RoyalBlue Mind you, it's still got to rain once they've relaid the pitch unless they've already got an awful lot of water from the roof stored somewhere.
I smell another RFC money-making opportunity here:
"This weekend sees the first opportunity to secure your name on our brand new blue Premiership water butts. With only 200 butts available, this is a strictly limited offer to celebrate our first-ever promotion to the top flight of English football.

200 Loyal Royals will have their name permanently etched on a butt alongside our title-winning players and management in our new water butt reservoir area near gate five of the north stand.
The first opportunity to place orders takes place this weekend at our trophy weekend in the Megastore. Simply fill in a butt form and bring it with you.
Each of the 200 orders will also receive a personally signed plastic watering can from captain Graeme Murty. See below for an example of the can.

In addition, you will be invited to the ceremonial unveiling of the butts, to be joined by our players and staff for some general butt-hugging and mystic chanting. You can also purchase additional replica water butts to keep at home, plant flowers in, or give as a present.
This is a truly amazing opportunity that should not be missed, and we guarantee you will feel so smug knowing that your hard-earned cash is beating the drought and keeping the Royals' pitch in tip-top condition next season.
Please note that all 'Premiership water butt' applications will be strictly processed on a first come, first served basis. The Premiership Water butt is priced at a wincing £100, with replicas available at a subsequent £50."