by Extended-Phenotype »
02 Apr 2013 14:17
Ideal DandyRoyal TFF What do England fans have against Anton?
He got racially abused and had the gall to complain about it
You've got to think about it in terms of the shool playground:
John Terry is the head chief bully, the popular athlete bully who everyone in school wishes they were friends with so they could be popular too. He's so untouchable through his popularity that he is even allowed to sleep with other people's wives and girlfriends, even his teammates wives and girlfriends, and no consequences come of it.
Anton Ferdinand isn't a very good footballer, so he's like the unpopular kid who has lesser than average grades, doesn't hang with any of the popular kids and has few friends.
So when super popular kid w/loadsafriends picks on non-popular kid, the other kids side with the popular kid even if he was the one in the wrong. To further complicate things the popular athlete bully kid is all set to play for the school team in the world schools championship, so to avoid any problems they leave the brother of the non popular kid at home....
Personally I've hated Chelsea since the day they started buying the world, JT is a piece of shit, and their pathetic moaning about an accident involving our player and their goalkeeper pisses me off no end, our player didn't do anything wrong and their stupid goalie should stop challenging for the ball head first at ankle height.
I like this.