by Dirk Gently »
09 Oct 2007 13:38
Elm PArk Behindu Elm PArk starliaison At a traffic meeting I went to a while ago organised by Reading Council the guys from Prudential were talking about a compulsory bus service from a new train station to the Mad Stad as they couldn't have their nice clean park sullied by those nasty football fans......
So why not drop the station and make it a tram direct from Reading station to a drop off point on match days. And on non match days the tram could do a circular route of Green Park dropping off right next to the offices for any workers. More likely to get used by workers as they have less distance to walk and get wet and less chance of problems in Green Park on March Days. A WIN WIN situation.
- where would you run the tram tracks ?
- what volumes could a tram carry compared to a train ?
- how much disruption would the work casue
- what would it cost ?
- how would it help people coming from Basingstoke ?
- The tracks would run down the road through Green Park
- Trams are used in a number of countries where they are coupled together so I would imagine the numbers carried would be similar. Plus, as it is only a short shuttle (From the station, round Green Park and back to the station) they would be able to run more frequently than a train that will porbably run throught to Basingstoke).
- I don't know how busy Green Park gets so cannot comment on the amount of disruption but would not have thought it too bad as it is an enclosed 'estate' it's not like digging up the A33.
- Cost. I must admit I have no idea but the station can't be that cheep and the council are constantly revisiting the idea of bring back trams to Reading.
- Those coming from Basingstoke would probably have to change at Reading but there is no reason why a service couldn't run from there and through Green park.
There may be very good reasons why a tram wouldn't work and cost may be one of them but has anyone considered the option?
But all that capital investment for just 19 or 20 matches a season would be madness - especially as it would be sitting idele when trains weren't coming in.
A tram to the Town Centre from the MadStad would be perfect, as it could be used on a daily basis for Park and Ride as well as for matches.
But I think that's been ruled out as not being cost-effective - the route would have to go along next to the A33, and somehow cross the IDR by the Oracle, and where could it terminate in the town centre?
Anyway, from what I understand of transport economics, successful tram schemes have been when there are multiple stops so that people are getting on and off at all of them, with differing journey lengths. The less successful schemes have been the ones connecting just two end points - especially if there is a fair distance between the two points, because the trams are in transit all the time and not picking up passengers, so you need so many more tramcars to maintian a reasonable service.