Who Moved The Goalposts? I'm getting right royally f**ked off with the PFC situation. We all know they'll walk away from this and kick off on level terms with us this Saturday, playing players they "bought" with money they never had, from teams that they still owe money to. Whereas we'll keep the same tight ship as ever, yet on paper, our starting 11 is equal at best. Meanwhile, Jones the Printers and Evans the Pie Suppliers have to make do with 20p in the pound over 5 years! Where's the fairness in that? I'm really hoping that the judge is on the "enough is enough" side and they get wound up, but it ain't gonna happen.
What sticks in the craw that as a small businessman myself, I get a letter if my VAT is overdue by a few days (twice in 12 years - once down to their website crashing, once down to me being in hospital). I can only imagine what it would be like if my PAYE, NI and VAT were overdue to a comparable amount as PFC.
Still, at least I can sleep at night knowing that I didn't use St. John Ambulance money or cash collected from buckets for charity to help pay player wages. Mind you, I don't sleep in a multimillion pound house on the south coast...
Well said. Could not agree more.