No Fixed AbodeSo Chelsea didn't wear any t-shirts. Much more dignity.

by soggy biscuit » 24 Dec 2011 14:53
No Fixed AbodeSo Chelsea didn't wear any t-shirts. Much more dignity.
by Scylla » 24 Dec 2011 15:04
Victor MeldrewTheMaraudingDog Anti racism shirts would be worn by a club that had any dignity.
Are there any?
by Victor Meldrew » 24 Dec 2011 15:52
by Scylla » 24 Dec 2011 16:50
Victor Meldrew FWIW this was just an attempt to show solidarity with a team-mate who has been going through a hard time,something which most, if not all, clubs would do.
It was an attempt that has caused people to be up in arms-a bit like the support Man Utd gave to Cantona after he assaulted that fan.
Football clubs often do not get it right-this time Liverpool have misjudged the mood of the nation (stirred up beyond belief by our media) but let's not forget it was just a picture of Suarez and there were no words of unerring support.
BTW those icons of our society who have given such good examples of how people should live their lives (not)Collymore and McGrath really do take the biscuit in pontificating about the actions of others and in particular Glen Johnson.
Johnson obviously was not offended by what Suarez said so how dare those jerks suggest what Johnson should be feeling or saying.
An article in today's Press summed things up IMHO quite well in suggesting that a few words spoken in the heat of battle unheard by anybody else (except the bloke in the crowd at QPR with sensational hearing capacity) have created a massive diversion from all the other ills that beset our national game and receive so little attention.
by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 24 Dec 2011 16:55
Ideal I just can't help but feel disappointed that Liverpool decided to all wear Suarez shirts and all that, why could they not just say "sorry, our man got it wrong, we've asked him to apologize"..? Why not? That would be the decent thing to do.
by Scylla » 24 Dec 2011 16:59
Rev Algenon Stickleback HIdeal I just can't help but feel disappointed that Liverpool decided to all wear Suarez shirts and all that, why could they not just say "sorry, our man got it wrong, we've asked him to apologize"..? Why not? That would be the decent thing to do.
Because that would mean admitting one of thier own did something wrong, and footballers these days are conditioned to believe they are never wrong. Add in a manager who seems determined to turn SAF style "everybody is against us" games up a notch in claims of victimisation - such as demanding that refs show Liverpool "respect" (i.e. give decisions their way) and it's a hopeless case.
If Suarez had just came out and said what he'd done was wrong, apologized, and said he regretted his actions, there'd have been a lot less fuss made. And a shorter ban, too, I'd imagine.
It's quite staggering people at Liverpool can't see they are making a stand in favour of casual racism.
by Bandini » 24 Dec 2011 17:09
by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 24 Dec 2011 17:12
ScyllaRev Algenon Stickleback HIdeal I just can't help but feel disappointed that Liverpool decided to all wear Suarez shirts and all that, why could they not just say "sorry, our man got it wrong, we've asked him to apologize"..? Why not? That would be the decent thing to do.
Because that would mean admitting one of thier own did something wrong, and footballers these days are conditioned to believe they are never wrong. Add in a manager who seems determined to turn SAF style "everybody is against us" games up a notch in claims of victimisation - such as demanding that refs show Liverpool "respect" (i.e. give decisions their way) and it's a hopeless case.
If Suarez had just came out and said what he'd done was wrong, apologized, and said he regretted his actions, there'd have been a lot less fuss made. And a shorter ban, too, I'd imagine.
It's quite staggering people at Liverpool can't see they are making a stand in favour of casual racism.
I still haven't seen the evidence or the summation Rev. Has God revealed it to you? Liverpool are quite entitled to support Suarez at least until the appeal has run it's course.
by Scylla » 24 Dec 2011 19:59
by Scylla » 24 Dec 2011 20:06
Bandini Clubs are entitled to do lots of things; whether those things are particularly edifying is another matter.
by TBM » 26 Dec 2011 22:53
by Victor Meldrew » 27 Dec 2011 11:30
TBM Nice little dive from the ugly pcunt today
by TBM » 27 Dec 2011 11:34
Victor MeldrewTBM Nice little dive from the ugly pcunt today
Has this changed to a Rooney or Cashley topic?
by who are ya? » 27 Dec 2011 12:14
by Victor Meldrew » 27 Dec 2011 12:24
TBMVictor MeldrewTBM Nice little dive from the ugly pcunt today
Has this changed to a Rooney or Cashley topic?
Did they dive yesterday then?
by Victor Meldrew » 27 Dec 2011 12:27
who are ya? Liverpools other diving legend is back from injury now
by TBM » 27 Dec 2011 12:32
by who are ya? » 27 Dec 2011 12:33
by Fluff » 28 Dec 2011 12:41
by Fluff » 28 Dec 2011 12:44
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