave the score as 'Reading 4 … er … 1, Blackburn 0'

Can't pin that on this guy. As always, it was the one who does the safety announcement, the first of the team announcements (although yesterday that was the new guy, who was literally hopeless with his "H. Akpan"), and the attendance. I'd be quite happy for him to do everything.

Rather than complaining on here, why not complain (constructively) to the club? They encourage complaints to come through customerservice[at] I'm sure they'd take two or three emails on board.

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Re: PA announcer

by bobby1413 » 21 Dec 2015 13:42

Lenny The Tramp At the end of the game he gave the score as 'Reading 4 … er … 1, Blackburn 0'

Rather than complaining on here, why not complain (constructively) to the club? They encourage complaints to come through customerservice[at] I'm sure they'd take two or three emails on board.

That email address isn't working

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Re: PA announcer

by Winchester Royal » 21 Dec 2015 13:58

You need to take the '[at]' out and replace it with '@' ;)

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Re: PA announcer

by bobby1413 » 21 Dec 2015 14:14

Winchester Royal You need to take the '[at]' out and replace it with '@' ;)

Ah brilliant, working now - thanks

( :wink: )

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Re: PA announcer

by Vicky Pollard » 21 Dec 2015 14:19

The worst offence from this idiot yesterday was completely mistiming McDemott's exit from the tunnel.
There were more photographers lining the dugout than away supporters, all ready to welcome Brian's return like the rest of us.
Instead of welcoming Brian back as he walked out he chose to completely ignore this and read out the away team with initials for their first names. :|

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Re: PA announcer

by Forbury Lion » 21 Dec 2015 15:04

RustyRoyal Doesn't he know the names of the away players?
"J Rhodes, C Conway, H Akpan, D Guthrie, Jesus Christ"
how many more ways to be even more shit can he come up with?

That's some line up......
Jesus Christ on right wing - better watch out for those crosses.

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Re: PA announcer

by Ian Royal » 22 Dec 2015 19:30

This moron makes me want to sit in the away end and support the opposition. Just do the announcements, stfu and piss off. He is not a cheer leader or a conductor. I'd rather punch him in the face than do anything he said.

Also, don't like being told when to shout URRZZZ by the pre-match video. I'll shout when I want to shout thanks.

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Re: PA announcer

by blueroyals » 22 Dec 2015 20:01

Players are lined up, ref is checking his watch, fans are ready to watch some football, but Mr. PA man seemed to think that 16k were there to listen to him as he made his usual 90 second speech about roaring or lions or something. Need a co-ordinated effort to boo him next time he doesn't STFU when the players are ready to kick off.

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Re: PA announcer

by bobby1413 » 22 Dec 2015 22:53

Said that for ages now. Fans do cheer when instead there should be an effort to boo him.

Or chant wan'er at him or something

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Re: PA announcer

by Winchester Royal » 22 Dec 2015 23:08

He can't fail - I can't see how the fans will boo at the start of the game because they don't like the PA guy - all he does is direct whatever positivity there is onto the players and take the credit for the crowd - without him there, it's likely that the same would occur.

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Re: PA announcer

by bobby1413 » 22 Dec 2015 23:45

Winchester Royal He can't fail - I can't see how the fans will boo at the start of the game because they don't like the PA guy - all he does is direct whatever positivity there is onto the players and take the credit for the crowd - without him there, it's likely that the same would occur.

Yea true... I think I would struggle to be negative as the players are getting read to kick off and he's still screaming on about shaking the foundations.


I am going to email the customer service address as posted above.

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Re: PA announcer

by paddy20 » 23 Dec 2015 08:54

blueroyals Players are lined up, ref is checking his watch, fans are ready to watch some football, but Mr. PA man seemed to think that 16k were there to listen to him as he made his usual 90 second speech about roaring or lions or something. Need a co-ordinated effort to boo him next time he doesn't STFU when the players are ready to kick off.

Lets just say his timing is dreadful - I wonder what his day job is - Ive heard he's one of those blokes that puts the cones out on the Motorway 14 days before work starts!

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Re: PA announcer

by Forbury Lion » 23 Dec 2015 10:51

Winchester Royal He can't fail - I can't see how the fans will boo at the start of the game because they don't like the PA guy - all he does is direct whatever positivity there is onto the players and take the credit for the crowd - without him there, it's likely that the same would occur.
+1 He's a newbie and by his own words we have a legendary atmosphere which suggests the atmosphere was good before he left Butlins and joined us.

However, He has all the right ingredients to be a great PA announcer (Clear voice, loud enough, ability to read) if only he could be tamed.

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Re: PA announcer

by Winston Smith » 23 Dec 2015 11:00

PA announcer is bad but the whole PA usage is just abysmal. Deafening music meaning you literally cannot hear the person stood next to you, sirens before the game, goal celebration music etc etc

I am there to watch football you pcunts not to see a pantomime

nothing will top announcing the score at the end of the match though. who on earth thought that needed to be done?? :lol:

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