by bobby m's syrup »
13 Oct 2007 07:27
Elm PArk Behindu ElmPark, as Wycombe points out you suggested a tram from Reading Station (in the town centre). You'd need to get all the way out to the Mad Stad from there and that just looks horrifically complex and expensive.
I think you may have a good idea about some kind of tram round Green Park and I also agree that local trams as used in Holland (and a number of UK cities) could have a big part to play but would be worried about the practicality of it replacing the station in anything like the necessary time scales.
You run the tram down the existing rail track as far as the proposed station and then take a spur off and around green park. Simple.
I agree timescales might be a problem. But if a thing is worth doing....
Sounds simple and is already happening in parts of Germany and Holland. In Karlsruhe, trams even share routes used by Inter City trains
Sharing also happens in the UK, but only on the Sunderland extension of the Tyne & Wear Metro where theses vehicles are engineered to a standard which allows them to 'retain structural integrity' in the case of a collision with conventional stock.
In effect, this makes Metro cars light rail vehicle
a la DLR and thus incompatible with street running.
The Germans have proved that advanced signalling now precludes a need for extra heavy tram-train engineering, but this has so far failed to convince our penny pinching authorities.