multisync1830loyalroyaldaz We all have our own views and that's that. Ian makes a point but do not lose sight of the fact the The Man was a virtual unknown previous to his involvement and rose to the dizzy heights of being knighted. Dont tell me he didnt gain financially in other ways other than the football club but more by virtue of his increasing status, networking etc.
Im not saying he should of given the money instead of loan it but those are the facts. His vast financial losses were in the main on other failing businesses due to downturn in construction.
Some of you worship the ground he walks upon and he loves your adulation showing him as the messiah when he strolls onto the pitch, only when its on Telly though, some of us dont and some probably give a toss.
Thats football eh?
A game of opinions.
Oh and we dont all have to share the same one as the Self Righteous on here.
you're getting a bit mixed, SJM likes to be called Chairman as in Chairman of RFC (he's not now we know) because he's more proud of that than ever being called Sir John. (which was given to him as a reward to charity and Support of the conservatives but not for his work for RFC.)
You are kidding! His Ego more proud of being Chairman than Sir?! How many times do you think he says 'call me John' rather than 'Sir John'? Of course he still likes to be around the club. Why wouldn't he when some people still bow in front of him, applaud and sing his name, But as someone else has stated, his character is well illustrated by the fact that his pitch walks usually tend to coincide with the cameras being in town.
As for why he got a Knighthood - it's a lot easier to give money if your tax advisers have helped you (albeit legally) avoid paying a very significant sum in tax. If big corporations and the very rich were prevented from using tax avoidance schemes, there would be far less need to finance things like schools through charity.
Anyway back to main topic. I'm very surprised to hear that the hotel still 'appears' to be making a loss. Not sure how they manage to do that. I thought occupancy rates were pretty good, location is good and there doesn't appear to be a surplus of hotels in the locality.
And it would appear that the doomsday scenario is that the Thais are merely investing in the football club to establish credibility and get their property development scheme approved on the back of it. Once they've done that they walk away leaving the club with nothing. If that happens the Anton sale will seem to be a very minor error by comparison.