Season Ticket Refund?

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Nameless » 14 May 2020 19:22

Stranded Not saying that we are there yet but forecasts suggest that unemployment levels may double or even triple over the next quarter or two - so even a furloughed worker should be looking after their pennies at the moment as there is no guarantee that in the long run they will have a job to head back to.

This is all completely hypothetical of course and a lot of what options the football club offer will depend on if they play again. Latest is the Championship may well start on 6th June all being well - so would expect clubs to offer ST Holders free access to live video of all games and see what happens after that.

But I stand by the view that the vast majority of people where money is tight were offered 100 quid back, they would and should take it - as if it gets to that stage football will be naturally unimportant.

If they do put these daft games out on some form of live feed would it be in any way an acceptable replacements for being able to go,to,proper games ? I appreciate it might be all that is possible
I wouldn’t watch the games, it would be of no interest to me so wouldn’t be compensation.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Zip » 14 May 2020 19:32

Stranded Not saying that we are there yet but forecasts suggest that unemployment levels may double or even triple over the next quarter or two - so even a furloughed worker should be looking after their pennies at the moment as there is no guarantee that in the long run they will have a job to head back to.

This is all completely hypothetical of course and a lot of what options the football club offer will depend on if they play again. Latest is the Championship may well start on 6th June all being well - so would expect clubs to offer ST Holders free access to live video of all games and see what happens after that.

But I stand by the view that the vast majority of people where money is tight were offered 100 quid back, they would and should take it - as if it gets to that stage football will be naturally unimportant.

If they do put these daft games out on some form of live feed would it be in any way an acceptable replacements for being able to go,to,proper games ? I appreciate it might be all that is possible
I wouldn’t watch the games, it would be of no interest to me so wouldn’t be compensation.

I’d watch the games. It won’t be the same but it’s better than nothing. Not fussed about a refund. As and when we get some form of normality back maybe the club can offer reduced ST prices.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Zip » 14 May 2020 19:34

Old Man Andrews
Old Man Andrews Really don't think a person getting about £100 back is going to make much difference to them, certainly won't pay their rent.

Melodramatic tosh.

For someone like you maybe not but, I really think you underestimate the financial situation some people are either already in or may soon be in. Yes £100 may not cover rent but could cover a week or two's food if used smartly.

We aren't at that stage yet are we? The government's furlough scheme is in place until September and some are now returning to work too. I wouldn't be against the club offering a £100 discount to all adult season ticket holders for when we can attend matches again.

The club cannot be blamed for this crisis, it will hit them and all the other clubs in the same way and I am sure a few Football League clubs might even go under because of the current crisis. I would like to see all the Premier League clubs contribute a set amount (based on the particular clubs richness) to a Football League crisis fund that will help the smaller, struggling clubs in this time of need. The rich should be helping the poor at this time in football, they should want to. A club like Manchester City need to remember that 20 years ago they were in League 1, they were struggling.

Agree with a lot of this. OMA in sensible mode but for how long?

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Snowflake Royal » 14 May 2020 22:23

The way I look at it is I get more than my fair share of entertainment for the amount of money I spend on my ST.

I'm lucky enough that I can afford to pay it upfront and then go to the games I feel like.

I've no interest in getting a refund. I've plenty of sympathy with reluctance for people's money to go into the pockets of those paid ten times more than them to do a mediocre job. I'm against the wage levels in football and I hope something will change, but personally I don't think a ST refund will have anything to do with that.

I also think that there will be people for whom that money will be really valuable and important to in the coming months, so an offer of a refund would be good... I'll just not take it up if I have any choice. I'd like to see the players taking a wage cut to do their bit... and I don't just mean a deferral either. But my actions aren't dependent on that. I won't take a refund because don't need it and I feel I've had more than enough value for it already.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Top Flight » 21 May 2020 13:01

According to the Chronicle the Royals are awaiting confirmation of how the season will finish before deciding what to do about season ticket refunds.

Royals, if you are listening. I don't want a season ticket refund. Just make it something people have to apply for so that those who really need the cash can get the refund and those that don't need the cash and want to try and support the club through this self inflicted financial crash caused by Boris and his dumb policies can support the club in this small way by not claiming a refund.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Green » 21 May 2020 16:32

Didn't realise the Chronicle was still going.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Millsy » 21 May 2020 17:20

Royals, if you are listening, if anyone is entitled to a refund but doesn't claim it please pass that saving onto me. I don't need the cash but it would be nice to have a bit extra to buy myself nice things with. Thanks.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Ascotexgunner » 21 May 2020 19:07

Old Man Andrews
Old Man Andrews Really don't think a person getting about £100 back is going to make much difference to them, certainly won't pay their rent.

Melodramatic tosh.

For someone like you maybe not but, I really think you underestimate the financial situation some people are either already in or may soon be in. Yes £100 may not cover rent but could cover a week or two's food if used smartly.

We aren't at that stage yet are we? The government's furlough scheme is in place until September and some are now returning to work too. I wouldn't be against the club offering a £100 discount to all adult season ticket holders for when we can attend matches again.

Yup nailed it. If by some miracle the we get to see half the 20/21 season I would be happy to stump up another 100 quid on top of that 100 for a half st.
No-one should get a refund.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by One87One » 22 May 2020 11:14

A refund doesn't make business sense. The club should discount a season ticket renewal to ensure bums on seats - win-win for both parties.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Nameless » 22 May 2020 13:56

One87One A refund doesn't make business sense. The club should discount a season ticket renewal to ensure bums on seats - win-win for both parties.

They may have to do what the law requires though. I suspect it’s a bit more complex than just deciding what makes good business sense.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Whore Jackie » 15 Jun 2020 13:55

Looks like ST holders can, if they really want, get a refund on the 5 remaining home games:

Some good alternative options there TBF.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Hound » 15 Jun 2020 14:57

again they've really excelled here. Really good options and again well done to the club. I'll be taking the ifollow option personally

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Zip » 15 Jun 2020 15:12

Hound again they've really excelled here. Really good options and again well done to the club. I'll be taking the ifollow option personally

Yep same here.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by bagman » 15 Jun 2020 15:26

And an excellent note from Nigel Howe. Club's communication has been very good

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Barney » 15 Jun 2020 16:48

Simple question. If a household has two or more season ticket holders, are they allowed to register on ifollow for one account (to watch the remaining games) and then request a credit (for next season) on the other season ticket holders in the family ?

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Hound » 15 Jun 2020 16:53

Barney Simple question. If a household has two or more season ticket holders, are they allowed to register on ifollow for one account (to watch the remaining games) and then request a credit (for next season) on the other season ticket holders in the family ?

oh would be nice to donate that money surely? But yes, I did wonder the same, partly to know if I can view it on different devices at the same time or need to register the kids season tickets as well

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by JR » 15 Jun 2020 19:27

Barney Simple question. If a household has two or more season ticket holders, are they allowed to register on ifollow for one account (to watch the remaining games) and then request a credit (for next season) on the other season ticket holders in the family ?

I read it as every ST holder gets an ifollow code regardless - so we can all watch the final 9 games for free regardless.

The choice is then between:

1. Do nothing
2. Request a refund of 5/23
3. Roll forward 5/23 as credit
4. Get 5/23 donated to foundation

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by windermereROYAL » 15 Jun 2020 20:01

Barney Simple question. If a household has two or more season ticket holders, are they allowed to register on ifollow for one account (to watch the remaining games) and then request a credit (for next season) on the other season ticket holders in the family ?

I read it as every ST holder gets an ifollow code regardless - so we can all watch the final 9 games for free regardless.

The choice is then between:

1. Do nothing
2. Request a refund of 5/23
3. Roll forward 5/23 as credit
4. Get 5/23 donated to foundation

I`m fairly sure they will know if you used you`re code, i would expect a different code for each individual ST holder, but its kind of open to abuse, friends and family can watch the games while claiming a refund on their own tickets.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by JR » 15 Jun 2020 20:43

Barney Simple question. If a household has two or more season ticket holders, are they allowed to register on ifollow for one account (to watch the remaining games) and then request a credit (for next season) on the other season ticket holders in the family ?

I read it as every ST holder gets an ifollow code regardless - so we can all watch the final 9 games for free regardless.

The choice is then between:

1. Do nothing
2. Request a refund of 5/23
3. Roll forward 5/23 as credit
4. Get 5/23 donated to foundation

I`m fairly sure they will know if you used you`re code, i would expect a different code for each individual ST holder, but its kind of open to abuse, friends and family can watch the games while claiming a refund on their own tickets.

Correct me if I’m wrong but you can use the code, watch all 9 games, and still claim a refund or choose a credit for next season.
Last edited by JR on 15 Jun 2020 20:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by windermereROYAL » 15 Jun 2020 22:09

I read it as every ST holder gets an ifollow code regardless - so we can all watch the final 9 games for free regardless.

The choice is then between:

1. Do nothing
2. Request a refund of 5/23
3. Roll forward 5/23 as credit
4. Get 5/23 donated to foundation

I`m fairly sure they will know if you used you`re code, i would expect a different code for each individual ST holder, but its kind of open to abuse, friends and family can watch the games while claiming a refund on their own tickets.

Correct me if I’m wrong but you can use the code, watch all 9 games, and still claim a refund or choose a credit for next season.

Not on your own season ticket I wouldn`t have thought. once you activate the code you would lose the option to claim refund/credit. but thats only IMHO.

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