Football hates

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Re: Football hates

by Sanguine » 19 Sep 2013 12:52

The same rule applies, doesn't it. Shielding the ball as it runs out of play is one thing. If they move side to side for 5 or 6 yards and simply impede the player, the referee will give a free-kick.

It's about intent to play the ball. Shielding the ball for a couple of yards is playing the ball, impeding the progress of an attacker for 5 yards isn't.

Standing on the goal-line then running out to head the ball is playing the ball. Standing in the way of the keeper so he can't do the same is not playing the ball.

All pretty irrelevant as the FA/referees obviously don't particularly agree with me, it's just a type of bad 'sportsmanship' that I don't enjoy about the modern game.

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Re: Football hates

by John Madejski's Wallet » 19 Sep 2013 12:54

Sanguine The same rule applies, doesn't it. Shielding the ball as it runs out of play is one thing. If they move side to side for 5 or 6 yards and simply impede the player, the referee will give a free-kick. .

That almost never happens! Even when the person shielding the ball ends up leaning back and is far enough away from the ball to not have it under any control, a free-kick is still never given.

Hate it

Someone dropping a shoulder and jinking to shield a ball that is right next to their foot is fine....

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Re: Football hates

by Alexander Litvinenko » 19 Sep 2013 13:01

Badge kissing. Just about the most insincere thing in the world, because you know that those players who are kissing the badge today will be off like a shot as soon as a bigger club waves enough fivers at them.

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Re: Football hates

by Magic Hat » 19 Sep 2013 13:06

7. Argentina

What's your gripe with Argentina?

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Re: Football hates

by Royalclapper » 19 Sep 2013 13:22

Magic Hat
7. Argentina

What's your gripe with Argentina?

Not sure if serious :?

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Re: Football hates

by TBM » 19 Sep 2013 13:23

Magic Hat
7. Argentina

What's your gripe with Argentina?

Not sure if serious :?

Shouldn't it be "Maradona" then and not Argentina as a whole?

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Re: Football hates

by BR2 » 19 Sep 2013 13:45

Big Foot Players not celebrating goals against their old clubs.


Also people saying that "football has moved on" .

Obviously any commentary by Clive Tyldesley on ITV,especially his screaming of the word "Rooney" (unfortunately copied by Martin Tyler) when the player has a chance to score and misses.

Booking players for time-wasting-why? Just add on time at the end. much of what they do,so just refs in general.

Club chairmen-nobody ever used to know who they were but now so many are blatant publicity seekers.

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Re: Football hates

by 6ft Kerplunk » 19 Sep 2013 13:49

BR2 Club chairmen-nobody ever used to know who they were but now so many are blatant publicity seekers.

Dave Whelan is another of my current football hates.

No Fixed Abode

Re: Football hates

by No Fixed Abode » 19 Sep 2013 13:51

1. Adrian Chiles
2. Soccer AM
3. Soulless out of town grounds
4. Price of football in general
5. Jester hats
6. Ban on alcohol whilst in your seat
7. Liverpool FC
8. Bands
9. Fans who go mad about one win when in the scheme of things, it's probably not that important.
10. Jason Roberts
11. Fleece wearers
12. Shirters
13. Club/Manager motto's - 'To dare is to do' 'Build, Evolve, Succeed'.
14. Footballers (specifically young English players) who think they've made the big time, spend far too much time on twitter, getting tattoo's, buying New Era Caps and driving around in their Audi instead of spending extra time on the training ground improving.
15. Southern born Liverpool fans who only support the club due to their success in the 80s. Born a decade later, they would have been United fans. *They all deny this though :lol:
16. West Ham fans who say "We won the World Cup in 66".
17. Fans who think it's funny to take inflatables to games.
18. Music after a goal is scored.
19. Lack of terracing
20. Generic answers by managers/players to questions by the media.

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Re: Football hates

by stealthpapes » 19 Sep 2013 13:52

Wax Jacket Shirters
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Re: Football hates

by Whore Jackie » 19 Sep 2013 13:52

Players high/low-fiving each other every two minutes. Equally applies to tennis, volleyball, badminton doubles.

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Re: Football hates

by Whore Jackie » 19 Sep 2013 13:53

Recaro seats in dug-outs.

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Re: Football hates

by Whore Jackie » 19 Sep 2013 13:53

Hat-tricks. 8)

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Re: Football hates

by No Fixed Abode » 19 Sep 2013 13:53

21. Players spitting. It should be banned.

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Re: Football hates

by Alexander Litvinenko » 19 Sep 2013 14:03

LED adverts around pitches.

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Re: Football hates

by Royalclapper » 19 Sep 2013 14:03

Shouldn't it be "Maradona" then and not Argentina as a whole?

That's the stand out reason but far from the only one. They are simply the biggest bunch of pcunts in International football.

The snidey tactics that they expertly dish out but miraculously can't take back, spoilt little brats almost to a man.

From Rattin in 1966 to Maradona in 1986 to Beckham's sending off against them in 1998, scumbags to the end. They cannot lose with an ounce of dignity and England always have to be the bigger man about it all when the stroppiness inevitably begins.

If they're not winning then everything gets reduced to a shambles as they are first class at digging up reasons why it can't possibly be anything they've ever done and it goes without saying that the circumstances are everyone else's doing. I despise them and I'm always glad when I hear them bleating about how they despise us, It's the way it should be and always will be.

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Re: Football hates

by jd82 » 19 Sep 2013 14:12

Shouldn't it be "Maradona" then and not Argentina as a whole?

That's the stand out reason but far from the only one. They are simply the biggest bunch of pcunts in International football.

The snidey tactics that they expertly dish out but miraculously can't take back, spoilt little brats almost to a man.

From Rattin in 1966 to Maradona in 1986 to Beckham's sending off against them in 1998, scumbags to the end. They cannot lose with an ounce of dignity and England always have to be the bigger man about it all when the stroppiness inevitably begins.

If they're not winning then everything gets reduced to a shambles as they are first class at digging up reasons why it can't possibly be anything they've ever done and it goes without saying that the circumstances are everyone else's doing. I despise them and I'm always glad when I hear them bleating about how they despise us, It's the way it should be and always will be.

Only one man to blame for that one, and it ain't Simeone

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Re: Football hates

by Wax Jacket » 19 Sep 2013 14:18

I think the main one for me would be the obsession with money

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Re: Football hates

by TBM » 19 Sep 2013 14:23

No Fixed Abode 1. Adrian Chiles
2. Soccer AM
3. Soulless out of town grounds
4. Price of football in general
5. Jester hats
6. Ban on alcohol whilst in your seat
7. Liverpool FC
8. Bands
9. Fans who go mad about one win when in the scheme of things, it's probably not that important.
10. Jason Roberts
11. Fleece wearers
12. Shirters
13. Club/Manager motto's - 'To dare is to do' 'Build, Evolve, Succeed'.
14. Footballers (specifically young English players) who think they've made the big time, spend far too much time on twitter, getting tattoo's, buying New Era Caps and driving around in their Audi instead of spending extra time on the training ground improving.
15. Southern born Liverpool fans who only support the club due to their success in the 80s. Born a decade later, they would have been United fans. *They all deny this though :lol:
16. West Ham fans who say "We won the World Cup in 66".
17. Fans who think it's funny to take inflatables to games.
18. Music after a goal is scored.
19. Lack of terracing
20. Generic answers by managers/players to questions by the media.

In other words Reading FC

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Re: Football hates

by Royalclapper » 19 Sep 2013 14:30

Shouldn't it be "Maradona" then and not Argentina as a whole?

That's the stand out reason but far from the only one. They are simply the biggest bunch of pcunts in International football.

The snidey tactics that they expertly dish out but miraculously can't take back, spoilt little brats almost to a man.

From Rattin in 1966 to Maradona in 1986 to Beckham's sending off against them in 1998, scumbags to the end. They cannot lose with an ounce of dignity and England always have to be the bigger man about it all when the stroppiness inevitably begins.

If they're not winning then everything gets reduced to a shambles as they are first class at digging up reasons why it can't possibly be anything they've ever done and it goes without saying that the circumstances are everyone else's doing. I despise them and I'm always glad when I hear them bleating about how they despise us, It's the way it should be and always will be.

Only one man to blame for that one, and it ain't Simeone

Yeah, that showed us eh.

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