by Forbury Lion »
19 Jun 2020 10:18
The club website says all ST holders and some special* fans will get free ifollow usage to watch all remaining games.
This is free and not at all linked to the ST holders decision to either donate, refund or receive a credit for the missed games.
The donate part is interesting, Is this donate to the club or to a charitable organisation? (which may be something the owner could do directly on behalf of the club /fans and therefore not impacting club finances and allowing the club to keep the actual cash)
*not quite what they said, I can't remember the exact wording but it's on the site
Those who do donate should perhaps get rewarded - even if it's extra royalty points or something so they get priority for future purchases, Also that would be in the clubs interest as they would be selling to fans who a) can afford to donate so have spending money and b) don't seem that bothered about being refunded for non service and keep coming back - ideal customers for any organisation really!