Fans' Forum

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Wimb » 16 Jul 2012 11:28

blindedbythelights bruv, aren't you like 14 :?:

m9 I wish I was.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Hoop Blah » 16 Jul 2012 11:30

Well I missed all of this, but I presume it was all pretty tame but honest comment from McDermott and a total over reaction from the Club and STAR.

I used to quite enjoy the Fans Forums (lets not forget that, IIRC, the first one that kicked started these regular events was Tommy Burns inviting fans to meet him on the Southbank for an open Q&A session) but my disdain for STAR, their pandering to club and flask and blanket approach to representing the wider fan base made me hand in my STAR badge.

This just seems pretty typical of them wanting to control the relationship between the club and fans whilst keeping their pals in the club happy.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by The Rouge » 16 Jul 2012 11:34

I want someone to resign. Not sure who yet though..

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Re: Fans' Forum

by moonwalklikebas » 16 Jul 2012 11:38

The main problem with STAR is the the small clique that run it. Be able to make any contribution or affect how its run is almost impossible. However much it is branded as a family trust it is not. If your not up-top you might aswell be cleaning there feet with tampons and paintbrushes to gain some kind of admission you actually exsist and can suggest changes.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Mr Angry » 16 Jul 2012 11:39

There is nothing to stop fans who want to have a voice, 100% independent of Reading Football Club, setting up their own organisation; my understanding of what a Supporters Trust (which STAR is) is, is very to different to, and should NOT be confused with, the aims and ideals of an Independent supporters association.

In other words, if you don't like STAR and don't think it represents you, then either create an alternative or shut the oxf*rd up.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Royal Biscuitman » 16 Jul 2012 11:48

The problem I've historically had with STAR is the organisation being run as a worthy cause for the local community with donations here there and everywhere or even funding travel for the academy, which I suspect would have been funded by the club if those organising it had the balls to request it from the budget holder.

If they have too much cash they should bank it until such time as it becomes necessary to take action on behalf of supporters (maybe subsidise travel to a game where support is required) or god forbid, to save the club (I know at best we're talking thousands not millions, but every penny will help).

STAR really should look at their members and ask themselves how many joined up just for coach travel or just for the fans forum and how many actually understand or care about STAR itself.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Hoop Blah » 16 Jul 2012 11:52

It's a bit of a fair comment there Mr A that a supporters trust isn't quite the same thing as a supporters club and so perhaps there's different aims and expectations at play.

I used to be a member of the old supporters club, which was ok I guess, but what happened to it? It got converted in STAR (democratically of course).

STAR sets itself up as our fans representative group. It took on the the roles and responsibilites of the old supporters group but has morphed itself into the clubs voluntary fan army and a mouth piece for their PR machine.

As for not having any right to offer constructive criticism without setting up a rival organisation or infiltrating STAR itself with some common sense and backbone...well that's a daft argument if ever I've read one.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by blindedbythelights » 16 Jul 2012 12:00

My personal beef with STAR dates back to Leeds away in the last promotion season when they refused to help a disabled pal of mine make a complaint against Leeds for his treatment by a steward. If you're not in the in-crowd they just aren't interested.

Since then I've burnt through numerous usernames on here taking shots at them and I'm pleased to see so many other now seeing them as the self serving, mutual back slapping, enamel badge wearing helms they are.

You only have to look at them to know they don't represent us, half look like they belong on Greenham Common the other half at Comic-Con

This one especially has an attitude problem

starliaison As someone who has a business to run rather than spend all my time on here I apologise that I have not been replying to everyone who is slagging off STAR.

there's a lot of snide comments like this from this one. If you don't have time to respond - dont take the job on in the first place

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Woodcote Royal » 16 Jul 2012 12:10

I like to consider myself a friend of STAR, if for no other reason than the fact that I've met a number of board members past and present, admire their dedication and respect the time they put into all things RFC. I firmly believe also that we, the fans, need a representative body which enjoys the clubs ear and can put across our views as and when required.

However, this thread really does our supporters trust no favours. Here was a golden opportunity for the hierarchy to make it's case to many hardcore fans who clearly hold serious reservations about them and.................................well, there ain't a lot of love leaping off these pages from those who should surely being doing their utmost to get all Reading fans on board the good ship STAR :|

For myself, I speak as a STH who currently attends less than half the matches I pay for. This has been the case for several seasons and I can't see the situation changing in the foreseeable future. So, I think this puts me in a similar position to Reading fans who live a long way from Berkshire, not to mention the many who live abroad and regularly stump up large amounts money to fly home for the odd game.

To most of us, the minutes of the fans forums were looked forward to but are now largely worthless when read months after they took place. Whilst I bit my tongue when this decision was taken, surely consideration should have been given to the many fans who are unable to attend.

Not only am I incomplete agreement with those who feel Brian McDermott has sufficient media savvy to avoid sensitive issues in what is still a very public platform, surely STAR should be doing everything in it's power to make available to all it's members the minutes the club are happy to see released rather than appearing to enjoy the fact that those who aren't/can't be there will miss out.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by RoyalBlue » 16 Jul 2012 12:23

Royal Biscuitman
Pseud O'Nym Also, if people don't like the way STAR is run then join it and work to change it.
On that basis I should join the BNP and Al Quada as well since I don't really agree with their ideals or the way they're being run.

Not that I'm directly comparing the BNP or Al Quada with STAR, before anyone from the BNP or Al Quada complains.


That really did make me laugh!

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Cypry » 16 Jul 2012 12:24

Well I for one will not be renewing...I wouldn't normally discuss the content of a PM, but I've had no response to my reply since I sent it 3 days ago, and need to vent spleen...

I had a PM on Friday from STAR, effectively telling me that the situation was my fault, apparently I should have known about the history of these events without needing to be told. It was also made clear that the club and Brian personally are "very upset" - again, the implication being that my actions, and my actions alone have upset them, and STAR now have a lot to do to repair the relationship.

Finally I was told that STAR have nothing against me "because you have shown remorse" - again the implication is that all this is my fault.

What I object to is the fact that STAR seem to want to lay all responsibility at my door for this, and take no responsibility whatsoever themselves. As I've said repeatedly, if we'd been told the forum was "between these four walls" I'd have honoured that...

I don't believe for a minute that Brian is genuinely "very upset" - I'm sure he has far more important things to worry about, but I'll be meeting him in a couple of weeks, so I'll ask and apologise if necessary - let's hope STAR are telling the truth or they'll look very silly...

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Vision » 16 Jul 2012 12:26

The Rouge I want someone to resign. Not sure who yet though..

McDermott obviously.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by RoyalBlue » 16 Jul 2012 12:27

Cypry Well I for one will not be renewing...I wouldn't normally discuss the content of a PM, but I've had no response to my reply since I sent it 3 days ago, and need to vent spleen...

I had a PM on Friday from STAR, effectively telling me that the situation was my fault, apparently I should have known about the history of these events without needing to be told. It was also made clear that the club and Brian personally are "very upset" - again, the implication being that my actions, and my actions alone have upset them, and STAR now have a lot to do to repair the relationship.

Finally I was told that STAR have nothing against me "because you have shown remorse" - again the implication is that all this is my fault.

What I object to is the fact that STAR seem to want to lay all responsibility at my door for this, and take no responsibility whatsoever themselves. As I've said repeatedly, if we'd been told the forum was "between these four walls" I'd have honoured that...

I don't believe for a minute that Brian is genuinely "very upset" - I'm sure he has far more important things to worry about, but I'll be meeting him in a couple of weeks, so I'll ask and apologise if necessary - let's hope STAR are telling the truth or they'll look very silly...

At least you will be free to let us know how that meeting goes! :wink:

Likewise, I would be flabberghast if Brian was 'very upset' - I never had him down as stupid.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Simon's Church » 16 Jul 2012 12:33

Gonna wear this to the next STAR meeting

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Royal Biscuitman » 16 Jul 2012 12:40

Cypry Well I for one will not be renewing...I wouldn't normally discuss the content of a PM, but I've had no response to my reply since I sent it 3 days ago, and need to vent spleen...

I had a PM on Friday from STAR, effectively telling me that the situation was my fault, apparently I should have known about the history of these events without needing to be told. It was also made clear that the club and Brian personally are "very upset" - again, the implication being that my actions, and my actions alone have upset them, and STAR now have a lot to do to repair the relationship.

Finally I was told that STAR have nothing against me "because you have shown remorse" - again the implication is that all this is my fault.

What I object to is the fact that STAR seem to want to lay all responsibility at my door for this, and take no responsibility whatsoever themselves. As I've said repeatedly, if we'd been told the forum was "between these four walls" I'd have honoured that...

I don't believe for a minute that Brian is genuinely "very upset" - I'm sure he has far more important things to worry about, but I'll be meeting him in a couple of weeks, so I'll ask and apologise if necessary - let's hope STAR are telling the truth or they'll look very silly...
I suggest you take a copy of the PM with you, offer sincere apologies for making him very upset as stated in the message but explain that you believe STAR should have explained the rules to all present as many were unaware. Also suggest in future that perhaps Brian should make an announcement himself rather than leave it to those running the event.

Brian is probably more to blame than you and he has to take responsibility.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Royal Lady » 16 Jul 2012 12:45

Blaming one lone voice for their own cock-ups - that's REALLY looking after the fans isn't it. :roll:

I wish I'd seen the original post by Cypry - but as I haven't I can't comment, obviously.

However, from what I've read on here, it seems he's taking the flak for a pretty innocuous posting which he thought was helping out other supporters who couldn't go to the forum. STAR's subsequent responses and the email response, as reported by Cypry, just further fuel my argument that STAR are not representative of FANS. I'm sure the club are very happy with what they do.

Despite Mr A's eloquent argument, I still maintain that it would be very difficult to infiltrate STAR and try and change things around, because the club wouldn't accept it - they are just a mouthpiece for the club as has been shown time and again.

I am more than happy to be involved in the setting up of an alternative group - but it would have to be borne in mind that we almost certainly wouldn't get fan's forum type events and the club would be against such an alternative group. If people want this new group, however, I will happily offer my services to it - but just as there are people who don't like what STAR do, there will be people who slag off any new group!

EDIT: I would add, however, that I have no interest in sucking up to McD, AZ, the players or anyone else at the club - my idea of a Fans Group is that we're able to ask some questions of the club when necessary - sort out fans' problems if any occur - that sort of thing. And give out plaudits to the club when they get something right. Maybe come up with some ideas for improving the match day experience - but if the club won't listen to us, then we'll look a little sad!

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Maguire » 16 Jul 2012 12:53

Cypry I had a PM on Friday from STAR, effectively telling me that the situation was my fault, apparently I should have known about the history of these events without needing to be told. It was also made clear that the club and Brian personally are "very upset" - again, the implication being that my actions, and my actions alone have upset them, and STAR now have a lot to do to repair the relationship.

Finally I was told that STAR have nothing against me "because you have shown remorse" - again the implication is that all this is my fault


What a shower of total helmets.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by The Real Sandhurst Royal » 16 Jul 2012 12:56

If STAR thought what was said at the Fans Forum that they hosted last week would remain behind closed doors they had another thing coming.

Other than giving all attendees as they entered the room ear muffs, ear plugs or another device to block out sound I don’t how they could have achieved this.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by The Real Sandhurst Royal » 16 Jul 2012 12:58

Cypry wrote: Finally I was told that STAR have nothing against me "because you have shown remorse"

STAR are now judge and jury....perhaps they should contact Teresa May and offer the goverment some assistance.


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Re: Fans' Forum

by Woodcote Royal » 16 Jul 2012 12:58

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