blindedbythelights bruv, aren't you like 14
m9 I wish I was.
by Wimb » 16 Jul 2012 11:28
blindedbythelights bruv, aren't you like 14
by Hoop Blah » 16 Jul 2012 11:30
by The Rouge » 16 Jul 2012 11:34
by moonwalklikebas » 16 Jul 2012 11:38
by Mr Angry » 16 Jul 2012 11:39
by Royal Biscuitman » 16 Jul 2012 11:48
by Hoop Blah » 16 Jul 2012 11:52
by blindedbythelights » 16 Jul 2012 12:00
starliaison As someone who has a business to run rather than spend all my time on here I apologise that I have not been replying to everyone who is slagging off STAR.
by Woodcote Royal » 16 Jul 2012 12:10
by RoyalBlue » 16 Jul 2012 12:23
Royal BiscuitmanOn that basis I should join the BNP and Al Quada as well since I don't really agree with their ideals or the way they're being run.Pseud O'Nym Also, if people don't like the way STAR is run then join it and work to change it.
Not that I'm directly comparing the BNP or Al Quada with STAR, before anyone from the BNP or Al Quada complains.
by Cypry » 16 Jul 2012 12:24
by Vision » 16 Jul 2012 12:26
The Rouge I want someone to resign. Not sure who yet though..
by RoyalBlue » 16 Jul 2012 12:27
Cypry Well I for one will not be renewing...I wouldn't normally discuss the content of a PM, but I've had no response to my reply since I sent it 3 days ago, and need to vent spleen...
I had a PM on Friday from STAR, effectively telling me that the situation was my fault, apparently I should have known about the history of these events without needing to be told. It was also made clear that the club and Brian personally are "very upset" - again, the implication being that my actions, and my actions alone have upset them, and STAR now have a lot to do to repair the relationship.
Finally I was told that STAR have nothing against me "because you have shown remorse" - again the implication is that all this is my fault.
What I object to is the fact that STAR seem to want to lay all responsibility at my door for this, and take no responsibility whatsoever themselves. As I've said repeatedly, if we'd been told the forum was "between these four walls" I'd have honoured that...
I don't believe for a minute that Brian is genuinely "very upset" - I'm sure he has far more important things to worry about, but I'll be meeting him in a couple of weeks, so I'll ask and apologise if necessary - let's hope STAR are telling the truth or they'll look very silly...
by Simon's Church » 16 Jul 2012 12:33
by Royal Biscuitman » 16 Jul 2012 12:40
I suggest you take a copy of the PM with you, offer sincere apologies for making him very upset as stated in the message but explain that you believe STAR should have explained the rules to all present as many were unaware. Also suggest in future that perhaps Brian should make an announcement himself rather than leave it to those running the event.Cypry Well I for one will not be renewing...I wouldn't normally discuss the content of a PM, but I've had no response to my reply since I sent it 3 days ago, and need to vent spleen...
I had a PM on Friday from STAR, effectively telling me that the situation was my fault, apparently I should have known about the history of these events without needing to be told. It was also made clear that the club and Brian personally are "very upset" - again, the implication being that my actions, and my actions alone have upset them, and STAR now have a lot to do to repair the relationship.
Finally I was told that STAR have nothing against me "because you have shown remorse" - again the implication is that all this is my fault.
What I object to is the fact that STAR seem to want to lay all responsibility at my door for this, and take no responsibility whatsoever themselves. As I've said repeatedly, if we'd been told the forum was "between these four walls" I'd have honoured that...
I don't believe for a minute that Brian is genuinely "very upset" - I'm sure he has far more important things to worry about, but I'll be meeting him in a couple of weeks, so I'll ask and apologise if necessary - let's hope STAR are telling the truth or they'll look very silly...
by Royal Lady » 16 Jul 2012 12:45
by Maguire » 16 Jul 2012 12:53
Cypry I had a PM on Friday from STAR, effectively telling me that the situation was my fault, apparently I should have known about the history of these events without needing to be told. It was also made clear that the club and Brian personally are "very upset" - again, the implication being that my actions, and my actions alone have upset them, and STAR now have a lot to do to repair the relationship.
Finally I was told that STAR have nothing against me "because you have shown remorse" - again the implication is that all this is my fault
by The Real Sandhurst Royal » 16 Jul 2012 12:56
by The Real Sandhurst Royal » 16 Jul 2012 12:58
Cypry wrote: Finally I was told that STAR have nothing against me "because you have shown remorse"
by Woodcote Royal » 16 Jul 2012 12:58
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