BandiniScylla Try readng the report then come back with a short summary concerning the 'clarity' of Suarez's guilt.
I'm always keen to help:
Para 453 (7)
Mr Suarez fouled Mr Evra in the 58th minute of the game. In the 63rd minute, Mr Evra challenged Mr Suarez about the foul. Mr Evra used an offensive phrase,
which did not have any racial element and which Mr Suarez did not hear. An acrimonious argument ensued in which both players had a go at each other. In
the course of this confrontation, Mr Suarez used the words "negro" or "negros" seven times. He did so both before and after the referee had spoken to them and
told them to calm down. Mr Suarez addressed Mr Evra as "negro". He also made other derogatory comments using the word. In the course of the argument, Mr
Suarez also pinched Mr Evra's skin (which was not in itself insulting behaviour nor did it refer to Mr Evra's colour) and put his hand on the back of his head,
which were part of Mr Suarez's attempts to wind up Mr Evra (paragraphs 346 to 384 above).
Mr Suarez's words, which included a reference to Mr Evra's colour, were insulting. The use of insulting words which include a reference to another person's colour on a football pitch are wholly unacceptable (paragraphs 385 to 399 above).
Just out of interest was there any mention of Evra being booked,which he was for kicking Suarez?
Also if the argument went on for some time why did the ref not take action there and then as he surely must have heard what was said although it appears that Evra was the only person to hear?