by melonhead » 24 Oct 2011 14:43
by sandman » 24 Oct 2011 17:38
melonhead obviously agree with your point, but calling him a scab could be seen as the personal insult taht sparked thiswhole sorry square up
sadmanmelonhead obviously agree with your point, but calling him a scab could be seen as the personal insult taht sparked thiswhole sorry square up
But calling him a scab was designed to get a reaction and right on cue he gave it.
by floyd__streete » 01 Nov 2011 13:16
by Jackson Corner » 01 Nov 2011 13:23
floyd__streete 21,002 at Sehurst Park on Saturday. Reading FC providing Palace with their biggest crowd of the season.
by sandman » 01 Nov 2011 17:33
Jackson Cornerfloyd__streete 21,002 at Sehurst Park on Saturday. Reading FC providing Palace with their biggest crowd of the season.
It was a family day special offer on kids tickets so that uped the gate.
by Ian Royal » 02 Nov 2011 20:25
by Red » 02 Nov 2011 20:52
by roadrunner » 03 Nov 2011 12:07
Ian Royal 7th in the percentage of capacity used, 13th on average attendance.
Not bad really.
Chelsea 8th in the average attendence stakes Kes? Oh dear... bit small fry. Bless you breaking your glass house with that stone.
Ian Royal 7th in the percentage of capacity used, 13th on average attendance.
Not bad really.
Chelsea 8th in the average attendence stakes Kes? Oh dear... bit small fry. Bless you breaking your glass house with that stone.
by sandman » 05 Nov 2011 15:50
TheMaraudingDogIan Royal 7th in the percentage of capacity used, 13th on average attendance.
Not bad really.
Chelsea 8th in the average attendence stakes Kes? Oh dear... bit small fry. Bless you breaking your glass house with that stone.
Good selective stat quoting. where are Chelsea in % used?
If Reading increased their capacity their attendances would stay the same. If Chelsea increased capacity their attendances would go up.
by who are ya? » 05 Nov 2011 17:45
by sandman » 05 Nov 2011 20:14
Rattloled. That might be your bag junior but it's not mine. I just knew you'd chime in begging your heroes to make it a threesome. In fact I almost wrote it in the original post.who are ya? And if they film it you can masterb8 over the footage
by who are ya? » 05 Nov 2011 20:27
sandman In fact I almost wrote it in the original post.
by sandman » 05 Nov 2011 20:42
who are ya?sandman In fact I almost wrote it in the original post.
Even though you just edited that bit in as an afterthought, nice try.
Maybe if you cut down on the flirting with my heROFLoes we wouldn't be in this situation
by Wax Jacket » 07 Nov 2011 17:15
Red Kes still reeling them in, constantly amazes me how he does it but the results really do speak for themselves.
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