Maximum number of countries you could represent?

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soggy biscuit
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Re: Maximum number of countries you could represent?

by soggy biscuit » 03 Apr 2013 14:14

I blame my badly worded thread title

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Re: Maximum number of countries you could represent?

by St. Brynjar » 03 Apr 2013 15:31

England, Scotland, South Africa and possibly Shetland if they become independent from Scotland.

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Re: Maximum number of countries you could represent?

by Wax Jacket » 03 Apr 2013 16:07

RoyalChicagoFC Well I can prove ancestry to each of the home n8ions with the exception of Wales

Athough I've got to reckon the "Scots-Irish" distinction may be kinda hazy to anybody inspecting credentials at that end of things, so NI may in fact be a no

Plus RoI and Deutschland fer sher

And direct ancestry to Irish Quebecois, so throw in the opportunity to join in failed Canadian pursuits of WC berths as long as I'm able-bodied, eh

But then I don't know the UK/EU/Canadian laws having to do with citizenship, and my last ones to arrive here got in during the CiviLOL War

So perhaps five or six, and maybe seven at the limit

And at the very least one

we can all prove 'ancestry' whatever that means. football qualification goes to your grandparents.

why do Americans never just say they're American and have done with it

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Re: Maximum number of countries you could represent?

by Deadlock » 03 Apr 2013 17:02

just some bloke My son could conceivably represent England, Japan or the United States. I believe that is the most geographically diverse list yet on this thread - three different continents.

However, he first needs to start showing the slightest interest in football, which to date at age 6 he is yet to do.

My uncle's children similarly. They qualify for Canada (place of birth), India (my uncle's PoB), England (grandfather's PoB), and Burma (grandmother's PoB). Unlikely to happen, though, as the youngest is in his mid-forties now.

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Re: Maximum number of countries you could represent?

by RoyalChicagoFC » 03 Apr 2013 20:21

In part, whoever it was up above
'ancestry' whatever that means

Ancestry defined and how I meant it (sense 1 of the first definition shown)

While of course generally aware of the grandparent criterion, I got crossed up on eligibility rules for a reason that is simple enough to explain, but I'm not about to bother --this being, after all, just some football spazboard and not a peer-reviewed academic curriculum to be undertaken with the utmost solemnity and seriousness, etc

The rest of what was there smacks at first glance --and I didn't spare it a second-- of personal matters of no interest or concern to me

So that's the subject covered to my satisfaction and me having moved on from it then

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Re: Maximum number of countries you could represent?

by Kitsondinho » 03 Apr 2013 21:04

England and Wales for me (my Dad's Mum being Welsh n'all)

Kits Jnrs 1 +2 can only play for England though, because I believe Great-Grandparents don't count...... yet!

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