by Avon Royal » 16 Oct 2011 12:45
by sandman » 16 Oct 2011 13:19
by leww_rfc » 16 Oct 2011 14:14
by cmonurz » 16 Oct 2011 15:54
sandman Patrice Evra - Liar. Just ask the Chelsea ground staff.
by sandman » 16 Oct 2011 16:01
by Tredder » 16 Oct 2011 16:16
leww_rfc Would fit in well at QPR
by leww_rfc » 16 Oct 2011 18:54
No Fixed Abode Suarez has previous, this doesn't surprise me.
by Friday's Legacy » 16 Oct 2011 18:57
Avon Royal
What a horrible, cheating, diving, racist little oik he appears to be.
Has all the skills of a great player, but the character of an arsehole.
by cmonurz » 16 Oct 2011 19:56
No Fixed Abode Suarez has previous, this doesn't surprise me.
by Scylla » 16 Oct 2011 21:05
cmonurzNo Fixed Abode Suarez has previous, this doesn't surprise me.
He has previous for violent behaviour on the field, not for racism.
It's like accusing Frank Lampard if a pie shop in Kew gets robbed.
by Scylla » 16 Oct 2011 21:06
Ideal 'Greed. The guy's a total pcunt, wasn't he once suspended for biting someone??? I remember how he handballed in the world cup. Horrible, he cheated Ghana out of their rightful place in the semi-finals. Who knows what could have happened if that asshole hadn't handballed. Could they have won the world cup? It's entirely possible.
by Mr Angry » 17 Oct 2011 07:44
Ideal 'Greed. The guy's a total pcunt, wasn't he once suspended for biting someone??? I remember how he handballed in the world cup. Horrible, he cheated Ghana out of their rightful place in the semi-finals. Who knows what could have happened if that asshole hadn't handballed. Could they have won the world cup? It's entirely possible.
by Svlad Cjelli » 17 Oct 2011 08:11
by Barry the bird boggler » 17 Oct 2011 08:21
by papereyes » 17 Oct 2011 08:39
Ideal 'Greed. The guy's a total pcunt, wasn't he once suspended for biting someone??? I remember how he handballed in the world cup. Horrible, he cheated Ghana out of their rightful place in the semi-finals. Who knows what could have happened if that asshole hadn't handballed. Could they have won the world cup? It's entirely possible.
by soggy biscuit » 17 Oct 2011 08:55
by Simon's Church » 17 Oct 2011 09:26
Svlad Cjelli whilsy Evra has cried wolf before
by YateleyRoyal » 17 Oct 2011 10:38
Mr AngryIdeal 'Greed. The guy's a total pcunt, wasn't he once suspended for biting someone??? I remember how he handballed in the world cup. Horrible, he cheated Ghana out of their rightful place in the semi-finals. Who knows what could have happened if that asshole hadn't handballed. Could they have won the world cup? It's entirely possible.
Er....didn't Ghana miss the penalty??
by Mr Angry » 17 Oct 2011 11:54
YateleyRoyalMr AngryIdeal 'Greed. The guy's a total pcunt, wasn't he once suspended for biting someone??? I remember how he handballed in the world cup. Horrible, he cheated Ghana out of their rightful place in the semi-finals. Who knows what could have happened if that asshole hadn't handballed. Could they have won the world cup? It's entirely possible.
Er....didn't Ghana miss the penalty??
See, I keep having this argument with my mates. Yes, they did miss the penalty, but the point is that the ball WOULD have crossed the line and Ghana WOULD have taken the lead if Suarez hadn't handballed, and in all likelihood they would have won the game. However, what was a certain goal was replaced with a chance of a goal, which Ghana squandered.
Their argument is that Uruguay were punished according to the laws of the game, and Ghana didnt take advantage, but I believe that the laws of the game were wrong. IMO this is worse in some ways than the hand of God, even though Suarez was punished, he deliberately stopped the other team winning, whereas Maradona only put his team in the lead and England had all the chances to equalise.
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