Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/08

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Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/08

by FSF » 07 Aug 2014 16:46

Join the Football Supporters’ Federation and fans of dozens of clubs as we march on the Premier League and Football League headquarters demanding ‘Affordable Football for All’ on Thursday 14th August.

The game is swimming in money like never before, with clubs pocketing record amounts from broadcasting deals while squeezing everything they can out of their fanbase with some of the highest ticket prices in a generation, and something has to give.

The Premier League’s current media deal is worth £5.5bn, an increase of £2.1bn on the previous three years, and yet there is little sign of anything being done to make life easier for the lifeblood of the game – the match-going supporter.

The increase in Premier League media rights alone could have led to all 20 clubs letting in each and every supporter for all 38 games for free last season without being any worse off than they had been the season before.

Strength comes in numbers, so join our demonstration and march along with your fellow fans on 14th August. We will be gathering at Marble Arch (nearest tube station, unsurprisingly, Marble Arch on the Central Line) from 1pm before heading off to the Premier League and Football League offices at 30 Gloucester Place (W1U 8PL) at around 2:30pm.

A delegation of fans will meet with the authorities, while leaders from a number of supporter groups will address the crowd back at Marble Arch at around 3.30pm.

For more details, see ... 4th-august

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by dizzynewheights » 07 Aug 2014 17:14

Hi Dirk :!:

Welcome back

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by soggy biscuit » 07 Aug 2014 20:25

FSF Join the Football Supporters’ Federation and fans of dozens of clubs as we march on the Premier League and Football League headquarters demanding ‘Affordable Football for All’ on Thursday 14th August.

The game is swimming in money like never before, with clubs pocketing record amounts from broadcasting deals while squeezing everything they can out of their fanbase with some of the highest ticket prices in a generation, and something has to give.

The Premier League’s current media deal is worth £5.5bn, an increase of £2.1bn on the previous three years, and yet there is little sign of anything being done to make life easier for the lifeblood of the game – the match-going supporter.

The increase in Premier League media rights alone could have led to all 20 clubs letting in each and every supporter for all 38 games for free last season without being any worse off than they had been the season before.

Strength comes in numbers, so join our demonstration and march along with your fellow fans on 14th August. We will be gathering at Marble Arch (nearest tube station, unsurprisingly, Marble Arch on the Central Line) from 1pm before heading off to the Premier League and Football League offices at 30 Gloucester Place (W1U 8PL) at around 2:30pm.

A delegation of fans will meet with the authorities, while leaders from a number of supporter groups will address the crowd back at Marble Arch at around 3.30pm.

For more details, see ... 4th-august

There are enough fans that are willing to pay the current prices and fill the stadiums. Why would clubs reduce ticket prices when they already sell all their tickets at the current price?

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by retro_royal » 07 Aug 2014 23:00

You're failing to take into consideration the impact that a few dozen specky gimps with home made banners can have.

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by Terminal Boardom » 08 Aug 2014 09:29

If you want to change the way football is priced then look at the root cause. BSkyB are responsible for the ridiculous amounts of money thrown at the game and their exposure encourages supporters and lovers of the game to throw vast sums of money at ticket prices. Imagine what would happen if everyone cancelled their subscriptions to Sky Sports. Football clubs need to rein in their spending which will actually increase the number of local youngsters getting more of a chance at their respective league clubs. Can't see it happening though.

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by dizzynewheights » 08 Aug 2014 10:24

Surely football clubs structure their pricing in such a way as to maximise profit rather than fill the stadium right :?:

They know x number of hardcore are gonna pay/renew their ST regardless of the price. Likewise they know that x number who only half the games aren't gonna feel much of a pinch between a £20 ticket and a £25 one, people who go 5-10 times a season even less so and the really casual supporter who turns his nose up at £25 is just as likely to turn his nose up at £20 so fuck him, he doesn't matter.

Price inelastic ennit :?:

QED, until enough people just stop going - all the protests and banners ain't going to do shit.

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by soggy biscuit » 08 Aug 2014 10:36

I just don't get the mentality of protesting over the cost of tickets, claiming fans can't afford them any more when stadiums regularly sell out at these prices you claim fans can't afford.

Maybe you find it a bit expensive so can't go any more and that is not enjoyable for you, but if someone else is very happy to pay that price and take your seat from you then how can the club be criticised for it?

OP also says "The game is swimming in money like never before, with clubs pocketing record amounts". Aren't nearly all clubs operating at a loss?

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by dizzynewheights » 14 Aug 2014 15:29

so about 2 dozen turned up for the protest then :idea:

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by sandman » 14 Aug 2014 15:34

Liverpool turned up.

Waits for kes.

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by Winston Smith » 14 Aug 2014 15:35

Can't help but think the Football Supporters’ Federation are way more out of touch with football fans than the clubs are

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by AthleticoSpizz » 14 Aug 2014 18:40

Twas a dumb day to do it....when the majority of fans are at work....earning to pay for their tickets :roll:

Should've done it on a Saturday at 3pm

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by St Pauli » 15 Aug 2014 08:55

Depends what you define as fans. I reckon a lot of premier league fans want to go but can't afford games so watch it in the pub/at home.

It's often said that 'working class fans' being priced out of the game is what has ruined the atmosphere in English grounds, for me it's more about age.

Can't be arsed to find stats but I'm pretty sure the average age of fans has shot up, with the resulting death of young, casual, attendance and a resulting decline in atmosphere.

If you don't mind the rising age of fans and decline in atmosphere I guess that's not a problem.

As for that demo it's a bit idiotic to organise it on a weekday, should have had it on a Saturday in the off season. Even then I'm not sure English fans are organised to put on a demo that won't appear pathetically small.

Germany on the other hand:

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by 6ft Kerplunk » 15 Aug 2014 12:49

FSF The game is swimming in money like never before, with clubs pocketing record amounts from broadcasting deals while squeezing everything they can out of their fanbase with some of the highest ticket prices in a generation, and something has to give.

Until the "something that has to give" is players wages nothing is going to change. There may well be more money than ever coming into football but its all getting spent and at the majority of clubs more is getting spent than coming in. Clubs aren't going to reduce their income when they expenditure already exceeds it.

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by Whatevs » 15 Aug 2014 14:08

Shirley it'll hit a point where the 'product' becomes harder to sell to TV audiences worldwide due to lack of atmosphere. Watched a couple of pre-season friendlies and you could hear the ball being kicked it was so quiet, dull as fcuk
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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by gazzer, loyal royal » 15 Aug 2014 14:46

have to say that while the idea is a good one, it will never happen while clubs continue to sell out stadia.

tbf even i gawped at west ham charging £77 for a ticket for saturdays game against spurs

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by Winston Smith » 15 Aug 2014 15:22

Some are £77, but £55 tickets are available too

All depends on whether they sell out at that. If they do then that is a clear message from the fans that they do not believe it to be overpriced

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by Winston Smith » 15 Aug 2014 15:29

Matchday tickets:
Liverpool £19
Hull £16
Villa £22
Leicester £15

all looks like very decent pricing to me

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Re: Join fans marching for 'Affordable Football for All' 14/

by dizzynewheights » 15 Aug 2014 16:12

I stopped reading after the 1st paragraph

Arsenal fans might not be so thrilled to be top of the leaderboard when it comes to season ticket costs (see table, below). At £1,014 for the cheapest Highbury season ticket, they are well above north London rival Tottenham (£795 cheapest season ticket).

Arsenal fans get CL and Cup games (or one or other) so it's a pointless comparison.

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