by Hound » 30 Jul 2018 12:02
Hound bought a kit each for the kids on Saturday - both pretty nice actually. The Black looks even better IRL
by Hound » 30 Jul 2018 15:33
by CountryRoyal » 30 Jul 2018 18:35
by RoyalBlue » 30 Jul 2018 19:02
Elm Park KidJagermesiter1871blueroyals
They've been removed from the listings page but the product pages are still available via the URL. Unless they've got some kind of buy-back agreement with Puma they'll need to get rid of them somehow, and the fact that they've not deleted the product pages yet suggests they might be back on sale at a later date...
Asked in the megastore today if they had any of the old shirts and was told they're not on sale anymore. Hoping they will come back on sale once the 'buzz' of the new shirts has died down.
Surely Puma wouldn't buy left overs back?
Has the club every sold off old shirts cheap at the same time as new ones? It seems highly unlikely to me they would do so as it would cannibalise new shirt sales.
by Elm Park Kid » 31 Jul 2018 19:33
RoyalBlueElm Park KidJagermesiter1871
Asked in the megastore today if they had any of the old shirts and was told they're not on sale anymore. Hoping they will come back on sale once the 'buzz' of the new shirts has died down.
Surely Puma wouldn't buy left overs back?
Has the club every sold off old shirts cheap at the same time as new ones? It seems highly unlikely to me they would do so as it would cannibalise new shirt sales.
Would it really? I suspect that there are two/three different types of buyer: Those who would buy the new shirt at virtually any price regardless. Those who won't fork out ridiculous amounts just to have the latest shirt and wait to buy the old shirts at a good discount. Those who do both.
I doubt there are many who think 'I'll buy the new shirt. Actually the old ones are a really good price now, I'll skip the new shirt and make do with the old one'.
If they are just throwing away the old shirts, I suspect they are throwing away money. However, if the go to charity and the club accept a 'loss' then fair play to them.
by muirinho » 31 Jul 2018 21:01
Elm Park KidRoyalBlueElm Park Kid
Has the club every sold off old shirts cheap at the same time as new ones? It seems highly unlikely to me they would do so as it would cannibalise new shirt sales.
Would it really? I suspect that there are two/three different types of buyer: Those who would buy the new shirt at virtually any price regardless. Those who won't fork out ridiculous amounts just to have the latest shirt and wait to buy the old shirts at a good discount. Those who do both.
I doubt there are many who think 'I'll buy the new shirt. Actually the old ones are a really good price now, I'll skip the new shirt and make do with the old one'.
If they are just throwing away the old shirts, I suspect they are throwing away money. However, if the go to charity and the club accept a 'loss' then fair play to them.
There is probably a percentage of people that go into the club shop and think about buying a top but are put off by the price. A percentage of them will buy something cheaper (like a training top) and if you give them more options that increases the percentage.
by Elm Park Kid » 01 Aug 2018 15:08
muirinhoElm Park KidRoyalBlue
Would it really? I suspect that there are two/three different types of buyer: Those who would buy the new shirt at virtually any price regardless. Those who won't fork out ridiculous amounts just to have the latest shirt and wait to buy the old shirts at a good discount. Those who do both.
I doubt there are many who think 'I'll buy the new shirt. Actually the old ones are a really good price now, I'll skip the new shirt and make do with the old one'.
If they are just throwing away the old shirts, I suspect they are throwing away money. However, if the go to charity and the club accept a 'loss' then fair play to them.
There is probably a percentage of people that go into the club shop and think about buying a top but are put off by the price. A percentage of them will buy something cheaper (like a training top) and if you give them more options that increases the percentage.
Increases the percentage of people who buy something instead of nothing - or increases the percentage of people who buy a training top instead of a shirt?
Swings and roundabouts really.
by Jagermesiter1871 » 05 Aug 2018 10:06
RoyalBlueElm Park KidJagermesiter1871
Asked in the megastore today if they had any of the old shirts and was told they're not on sale anymore. Hoping they will come back on sale once the 'buzz' of the new shirts has died down.
Surely Puma wouldn't buy left overs back?
Has the club every sold off old shirts cheap at the same time as new ones? It seems highly unlikely to me they would do so as it would cannibalise new shirt sales.
Would it really? I suspect that there are two/three different types of buyer: Those who would buy the new shirt at virtually any price regardless. Those who won't fork out ridiculous amounts just to have the latest shirt and wait to buy the old shirts at a good discount. Those who do both.
I doubt there are many who think 'I'll buy the new shirt. Actually the old ones are a really good price now, I'll skip the new shirt and make do with the old one'.
If they are just throwing away the old shirts, I suspect they are throwing away money. However, if the go to charity and the club accept a 'loss' then fair play to them.
by Brum Royal » 07 Aug 2018 12:56
by One87One » 07 Aug 2018 14:01
Brum Royal Any idea on what the squiggly thing is next to the name?
by WAZZOCK » 25 Oct 2018 20:24
by Sutekh » 25 Oct 2018 20:36
WAZZOCK Who here likes Macron?
by Jagermesiter1871 » 25 Oct 2018 23:30
by WAZZOCK » 26 Oct 2018 08:40
Jagermesiter1871 Please no.
by lewesroyal » 26 Oct 2018 09:34
by John Smith » 26 Oct 2018 09:34
WAZZOCK Who here likes Macron?
by Hendo » 26 Oct 2018 09:58
Hendo If it is going to be Macon,, this is a useful link -
Some nice modern looking designs there for me.
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