by dean horrix legend » 02 Jul 2010 15:18
by Sun Tzu » 02 Jul 2010 15:27
by Row Z Royal » 02 Jul 2010 15:29
Sun Tzu Only possible decision really on the basis that
1. He's a good manager
2. There aren't too many credible options who would actually take the job
3. He can only have learned from this farce and will be highly motivated to restore his reputation
4. I suspect the real culprits may not be around too much longer
5. The FA couldn't afford to fire him
by Silver Fox » 02 Jul 2010 15:53
Sun Tzu 3. He can only have learned from this farce and will be highly motivated to restore his reputation
by CMRoyal » 02 Jul 2010 16:26
Silver Fox 'greed generally Sun butSun Tzu 3. He can only have learned from this farce and will be highly motivated to restore his reputation
I'd have thought there must be a hundred other jobs where he'd be more able to restore his reputation, he's still going to be lumbered with the same bunch of clowns staying with England
by Sun Tzu » 02 Jul 2010 16:54
by Barry the bird boggler » 02 Jul 2010 17:14
by Row Z Royal » 02 Jul 2010 17:37
Barry the bird boggler Bad decision, I have to say that this tournament showed him to be incompetent, but then the FA haven't the bottle or the money to get shot of him.
by The Surgeon of Crowthorne » 02 Jul 2010 17:40
CMRoyalSilver Fox 'greed generally Sun butSun Tzu 3. He can only have learned from this farce and will be highly motivated to restore his reputation
I'd have thought there must be a hundred other jobs where he'd be more able to restore his reputation, he's still going to be lumbered with the same bunch of clowns staying with England
His reputation before England was virtually unblemished. If he has damaged it with England then the only way he'll restore it is with England. It's a long-term task - he knows it, and it's comforting to think that one so experienced feels there's enough talent there to make a success of it. It's going to be very interesting to see which players survive the purge.
by Kurtz » 02 Jul 2010 18:20
by adamh4608 » 02 Jul 2010 20:45
by T.O.G. » 02 Jul 2010 20:54
by Hoop Blah » 02 Jul 2010 21:46
adamh4608 no matter who's manager we will always be shit until the manager can choose his own players, instead of been given a list to choose from.
by adamh4608 » 02 Jul 2010 21:58
Hoop Blahadamh4608 no matter who's manager we will always be shit until the manager can choose his own players, instead of been given a list to choose from.
What list and who's drawing it up?
by Sarah Star » 02 Jul 2010 22:09
by Smoking Kills Dancing Doe » 03 Jul 2010 10:25
by Handsome Man » 03 Jul 2010 10:52
by Sun Tzu » 03 Jul 2010 11:54
adamh4608Hoop Blahadamh4608 no matter who's manager we will always be shit until the manager can choose his own players, instead of been given a list to choose from.
What list and who's drawing it up?
from the FA that's why we have not won anything since 1966
by sandman » 03 Jul 2010 16:50
by The whole year inn » 04 Jul 2010 06:53
adamh4608Hoop Blahadamh4608 no matter who's manager we will always be shit until the manager can choose his own players, instead of been given a list to choose from.
What list and who's drawing it up?
from the FA that's why we have not won anything since 1966
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