RoyalBlueSTAR Campaignsshadesrwrf There is very little doubt in my mind that we will once again see a significant increase in ST prices next season.
If we do, I'm pretty certain that we won't see the same number of Season Ticket holders as we currently have - but if we do they certainly won't be the same people, and the number of juniors and seniors will decrease as well. The average age of supporters at Chelsea is 43, I believe (this isn't an attack on Chelsea, BTW- they're the only club I've seen the demographoc research for), and acroos the PL families and the "traditional" supporters are being replaced by middle-class, middle-aged, more affluent people - arguably to the detriment of the game.
I already know of a quite a few OAPs who were priced out this season, and a number of families who take it in turns to go to matches because they can't afford to all go to every game, and this unofficial "ST sharing" will probably become much more widespread if prices continue to go up.
Just look at the figures below and I defy anyone, anywhere, to come up with any argument that any price increases whatsoever can be defended, morally or financially.
Current Deal
Domestic rights : £1.024 billion
Highlights/radio/etc : £232 million
Overseas rights : £320 million
TOTAL : £1.575 billion
New Deal
Domestic rights : £1.7 billion
Highlights/radio/etc : £375 million
Overseas rights : £625 million
TOTAL : £2.7 billion
DIFFERENCE = £1.125 billion (over 3 years)
Given this, I really hope that STAR will finally fight toe to toe with the senior management of the club if shades is proven to be right.
I think you are going to be disappointed. As long as the ground is full, the club will push the price to limit where it will still be full and this will mean another increase next year.
I also think STAR will defend the club's decision along the lines of "we've got one of the smallest capacities so we have to charge more to compete, but if it goes up next year, we won't stand for it"
I'd like to see STAR state catagorically what level of cost they would consider unacceptable BEFORE the prices are announced and take the club on if prices are above this but, as long as the club gives them the right to sell royalty points to bolster their membership, I don't see them rocking the boat.