Play-Off Tickets

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Re: 19,000 for a play-off semi final

by dean horrix legend » 13 May 2009 08:25

Home form has to be the main factor.If we had been on a winning streak would have been nearer capacity,then of course we wouldn't have been in the play offs anyway.

I personally knew of half a dozen season ticket holders who just couldn't see past an away win so didn't bother,so your casual supporter will be thinking the same.

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Re: 19,000 for a play-off semi final

by soggy biscuit » 13 May 2009 08:26

Reading fans have been poor nearly all season, lasts nights attendance was no shocker.

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Re: 19,000 for a play-off semi final

by toppy » 13 May 2009 08:28

I am a current STH and have renewed for next season, but didnt go last night. Evening kickoffs are never good and I just couldnt face it.

Well done to all those who went.

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Re: 19,000 for a play-off semi final

by Rex » 13 May 2009 10:23

Yeah and well done to those leaving with 30 mins to go. :roll:

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Re: 19,000 for a play-off semi final

by mr_number » 13 May 2009 10:27

gotta say i thought it was embarassing that we couldn't find more than 17 thousand or so willing to support the team in such a big game. sure, it was hard to be optimistic, but if you don't go to that sort of game,then why do you bother following football at all?

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Re: 19,000 for a play-off semi final

by brendywendy » 13 May 2009 10:51

empty stands for a playoff semi!
fans leaving with 30 to go
no one bothering to see the team off

we really dont deserve a successful team

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Re: 19,000 for a play-off semi final

by Schards#2 » 13 May 2009 11:15

That was an absolutely shocking attendance for a game of this magnitude. Worse still was the number of fans streaming for the exits with half an hour to go - shame on you.

Embarrasing isn't a world I often use about support but our support was embarrasing yesterday and demonstrates just how temporary and fickle the post 2006 influx of new supporters actually.

I have real concerns with where this club may be heading if we can only sell 17,000 seats for a play off. Thank god we didn't expand.

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Re: 19,000 for a play-off semi final

by Barry the bird boggler » 13 May 2009 11:21

I was thoroughly embarrassed by the pathetic turn out of the home support. 5000 empty seats is inexcusable for a game of that size.

However if we'd won I bet those 5000 would have been first in the queue to get Wembley tickets!

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Re: 19,000 for a play-off semi final

by Royal_Belly » 13 May 2009 11:30

I was shocked to see so many of the usual faces who come week in week out were absent last night! I know our home performances have been awful but this was a semi final 2nd leg play off final - it was set up to be a good game - which it was for the first half.

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Re: 19,000 for a play-off semi final

by Royal_Belly » 13 May 2009 11:38

I was shocked to see so many of the usual faces who come week in week out were absent last night! I know our home performances have been awful but this was a semi final 2nd leg play off final - it was set up to be a good game - which it was for the first half.

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Re: Play-Off Tickets

by Rex » 13 May 2009 11:51

Not one person within 6 places either side of me was an ST holder.

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Re: 19,000 for a play-off semi final

by Maguire » 13 May 2009 18:59

Schards#2 Worse still was the number of fans streaming for the exits with half an hour to go - shame on you

lolz, fck watching that shit.

Why bother sitting around for half an hour watching a game you know your team's going to lose and will never score in if they played until next May? I think retiring to the Oakford early doors with a copy of the Daily Sport is bare skillz to be honest.

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Re: Play-Off Tickets

by North Somerset Royal » 13 May 2009 19:12

royalexile Not one person within 6 places either side of me was an ST holder.

How do you know? Did you ask to see their tickets? I have an ST in Upper West but was in East last night for a change. As the game was not covered by the ST I suspect a lot of people took the opportunity to change seats.

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Re: Play-Off Tickets

by Sarah Star » 13 May 2009 20:05

Everyone near me was a season ticket ticket holder. It was good to be back amongst them all. We were going to sit together if we got to Wembley. One of us had been to Wembley and picked our seats for us.

By the end of the match however, I was sitting on my own.

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Re: Play-Off Tickets

by Humanistic » 13 May 2009 23:39

Whilst not wishing to get in the way of Reading fan-bashing, it's worth noting that in their best season in years Burnley only averaged 13,000 at home (i.e. the fourth worst attended team in the division). Considering how we lost the plot at home over the last few months, to average just under 20,000 was quite a good effort I thought. The play-off semi was bit of an odd one, probably a combination of being on TV, STH having to pay for another match and the belief that we were never going to win at home.

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Re: Play-Off Tickets

by Rex » 14 May 2009 06:23

North Somerset Royal
royalexile Not one person within 6 places either side of me was an ST holder.

How do you know? Did you ask to see their tickets? I have an ST in Upper West but was in East last night for a change. As the game was not covered by the ST I suspect a lot of people took the opportunity to change seats.

I didn't realise we have a movers day on this game. :!: I think i know all the people on my row who i've sat with all season. :?

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Re: Play-Off Tickets

by Sarah Star » 14 May 2009 09:02

Humanistic Whilst not wishing to get in the way of Reading fan-bashing, it's worth noting that in their best season in years Burnley only averaged 13,000 at home (i.e. the fourth worst attended team in the division). Considering how we lost the plot at home over the last few months, to average just under 20,000 was quite a good effort I thought. The play-off semi was bit of an odd one, probably a combination of being on TV, STH having to pay for another match and the belief that we were never going to win at home.

The Burnley fans really want this promotion. You could tell just driving through Burnley with the amount of claret and blue about and the way they all acted. Reading fans I've spoken to, really aren't that fussed about going up to the Premier League, presumably because we've been there, done that, disliked the hype, prices etc. If winning was worked out by how much the fans want it, then Burnley would surely be up near the top. Luckily for us, it isn't.

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Re: Play-Off Tickets

by Royal Lady » 14 May 2009 09:17

There were lots of people around me who don't usually sit there - I suspect it's more to do with the fact that ST holders were only given one day to renew their ST seat - many were too late and other people then picked the better seats as they were on offer.

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Re: Play-Off Tickets

by The Real Sandhurst Royal » 14 May 2009 09:22

Royal Lady wrote:
There were lots of people around me who don't usually sit there - I suspect it's more to do with the fact that ST holders were only given one day to renew their ST seat - many were too late and other people then picked the better seats as they were on offer.

Agreed - A few ST's I know could not get their seat so they said f*ck it and did'nt go.

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Re: Play-Off Tickets

by fridays child » 14 May 2009 10:44

I felt that given the cave in at home it should have been a freebie for ST holders. Thus I saved the cost of two tickets to spend at Wembley. :cry:

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