Luis Suarez - scumbag

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by Bandini » 04 Jan 2012 09:07

Franchise FC Having read the FA byelaws, I'm fully supportive of the ban for Suarez. He did, after all, admit to the use of terms that contravene those byelaws.
He's therefore bang to rights.

My problem with this is that Evra also admitted to using abusive language concerning nationality and he seems to have gotten away scot free. The byelaws specifically list both colour and nationality as aggravating issues with abuse.

If we're going to have the byelaws impleented, then they've got to be consistent.....................................oh, hang on, this is the FA.

I thought that he referred to him as a "South American" once. That's a bit different from Suarez referring to Evra as black seven times, and saying that he (Suarez) doesn't talk to black people.

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by Maguire » 04 Jan 2012 09:12

I'm not massively fussed about what thick footballers say to wind each other up tbh although i get why people like to get so excited about issues pertaining to racism. However....I am actually slightly stunned by Liverpool's approach to the whole issue up to and including yesterday's statement which is just bizarre. Have they taken total leave of their senses?

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by cmonurz » 04 Jan 2012 10:02

If you believe, like Baines does, that everything Evra says is gospel, then yes, Liverpool’s approach is strange. In fact yes, I appreciate that given they have accepted the ban, their terse statement doesn’t shed them in a good light. But the fact remains Suarez has been banned because Evra says he called him black seven times. No witnesses, no TV evidence, just Evra. If it didn’t happen, or did not happen to the extent Evra has claimed, you can understand Liverpool’s and Suarez’s continued strong position.

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by Extended-Phenotype » 04 Jan 2012 10:06

FiNeRaIn Na not having that Extended-Phenotype, you can make a racist comment without being racist i'm afraid. John Mackie did it, Terry supposedly did it and suarez did it, all have had team-mates from varous backgrounds supporting them on their behalf in saying they are not racist. In the heat of the moment things can be said which you don't really mean. People also say things for reactions. Its massively naive and ignorant to label someone as racist just because they say a particuarly taboo word. If there is consistent pattern in negative treatment or abuse towards a particuarly race of people then fair enough.

Utter bullsh/t.

As a non-racist, I would not find it so easy to disrespect a persons race by using it against them for the cheap purpose of upsetting them in an argument or provoking a reaction. To be so ignorant to think it is excusable or fair game is the mindset of a racist.

In the heat of the moment all that happens is people say things they don’t mean to say. Very different.

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by Bandini » 04 Jan 2012 10:09

cmonurz If you believe, like Baines does, that everything Evra says is gospel, then yes, Liverpool’s approach is strange. In fact yes, I appreciate that given they have accepted the ban, their terse statement doesn’t shed them in a good light. But the fact remains Suarez has been banned because Evra says he called him black seven times. No witnesses, no TV evidence, just Evra. If it didn’t happen, or did not happen to the extent Evra has claimed, you can understand Liverpool’s and Suarez’s continued strong position.

No-one believes that everything Evra says is gospel. However, the panel (whose view of things is rather more important than mine), including an eminent QC, determined after reviewing video evidence, evidence from the referee, evidence from other players, evidence from expert witnesses and having had the benefit of seeing Evra and Suarez cross-examined that not only was Evra's evidence more likely to be the true account of events but that "we found it remarkable that [Suarez] sought to advance a case that was so clearly inconsistent with any sensible appreciation of what happened".

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by cmonurz » 04 Jan 2012 10:19

Ah, guilty unless proven innocent. It’s clearer now, ta.

The statement of ‘reasons’ for this judgement actually gives only two – they believed Evra, they didn’t believe Suarez. Imho that shouldn’t be enough to ban someone for 8 games and brand them a racist (whether that is their intention or not).

My point was that if events did not transpire as Evra said, I can certainly understand their maintaining the position they are.

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by Extended-Phenotype » 04 Jan 2012 10:32

I just love listening to these jiztits defending a player who’s statement was

“I pinched his skin and angrily called him a negro to be friendly and calm him down during the argument. This is very common behaviour in Spain. Negro just means black. I drive a negro car, have a negro dog, and even gave my wife a negro eye to be friendly and calm her down during an argument. This is obviously just a cultural misunderstanding.”

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by TBM » 04 Jan 2012 10:45

cmonurz My point was that if events did not transpire as Evra said, I can certainly understand their maintaining the position they are.

Then why didn't they appeal?

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by Bandini » 04 Jan 2012 10:46

cmonurz Ah, guilty unless proven innocent. It’s clearer now, ta.

The statement of ‘reasons’ for this judgement actually gives only two – they believed Evra, they didn’t believe Suarez. Imho that shouldn’t be enough to ban someone for 8 games and brand them a racist (whether that is their intention or not).

My point was that if events did not transpire as Evra said, I can certainly understand their maintaining the position they are.

And behind those reasons are a great number of other reasons to support that.

In order to assist with the clarity:

This is how things get decided in disputes of this kind.

And they haven't branded Suarez a racist as is clear from the decision.

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by cmonurz » 04 Jan 2012 10:59

cmonurz My point was that if events did not transpire as Evra said, I can certainly understand their maintaining the position they are.

Then why didn't they appeal?

Because if the FA will ban someone for 8 games because Evra looks good in a suit, there’s every chance they would increase the ban after an appeal, irrespective of it’s merits.

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by TFF » 04 Jan 2012 11:06

No, it's because he'll only miss four/five league games whereas there's every chance if they appeal and lose/only get a small reduction he'll miss more league matches.

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by TFF » 04 Jan 2012 11:07

and he's guilty as fcuk

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by TBM » 04 Jan 2012 11:08

:lol: bitter Liverpool fan.....

The bloke admitted saying the word - so really it doesn't matter if it was once or seven times, he said it and meant it to cause offence

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by cmonurz » 04 Jan 2012 11:09

TBM :lol: bitter Liverpool fan.....

The bloke admitted saying the word - so really it doesn't matter if it was once or seven times, he said it and meant it to cause offence

Clearly this is not the case, from the written statement.


Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by TheMaraudingDog » 04 Jan 2012 11:44

Why is it only fcukwit Scousers that are trying to defend Suarez and claim an unjustified ban?

Every sports writer from a cross section of media is nothing but damming of Liverpool but yet comonurz etc seem to think they've been hard done by.

They've got form for burying their heads in the sand and pointing the finger of blame haven't they.

Hillsborough, Heysel, Michael Shields and new SUarez. But never their fault!

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by Wax Jacket » 04 Jan 2012 11:51

it's all a bit irrelevant anyway as he's a show-pony who can't score goals

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by TBM » 04 Jan 2012 12:05

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by FiNeRaIn » 04 Jan 2012 12:16

FiNeRaIn Na not having that Extended-Phenotype, you can make a racist comment without being racist i'm afraid. John Mackie did it, Terry supposedly did it and suarez did it, all have had team-mates from varous backgrounds supporting them on their behalf in saying they are not racist. In the heat of the moment things can be said which you don't really mean. People also say things for reactions. Its massively naive and ignorant to label someone as racist just because they say a particuarly taboo word. If there is consistent pattern in negative treatment or abuse towards a particuarly race of people then fair enough.

Utter bullsh/t.

As a non-racist, I would not find it so easy to disrespect a persons race by using it against them for the cheap purpose of upsetting them in an argument or provoking a reaction. To be so ignorant to think it is excusable or fair game is the mindset of a racist.

In the heat of the moment all that happens is people say things they don’t mean to say. Very different.

lol you are trolling. You are simply looking to label anyone you can a racist. Nice try. You arent really this stupid.

being a racist is not just calling someone a name, racism is the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination. Simply calling someone a N****r to get a reaction might make you an idiot but labeling someone who user that term as a racist, especially when they are known to have black friends is laughable im afraid. Get over yourself, no one was justifying it, however all the OTT reactions from society members like you need to be capped/managed because its ridiculous.

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by Silver Fox » 04 Jan 2012 13:04


I'd LOL more if they hadn't mixed up games, in fact I just LOLled more when I saw that woman on MOTD

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Re: Luis Suarez - scumbag

by who are ya? » 04 Jan 2012 13:05

TBM :lol: bitter Liverpool fan.....

The bloke admitted saying the word - so really it doesn't matter if it was once or seven times, he said it and meant it to cause offence

Clearly this is not the case, from the written statement.

M8, he's guilty, move on.


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