by Sarah Star »
08 Apr 2012 17:29
Are you perhaps alluding to safe standing, heavy-handed stewarding, filming of fans, reforming national football policy, the ineffectuality of the FA, the cancelling of buses on matchdays, or maybe something some may see as more trivial but fans get upset about none the less like hoops going all the way round the Reading Home shirt? STAR were actually contacting the people who could do something about it and that includes the club, the stewards, MPs, the police. I could go on further... price of tickets, access for the disabled, equality fairness... but that's not the way HNA? rolls so just forget it.
You seem to think just because STAR does this, they can't do anything else. Perhaps you should find out more about them before you make sweeping statements. I wouldn't take the word of anyone on HNA? about it.