BBC Berks Live commentary is no more....Oh yes it is!

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BBC Berks Live commentary is no more....Oh yes it is!

by Wycombe Royal » 20 Jul 2006 13:50

Reading 107 have got the exclusive rights for next season ending the clubs long term partnership with BBC Berks. Apparently they wouldn't pay enough money.

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by Gordons Cumming » 20 Jul 2006 13:54

I never listen to Reading matches on the radio anyway, loss.

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Re: BBC Berks Live commentary is no more........

by bobby1413 » 20 Jul 2006 13:56

Wycombe Royal Reading 107 have got the exclusive rights for next season ending the clubs long term partnership with BBC Berks. Apparently they wouldn't pay enough money.

feckin hell. I'm going to every game, but last season the games I didn't make I used to listen to bbc berkshire. Excellent commentary. Really dissappointed.

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by Alan Partridge » 20 Jul 2006 13:59

A very sad shame. The Radio Berks programme was excellent and having guest commentators like Mick Gooding and Neil Smith was brilliant. We alwys listen to Radio Berks after home games as their show was considerably better than 107.

They've been there for as long as I can remember and another case of seLOLing out from RFC it seems. Why not just have 2? Would it hurt?

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by premiership_bound » 20 Jul 2006 14:05

So how much has Mr Mad paid himself for the rights :?:

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by Gav » 20 Jul 2006 14:07

Berks was better by miles, if 107 don't considerably lift their game (which they won't have to thanks to exclusivity), I will be VERY disappointed.

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by Huntley & Palmer » 20 Jul 2006 14:11

A number of our games will be live on FIVE LIVE so I wouldn't worry about it

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by Maguire » 20 Jul 2006 14:14

My only problem with this is that 107FM is absolutely shit.

I'll miss the amateurish yet likeable Radio Berks experience on a Saturday - they'd been covering games for years.

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by bobby1413 » 20 Jul 2006 14:17

Maguire My only problem with this is that 107FM is absolutely shit.

I'll miss the amateurish yet likeable Radio Berks experience on a Saturday - they'd been covering games for years.

Yea. Plus 107 suddenly without warning stopped their Royal Box, but then miraculously decided to start it again this february if I remember rightly.

Agreed that bbc berkshire were likeable, easy going, and had some really good features. no stupid adverts, very reliable service too.

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by CocoPops » 20 Jul 2006 14:21

Bad news imho :(

BBC Berks coverage was good :) Phone ins etc, from fans.

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by Wycombe Royal » 20 Jul 2006 14:21

BBC Berks have the wider coverage, available on DAB, better commmentary, no adverts, far more dedicated programme, and wouldn't drop the commentary just because they could make more money from a different programme.

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by AJ~ » 20 Jul 2006 14:22

A real shame, part of the match day tradition gone. :( Gutted for the guys there who have been covering Reading up and down the country passionately for years and will miss out now we've finally reached the big time. I won't give Reading 107 and their dreadful glory coverage the time of day, they can shove it.

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by CocoPops » 20 Jul 2006 14:24

YET again it comes down to money and not the benefit of reaching a wider audience.

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by moo » 20 Jul 2006 14:34

I am gutted and oxf*rd fuming that BBC Berks have lost the rights, how can you listen to pre-match, post-match or away commentry better than BBC radio berks? :(

Their loyalty to the club was immense, and shame the moneygrabbers wont repay that loyalty.

Go FCUK yourself RFC

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by Platypuss » 20 Jul 2006 14:35

How far away can you pick up 107? In the past I've been able to pick up RB from as far way as North London.

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by playoffs or layoffs » 20 Jul 2006 14:38

personally I'm really disappointed, I thought Tim and Joel and the rest were excellent.

No one yet has had anything positive to say about the switch to 107, and I doubt anyone will.

A REAL shame.

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by moo » 20 Jul 2006 14:38

The club has been trying to force 107 on us for years, since its launch with all sorts of adverts all over the place, competitions and even 'radio headsets' that are only pre-tuned for 107!!!!

Now they can outprice the rivals and pay money to themselves for the rights.

107 has awful signal, maybe in Whitley you can hear it vaguely.

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by MartinRdg » 20 Jul 2006 14:40

Platypuss How far away can you pick up 107? In the past I've been able to pick up RB from as far way as North London.

Good point - when going towards London on the M4, 107 starts to break up at Maidenhead.

I've tried to listen to 107 commentary - 2 matches and both of them I gave up before half-time. They kept mentioning players on the field who were out injured so there was no way they could be on the field.

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by Archies Left Foot » 20 Jul 2006 14:48

What a load of old baloney. Seconding what everyone else has said on here and to add, at least you had commentators who had an afinity with the Royals on RB, 107 commentary team season before last had a self confessed Liverpool man co commentating.

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by Wycombe Royal » 20 Jul 2006 14:51

BBC Berks can be heard in Wycombe, 107 can't.

I just hope that BBC Berks realise the support they have and that RFC know how dissapointed we are. THis shouldn't just be about money it is about providing a service to those who can't get to games and live outside the broadcast area of 107 but within BBC Berks range.

A cynic would think it is a way of getting more people to subscribe to Reading World.
Last edited by Wycombe Royal on 20 Jul 2006 14:53, edited 1 time in total.

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