Season tickets - new applicants

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by ^Herb^ » 28 Jul 2006 21:21

Where it says on my Online Ticket Account "01/08/2006 Month 2 Pre Payment Reserved" ...does that mean the first payment will be going out on the 1st of August????

Would be nice to know as i have done it on the payment scheme but have never been told when the payments would be going out, or whether they are weekly, monthly!!

Any help, advice muchly appreciated.



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by Cookie » 28 Jul 2006 23:43

My 95 Royalty Points was enough. They rang me on my mobile last night at work. Got my first choice location and the rep even discussed where I would prefer to sit in the North Stand.

Hey roll on the big time

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by royalsteve » 29 Jul 2006 00:48

mattyougg i have 110 pts and dont know if i will get one!!

I went to the ticket office yesterday as I have been waiting to see if my 5 year old son would get a season ticket....a very very slim chance as he doesnt have any points but has been to lots of games free whilst he was under 5, but als 0 Royalty points. The ticket office clerk advised that he doubt he will get one as they were processing only down to 80 points.

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by rabidbee » 29 Jul 2006 04:54

^Herb^ Where it says on my Online Ticket Account "01/08/2006 Month 2 Pre Payment Reserved" ...does that mean the first payment will be going out on the 1st of August????

Would be nice to know as i have done it on the payment scheme but have never been told when the payments would be going out, or whether they are weekly, monthly!!

Any help, advice muchly appreciated.



Mine was a ST-renewal, rather than a new ST, but, if it is the same scheme, then the payments are monthly, and should be debited on the first day of each month. The first payment for my ST was taken from my account this month (but several days late, so beware); the next payment should be next Tuesday (1 Aug).

Presumably, if you have just got your ticket, your first payment should be next Tuesday, and then the 1st of each month for the following five months. I guess, though, you should check with the TO for the definitive answer.
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by rabidbee » 29 Jul 2006 04:59

Cookie My 95 Royalty Points was enough. They rang me on my mobile last night at work. Got my first choice location and the rep even discussed where I would prefer to sit in the North Stand.

Hey roll on the big time

Mover's Week may have freed up a number of seats in the North Stand, some in pretty good locations. I had a seat about two-thirds of the way up, and almost central, which I was pretty happy with (except for the guy with the small brain and smaller bladder who would push past me at least four times a half!). My mate, who was lazy returning his HST form, ended up in row D (although there was always space near me every week, so he normally moved at half-time). We have since moved to two seats next to each other on the back row of the East Stand - very pleased, feel like a real fan again - so my seat (and his!) are available for new applicants (or movers, I guess).

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by cheeryoleary » 29 Jul 2006 08:27

Applied for a new season ticket and opted to pay the full whack on my 10 month interest free credit card. So far I've had one transaction from RFC for 10 quid, (Star perhaps) and one transaction for just over 90 quid.

Sort yourselves out RFC. I want you to take the money in full so that I don't have to account for multiple transaction on my credit card statement and so that you can start earning interest on my hard earned cash sooner.

Chin up though... At least I'm in.

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by cheeryoleary » 29 Jul 2006 10:58

Just dropped into the ticket office. "The 10 pound charge is for STAR"... fair enough says I.

"If you've been charged 90 odd quid, then you MUST have ticked the monthly installment box".

Oh, MUST I have? Can you sort it out and bill me the total ammount?

"We have to pull your application form from the 18000 other so we'll take your phone number and call you on Monday"

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by royal_ali » 31 Jul 2006 19:10

my mate just got his with 65 points


by LimpBiscuit » 01 Aug 2006 17:20

royal_ali my mate just got his with 65 points

Can anyone beat 20 points?

My friends son got his today. He had been watching games with comps from a lottery agent, but they don't get points. So I guess 20 was enough.

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by cheeryoleary » 01 Aug 2006 18:40

cheeryoleary "We have to pull your application form from the 18000 other so we'll take your phone number and call you on Monday"

Did they oxf*rd!

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by DavidM62 » 01 Aug 2006 20:31

Wot ! Now I am getting irritated. They told me that the allocations would be sorted out by the end of the month, checked last night. No sign of the Royalty points, so assumed the worse.

Now on the Web site they are still asking for applications and I read someone got a ticket with 20 points.

Wot the flippin' hecks going on here.....

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by Rawlie19 » 01 Aug 2006 20:46

Use the phone and speak to someone at the club, or use your feet and actually visit the club to speak to someone

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by Tinrib » 02 Aug 2006 09:43

This sorry saga gets worse -

After losing mine & my mates application and me re-sending one in - (We had over 300 royalty points so never an issue getting a ST) and receiving our ST's a few weeks ago - guess what - We both receive a second totally different ST yesterday, different seats new member numbers etc etc - and of course my credit card takes another hammering.

This of course has been communicated to RFC - and allegedly a refund put on my card, however how the hell have they let this happen?

What an Oxford balls up - !!!

And theres still people who dont have one , yet alone two ST's !!

For those who have had to resend their Apps - watch out !

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by WestCoast Life » 02 Aug 2006 12:26

Tinrib This sorry saga gets worse -

After losing mine & my mates application and me re-sending one in - (We had over 300 royalty points so never an issue getting a ST) and receiving our ST's a few weeks ago - guess what - We both receive a second totally different ST yesterday, different seats new member numbers etc etc - and of course my credit card takes another hammering.

This of course has been communicated to RFC - and allegedly a refund put on my card, however how the hell have they let this happen?

What an Oxford balls up - !!!

And theres still people who dont have one , yet alone two ST's !!

For those who have had to resend their Apps - watch out !

There are people on here who would have paid you over the face value for those extra tickets ...

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by Tinrib » 02 Aug 2006 13:02

WestCoast Life
Tinrib This sorry saga gets worse -

After losing mine & my mates application and me re-sending one in - (We had over 300 royalty points so never an issue getting a ST) and receiving our ST's a few weeks ago - guess what - We both receive a second totally different ST yesterday, different seats new member numbers etc etc - and of course my credit card takes another hammering.

This of course has been communicated to RFC - and allegedly a refund put on my card, however how the hell have they let this happen?

What an Oxford balls up - !!!

And theres still people who dont have one , yet alone two ST's !!

For those who have had to resend their Apps - watch out !

There are people on here who would have paid you over the face value for those extra tickets ...

Thanks , but I dont need the money !

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by cheeryoleary » 02 Aug 2006 19:39

cheeryoleary "We have to pull your application form from the 18000 other so we'll take your phone number and call you on Monday"

Did they oxf*rd!

e-mail from the club received today:

"There was an attempt made to contact you on Monday, however they couldn’t get through to you.

We have retrieved your form and it does show that you ticked the box requesting to be part of the payment plan scheme.

We can however take you off the scheme but the admin charge of £15 would still be taken.

If you wish to be taken off they scheme please could you let us know the card details you wish the lum sum to be taken from."

It's all we's and them's and no names. Completely faceless. I'm disputing the 15 Pound charge.

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by ^Herb^ » 03 Aug 2006 15:00

Out of interest, how many new applicants have received the "alledged" text/email to inform them that they have got a seaon ticket??

I had a bit of a blow up with the Sales Office the other day, as they had put my credit card number in wrong on there system so no payments had been taken (obviously).

The "person" on the phone said that i must have put it on the application form wrong, as its worked fine now you have given it to me.

When i pointed out i had made a photocopy of my application form (which i had in my hand as we spoke) for such eventualities, he suddenly went very quiet.

I pointed out that the card number was infact the same, so not "my fault" as he so nicely put it.

I also enquired as to why i hadn't received a text/email to say i had got in, his reply.."Well sir you must have put the wrong number on your application form"

I pointed out, once again (photocopy of said form) with the correct number on......silence.

If they are gonna make mistakes, atleast have the balls to admit them, rather than keep blaming on us paying fans.

When questioned about why my 3 mates, brother & nephew, who also hadn't got a text/email to say they had a ST, he once again went quiet!!

"Guess they must have put the wrong numbers on too"!!!!
was my reply.

I know they have a job to do, and no doubt, its been manic, but stop blaming others for YOUR Muck (for want of a better word) ups RFC and sort it out!!!!

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by cheeryoleary » 04 Aug 2006 12:01

cheeryoleary "We have to pull your application form from the 18000 other so we'll take your phone number and call you on Monday"

Did they oxf*rd!

e-mail from the club received today:

"There was an attempt made to contact you on Monday, however they couldn’t get through to you.

We have retrieved your form and it does show that you ticked the box requesting to be part of the payment plan scheme.

We can however take you off the scheme but the admin charge of £15 would still be taken.

If you wish to be taken off they scheme please could you let us know the card details you wish the lum sum to be taken from."

It's all we's and them's and no names. Completely faceless. I'm disputing the 15 Pound charge.

Visited the stadium and explained what I was there for.

"Sorry Sir, we're very busy. I don't know how long it will take to find your form" so I say that I don't mind waiting. Must have taken him 60 seconds to find my form.

In the end it was my fault, of sorts. I had ticked the wrong box, however the form I had downloaded (MS Word format) to complete had corrupted and the yes and no boxes were on different lines - hence the confusion.

I pointed out that the form was bobbins and could I pay the full whack up front and not pay the GBP 15 charge for credit. BTW.... If I'm going to enter into a credit agreement with someone - I expect a little more competance and compliance with FSA regs.

"No, sorry Sir"

So I questioned why GBP 90.85 had been taken from my credit card.

"That's the first monthly payment Sir"

OK Says I, so what is GBP 90.85 times 6..... GBP 545 or thereabouts.
I ask the question, why do you plan to take GBP 545 when the ticket price is GBP 565?

"I don't know Sir"

I asked for a breakdown of how much would be taken from my credit card on what dates over the comming 6 months.

"I don't know Sir"

In the end Ms. Supervisor has been listening in and has had enough of me picking holes. She gives me exactly what I asked for a week ago.

30 Minutes wasting time for what could have been a 5 minute transaction.

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by RoyalBlue » 04 Aug 2006 20:38

^Herb^ Out of interest, how many new applicants have received the "alledged" text/email to inform them that they have got a seaon ticket??

I had a bit of a blow up with the Sales Office the other day, as they had put my credit card number in wrong on there system so no payments had been taken (obviously).

The "person" on the phone said that i must have put it on the application form wrong, as its worked fine now you have given it to me.

When i pointed out i had made a photocopy of my application form (which i had in my hand as we spoke) for such eventualities, he suddenly went very quiet.

I pointed out that the card number was infact the same, so not "my fault" as he so nicely put it.

I also enquired as to why i hadn't received a text/email to say i had got in, his reply.."Well sir you must have put the wrong number on your application form"

I pointed out, once again (photocopy of said form) with the correct number on......silence.

If they are gonna make mistakes, atleast have the balls to admit them, rather than keep blaming on us paying fans.

When questioned about why my 3 mates, brother & nephew, who also hadn't got a text/email to say they had a ST, he once again went quiet!!

"Guess they must have put the wrong numbers on too"!!!!
was my reply.

I know they have a job to do, and no doubt, its been manic, but stop blaming others for YOUR Muck (for want of a better word) ups RFC and sort it out!!!!

And they charged you how much for the phone call to sort out 'your' (sorry, now you've got them bang to rights their) mistake?!

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by susieroyal » 05 Aug 2006 13:31

Premiership Club. Premiership Prices. Tin pot ticket office!

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