by Extended-Phenotype »
11 Jul 2012 17:47
You seem to think this is the crime of the century, a real test case for British society. I think this is a total waste of taxpayers money, spunking hundreds of thousands on what she said to her & what she said to her.
I'd sooner the money went to cancer care, elderly care, dementia care, Syrian minority being shelled daily, East African refugee camps etc.
Spend 24hours in A&E and tell me how f*cking important this is,
spend 24hours in a hospice and tell me how f*cking important this is,
spend 24hours in Syria and tell me how f*cking important this is,
spend 24hours in a refugee camp and tell me how important this shit is.
Should have been left to FA to sort out, end of!
If an acts importance assuages all liability for the crimes beneath it, you'd be living in a world where the only offence would be listening to a Mika record. When
Tim McEviltits rapes someone it's not like he has cart-blanche to nick her wallet too. The floods in Russia are more important than root-canal surgery, but tell that to the poor bastard sat in the chair with a dentist breaching his cakehole like a queasy reveller over a toilet bowl.
It's not just about John Terry calling Anton Ferdinand a 'black c*nt'. It's about whether or not it's acceptable to be racially abusive towards another human being. And in the billions of legal cases hosted each year by this country that see very few hysteric activists outside picketing for better use of tax payers money, I happen to think reinforcing racial equality is pretty good value.
There aren’t many traits in humanity which carry the same historic subtext as racism. You can understand why people get upset about it, and why it is treated today in the courts, rather than left to the f/cking playground where stagnant, penis-compensating psychobollocks like John Terry run around as role models.
But I guess we can safely say you rather disagree a smidge, based on your little song at the end there. Can’t help but imagine it being shouted over the noise of clomping boots on a big march of some sort, but I guess it's rather heartfelt once you peel through the layers of rage and illogic.