Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

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Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Millsy » 20 Jun 2010 23:24

Brazil's handball goal

Kaka's sending off

NZ's offside goal

and that's just things I noticed - TODAY.

Neanderthals against video replays for game-changing events - enjoy.

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by floyd__streete » 20 Jun 2010 23:34

NeandeROFLthaLOLs indeed. Yeah, enjoy the four-hour spectacle of every single football match being pulled back to replay every single contentious incident. Instead, focus your mis-placed ire on the cheating of the Ivory Coast player tonight.

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Arch » 20 Jun 2010 23:47

I've no sympathy for Kaka, notwithstanding the cheating. In the circumstances he should have kept his elbow down and stayed out of it. Nevertheless, the ref didn't see either incident that he brandished the card for and was an embarrassment.

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Handsome Man » 21 Jun 2010 00:14

The refereeing has been pretty good this world cup.

If you want to see imagine what football would be like with video replays just remember how shit cricket is with the referral system. Every single exciting moment is spoilt by uncertainty. Just think what it would be like never to cheer a goal anymore until it has been cleared by TV referees. Your excitement would be delayed for a couple of minutes until goals no longer felt exciting at all.

We have got video evidence for everything that went on in the Brazil game, so Kaka can now be exonerated and the Ivorian and three or four brazilians who also over-reacted to fouls can be suspended retrospectively.

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Flyingkiwi » 21 Jun 2010 05:39

Handsome Man We have got video evidence for everything that went on in the Brazil game, so Kaka can now be exonerated and the Ivorian and three or four brazilians who also over-reacted to fouls can be suspended retrospectively.

I can't imagine that teams like Italy will be very happy to accept retrospective judgements. Their entire squad would be under suspension for diving before the group-stage had finished.

That is one thing that absolutely astoundes me about referees in international matches (not just the world cup). Everyone knows the reputation of some teams for diving, rough play, etc but referees are consistently taken in by the same thing from the same groups of players. I've umpired cricket to quite a high level and I know that match report/incidents are discussed in great depth and suggestions are made to other umpires to watch out for certain things. I'm sure it's the same in football. Yet, consistently, referees are falling for the same tricks. :roll:

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Maguire » 21 Jun 2010 09:47

Having watched the majority of games in this tournament, I am of the honest opinion that the standard of officiating has been significantly higher than the standard of the football.

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Tony Le Mesmer » 21 Jun 2010 11:31

Arch I've no sympathy for Kaka, notwithstanding the cheating. In the circumstances he should have kept his elbow down and stayed out of it.

:| Have you tried playing football with your elbow below the waist?

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by brendywendy » 21 Jun 2010 11:36

theres no way in the world kaka did that by accident.
it was a sly little dig, straight after hed already been booked for a daft reaction to the same player

get off and stay off you god bothering gaylord

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Terminal Boardom » 21 Jun 2010 11:39

How many games in and only now is there the hint of controversy? No doubt the Ivory Coast player will pick up a 1 or 2 game ban from FIFA as happened to Rivaldo in 2002. And who says FIFA will not use video technology?

I think the standard of the match officials is the best that I have seen in a major championship. They should be applauded, not pilloried.

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Blue Hooped Moose » 21 Jun 2010 11:42

Terminal Boardom And who says FIFA will not use video technology?


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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Schards#2 » 21 Jun 2010 11:48

It's not the refereeing, it's the ball that's ruining this tournament, or more accurately, FIFA for foisting it onto us for the sake of a few quid.

The world's greatest players are massively overhitting crosses and putting free kicks tens of yards over the bar, and not just at the higher altitude venues. I can hardly remember a decent shot from outside the area and not a single decent free kick. They can't all have suddenly become crap simultaneously.

Furthermore, it seems to run away from people when passed through, it reminds me of watching games on the earliest astro turf pitches where the ball never held up, just always ran through to the keeper or out of play.

For the sake of whatever they are being paid, FIFA have ruined their own tournament.

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Flyingkiwi » 21 Jun 2010 11:57

You won't hear me say this often but I agree with Schards. The ball is bollox!

Also seems to have late reverse swing on it like a Waqar Younis delivery and bumps up like Lillee from just short of a length. I'm sure that has contributed to a couple of the goalkeeping stuff-ups we've seen.

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Terminal Boardom » 21 Jun 2010 12:05

Blue Hooped Moose
Terminal Boardom And who says FIFA will not use video technology?


They used it in 2002 and they will use it to nail the cheating, diving Cote d'Ivoirian!

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Four Of Clubs » 21 Jun 2010 12:39

Flyingkiwi You won't hear me say this often but I agree with Schards. The ball is bollox!

Also seems to have late reverse swing on it like a Waqar Younis delivery and bumps up like Lillee from just short of a length. I'm sure that has contributed to a couple of the goalkeeping stuff-ups we've seen.

... may well have been similar complete and utter 'bollox' from Pearce/Tyldesley whoever - but I'm sure I heard in the Geeermans vs Oz match that they'd been using the JubJub ball or whatever its called :oops: in the Bundesliga last season?

... any advantage didn't appear to be a factor vs the Serbs then! :?

I spose for Kaka read Klose - both were pretty witless sendings off following a warning - though the latters' punishment could be viewed as slightly harsher since he did look as if he was trying to get the ball and not dig someone in the ribs.

My (purely biased) view was that Kaka handed (or elbowed) the Ivorian the perfect opportunity by trying a sly dig off the ball. In slo-mo it even looked as if he'd simultaneously put his shoulder into the guys chops too - hence the grabbing the face on the way down?

Anyway - tone had been set earlier when Lucio grabbed and appeared to try and pull at Drogba's 'bad arm' in their first challenge.

Huge fun later when for the umpteenth time Fabiano was writhing around on the floor only to be unceremoniously hauled to his feet by two CIV defenders! :P

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by brendywendy » 21 Jun 2010 12:44


's how i saw it

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Royal Rother » 21 Jun 2010 12:56


From every one of the dozen angles I saw Kaka didn't do a damned thing. The bloke deliberately ran into him, plain and simple, in a premeditated attempt to get him sent off. Absolutely disgraceful. Kaka didn't raise his arm, point his elbow, lean his shoulder into him or anything.

I'm amazed there is an alternative view being offered.

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Flyingkiwi » 21 Jun 2010 13:11

Royal Rother Bizarre.

From every one of the dozen angles I saw Kaka didn't do a damned thing. The bloke deliberately ran into him, plain and simple, in a premeditated attempt to get him sent off. Absolutely disgraceful. Kaka didn't raise his arm, point his elbow, lean his shoulder into him or anything.

I'm amazed there is an alternative view being offered.


He lightly pushed him in the solars.

Granted! Nothing that doesn't happen in EVERY contest for the ball but if it gets overturned just because it's Kaka that got the shitty end of the stick that, to me, would be a bigger issue. The Aussies have had 2 very rough red cards, and not a squeek; Brazil gets one and the world comes to an end.

Stiff shit Kaka. Suck it up! And remember how it feels the next time YOU want to hit the ground like a sack to spuds whilst in the penalty area!

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Four Of Clubs » 21 Jun 2010 13:31

Royal Rother Bizarre.

From every one of the dozen angles I saw Kaka didn't do a damned thing. The bloke deliberately ran into him, plain and simple, in a premeditated attempt to get him sent off. Absolutely disgraceful. Kaka didn't raise his arm, point his elbow, lean his shoulder into him or anything.

I'm amazed there is an alternative view being offered.

... gone back and done a quick search on 'youtube' - there's three on there for starters - showing the incident & aftermath - albeit grainy - but the CIV player is clearly (as possible) not looking anywhere nr Kaka when he runs into him - he had just tussled for the ball with Fabiano (No 9) and his momentum following that challenge took him in Kaka's direction - he's looking (to his right) at the ball - Kaka (to his left) stands his ground as they collide ... not only that - there's a definite 'shove' motion from Kaka's lower arm.

... and if he was really that innocent - why does he immediately trek bloody miles away from the incident - he's almost beyond his own keeper as the Ref tracks after him to give him the yellow?! :shock:

..... hardly amazing?

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Royal Rother » 21 Jun 2010 13:50

What absolute nonsense.

If you see a bloke running into you do you just let him whack you without making any instinctive move to protect yourself? I don't think so. That's all it was, the very slightest twitch to protect himself. Not a raised arm, not a shove back, not even an aggressive stance.

Why did he move away? That is what every sensible pro should do whenever there is trouble brewing - just get away from it. He set a damned good example.

Ever heard of peripheral vision? The Ivorean was hardly going to run into him staring straight at him was he? He wanted to make himself look innocent and Kaka the guilty party. The very fact that, immediately upon contact he put his hand to his face is indication of the premeditation. If it had been an accident on his part he would have bounced off Kaka and perhaps taken a tumble. After an accidental collision the instinctive reaction is to clutch the bit of the body where contact was actually made, not the bit that's a couple of feet away from it!

He knew EXACTLY what he was doing, aimed for him, prepared for the contact and clutched his face knowing damn well he'd not been touched there. Pathetic. Chuck the cheating twat out of the competition.

Remember the Brazilian Rivaldo a few years ago? Don't remember him getting any preferential treatment.
Last edited by Royal Rother on 21 Jun 2010 13:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Terrible refereeing ruining football - the saga continues.

by Flyingkiwi » 21 Jun 2010 13:50

Four Of Clubs ... and if he was really that innocent - why does he immediately trek bloody miles away from the incident


The answer to that could well be that there was some CIV player writhing around on the floor like he'd been mugged, trying to get him into trouble.

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