Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

Have you taken cocaine, or any other class A drug when attending Reading games?

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by Hound » 25 Mar 2022 11:42

Elm Park Kid I feel like i'm being gaslighted here by people suggesting that it's 'odd' to drink a fair bit before a football match.

Sure, it's only a section of fans that do this, and it's probably decreased over the past few decades with out of town stadiums, high drink prices and the general fall in alcohol consumption. But it's still a big, big part of the game.

I'm going to be honest - I think that unless there are big stakes in the game that football is generally a bit of a boring sport to watch for the full 90 mins. I'll be going to Barnsley next week and i'll be nervously excited for the entire game because I know how meaningful the result is. But if we were both midtable I would not choose to watch that game sober - I have (just about) better things to do with my life. But going to a 'meaningless' game with friends 4-5 pints in? Yes, then it becomes an enjoyable experience for me. Maybe that's a bit sad but it's pretty normal for a large percentage of football fans. And it's ridiculous to suggest it's not.

To be fair a subtle difference that I find it odd rather than it is odd to do it

I also find people loving cheese as odd. Or playing Rugby

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by Brogue » 25 Mar 2022 11:42

Dropped a couple of pills at Maine Road. think it was the game Georgi Kinkladze missed a penalty.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by Hound » 25 Mar 2022 11:45

Brogue Dropped a couple of pills at Maine Road. think it was the game Georgi Kinkladze missed a penalty.

Did you find them again after?

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by South Coast Royal » 25 Mar 2022 12:07

Sanguine Sure, but I think the point that Hound succinctly makes at the end there, is that those people being at the football is rather incidental too. They could literally be anywhere and have the same 'good time'.

I'm very much with you, hound and hendo here in that watching the football is the no.1 thing about going to a game.

We are, I suspect, quite in the minority on here and you can tell from comments about a game that often the posters have spent a lot of the game time in the Gents or queuing for the next pint-they hardly take in any of the game and don't have a clue about the opposition.

Whatever floats your boat and it's great fun going on the lash with your mates but my drinking is done away from football.
My pleasure from going is to meet up with my brother ( he always has 2 or 3 before the game but I am always driving so it never comes into it) and a few mates and talk football before, during and after.

Apart from enjoying "good " football and seeing Reading win I like to take in the opposition.
I remember a young Sidwell playing against us for Brentford and thinking how good he was-I also remember going to Cambridge and thinking how poor Martin Butler was. :oops:

So do your drugs fellas, get smashed if you have to but I'll stick with the football, for better or for worse.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by boycey » 25 Mar 2022 13:17

Imagine Horse racing/darts/rugby without being pissed.
Horrendous prospect.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by Elm Park Kid » 25 Mar 2022 13:31

Sure, if that's what you enjoy about football, the technical aspect of it, then you don't want to go drunk. The same how I wouldn't enjoy going to the cinema drunk - you want to pay attention to what's going on.

For some of us though that's not what we enjoy about football. Most Saturday's now I will have iFollow stream on, but unless the game really is end to end then I reckon it gets about 20% of my attention. Often i'm more interested in reading about what people have put on here about the game, or on twitter, than I am about watching the match itself.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by Elm Park Kid » 25 Mar 2022 13:32

boycey Imagine Horse racing/darts/rugby without being pissed.
Horrendous prospect.

I haven't been in a while but all my horse race meetings started with a 9am pint and breakfast in Spoons :D

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by RFCMod » 25 Mar 2022 13:43

Use to get pissed every game in the late 90's/2000's but then kids arrived and slowly I curtailed the amount I'd drink
When I stopped going with Readings lads that also decreased the amount I drank
There would be games which would be a blur and probably missed more goals through leaving early just to get back on it
Had a few lines now and again but could see how it was going to develop moving forward with the yoof and one of the reasons aggro turns up more now and again

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by Snowflake Royal » 25 Mar 2022 18:37

Hound No and don’t think I’ve ever had more than a couple of pints before a match either because it just seems a bit of a weird thing to be hammered watching a football match, sitting around in a cold stand watching us be rubbish

I kind of get why it’s ‘popular’ what with the price of booze in pubs and the youth just wanting to do their thing on away trips. It’s a bad mix though - can see why it’d lead to trouble

Do you think it's weird to get drunk at a festival, or get drunk in a pub? Because getting drunk in both those things its much the same as getting drunk watching a game of football.

You socialise with your friends, drink alcohol because it makes you feel nice and relaxed, and you have live sport / live music / chat with friends to entertain you.

Drinking at football has the added benefit of taking the edge off the cold. It's not actually very normal behaviour for human beings to sit/stand still outdoors in winter for extended period of time.

No definitely not the same thing. Regarding music festivals, the booze helps you lose the inhibitions so you can enjoy the music more. Certain drugs certainly improve the experience as well depending on the drug/music. It’s also going to be ‘up’ for a lot longer if you like the music, not just 5 or 6 moments of excitement over 90 mins.

Pubwise the emphasis is largely on the drink, and again lose the inhibitions socially so often you chat more. People genuinely go to enjoy the drink itself as well

Why would you want to lose those inhibitions when you watch a football game? You also massively lose the detail of what is going on, can’t pick up on small changes in the game which for me make it enjoyable. Plus if it affects your eyesight, which for me it does after a few drinks then it becomes massively frustrating

If you are just going for a day out to get smashed with your mates, then I suppose it may be football or anywhere else really. But sitting in a half empty cold stadium is one of the last places I’d choose to get properly hammered

Weirdly, a lot of people don't go to football to watch football.

The idea that sitting in a row watching sport chatting a bit where you can't drink for the majority of the event, is the same as sitting round a table drinking and talking to each other is utterly baffling to me.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by skipper » 25 Mar 2022 20:29

Poll is fixed. No Ian Royal option.

And I like voting for Ian.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by ILoveMoonPig » 25 Mar 2022 22:47

Never done it myself, but i have no issue with others deciding to do it, as long as they can do it safely and without enacting violence on anyone or anything else.

I suspect though that many users will find that their aggression peaks massively (doesn't cocaine only have a really short high?), especially if they're redosing, so I can see why it needs policing.

Plus, if you wanted to try it, there's probably safer and nice places than in a football stadium bathroom cubicle.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by SCIAG » 26 Mar 2022 14:20

Honestly don’t think alcohol has ever caused me to enjoy something I otherwise wouldn’t have.

I once nervously drank two drinks while waiting for a date to arrive and suddenly felt amazing, but otherwise, meh, don’t really see the appeal. Has never enhanced my enjoyment of music or sport. Don’t think I experience inhibition the way most people do - I don’t really place much value on my dignity.

Personally I’m live and let live when it comes to both alcohol and coke, and any other drugs. Don’t appeal to me but I’m happy for others to dabble.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by Jinx » 26 Mar 2022 20:27

Lads behind me arrive 10 minutes into the first half, leave 10 minutes before half time and do the same second half to "get another beer". That's half the game they've not seen - if you want beer that badly just go to the pub. Baffles me, and I enjoy a drink

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by tmesis » 27 Mar 2022 17:58

Elm Park Kid I'm going to be honest - I think that unless there are big stakes in the game that football is generally a bit of a boring sport to watch for the full 90 mins.... But going to a 'meaningless' game with friends 4-5 pints in? Yes, then it becomes an enjoyable experience for me. Maybe that's a bit sad but it's pretty normal for a large percentage of football fans. And it's ridiculous to suggest it's not.

No, I'd suggest it's quite unusual to find football boring unless you are a bit drunk.

There have been many Reading games over last few years that I've not found enjoyable, but that's not because "football is a bit boring for a full 90s minutes." It's just Reading being crap.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by YorkshireRoyal99 » 27 Mar 2022 19:14

I don't mind if people want to get drunk at a football game, it's just another easy excuse for it, particularly on away days where the idea is to make as much noise as possible anyway for a lot of fans.

I wouldn't take cocaine, or any other drug at a football game, for that matter and wouldn't exactly want to converse with people who do as I've never agreed with taking an illegal substance in the first place but what can I do as just another travelling away fan to stop it? Probably not much. I don't run into much trouble at football games anyway as it is.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by percy_freeman » 27 Mar 2022 23:46

Drinking and football go hand in hand. You don't see any Starbucks at the SCL....

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by Nameless » 28 Mar 2022 07:41

percy_freeman Drinking and football go hand in hand. You don't see any Starbucks at the SCL....

Although in the good times when Bluecollar ran the food it was great to be able to get a decent cup of coffee from the Anonymous guys.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by Hound » 28 Mar 2022 07:44

I’d imagine the conversation with people on certain illegals would be far more pleasant than someone who was pissed tbh

After all alcohol is a drug just the same, just one that is lucky enough to be illegal. It’d never be allowed if it was just discovered now

Cocaine and football is a nasty mix. It genuinely does make a lot of people very obnoxious very quickly. And then it is massively moreish and if you don’t get your next hit then that’s when people can start to get agitated and aggressive.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by Hound » 28 Mar 2022 07:45

percy_freeman Drinking and football go hand in hand. You don't see any Starbucks at the SCL....

Although in the good times when Bluecollar ran the food it was great to be able to get a decent cup of coffee from the Anonymous guys.

True that. Have to bring my own now.

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Re: Cocaine Use At Home/Away Matches

by St Pauli » 28 Mar 2022 08:09

YorkshireRoyal99 I don't mind if people want to get drunk at a football game, it's just another easy excuse for it, particularly on away days where the idea is to make as much noise as possible anyway for a lot of fans.

I wouldn't take cocaine, or any other drug at a football game, for that matter and wouldn't exactly want to converse with people who do as I've never agreed with taking an illegal substance in the first place but what can I do as just another travelling away fan to stop it? Probably not much. I don't run into much trouble at football games anyway as it is.

You could fight them.

If you win, you could take their drugs off them and flush them.

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