RUMOUR - Hunt to Sunderland

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by JimmytheJim » 02 Jan 2008 21:53

Victor Meldrew
Xavier Onassis
West Stand Man - check out Jimmy's location, he is at Warwick University. Hardly doing GCSEs then is he? Being at that Uni the likelihood is that he has a string of A Grades at A level.
At Wawrick?! Times have changed.

Edukayshun aint what it was,the boy is hardly literate.

Hardly literate? Sounds like another unfounded load of balls. You are stooping, old fellow. Can't be good for your back. My education is utterly irrelevant to this debate. As it happens, I am considerably better qualified academically than you are. But like I said. Irrelevant. I simply pointed out that you are blinkered and spouting unsupported rubbish re: Stephen Hunt. I didn't ask you to prove yourself to be stupider than me. You're taking this too far.

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by JimmytheJim » 02 Jan 2008 21:54

Xavier Onassis
West Stand Man - check out Jimmy's location, he is at Warwick University. Hardly doing GCSEs then is he? Being at that Uni the likelihood is that he has a string of A Grades at A level.
At Wawrick?! Times have changed.

They've changed so much that the University has been renamed. It's "Warwick", now.

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by Victor Meldrew » 03 Jan 2008 12:56

Victor Meldrew
Xavier Onassis
West Stand Man - check out Jimmy's location, he is at Warwick University. Hardly doing GCSEs then is he? Being at that Uni the likelihood is that he has a string of A Grades at A level.
At Wawrick?! Times have changed.

Edukayshun aint what it was,the boy is hardly literate.

Hardly literate? Sounds like another unfounded load of balls. You are stooping, old fellow. Can't be good for your back. My education is utterly irrelevant to this debate. As it happens, I am considerably better qualified academically than you are. But like I said. Irrelevant. I simply pointed out that you are blinkered and spouting unsupported rubbish re: Stephen Hunt. I didn't ask you to prove yourself to be stupider than me. You're taking this too far.

Now that's a new word "stupider".
I like the fact that you are " considerably better qualified academically than you are" when you know nothing about me although in the past I have had major back surgery so could have seen your other comment as spinist".
BTW have you been watching too much of Harry Enfield recently and in particular the "considerably richer than yow"?
character? :wink:
I agree to bring this to an end and when Hunty gets voted as the PFA player of the year you can have the last laugh,asuming of couse that laughing is allowed at your esteemed seat of learning.

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by JimmytheJim » 03 Jan 2008 13:57

Victor Meldrew
Victor Meldrew
Xavier Onassis
West Stand Man - check out Jimmy's location, he is at Warwick University. Hardly doing GCSEs then is he? Being at that Uni the likelihood is that he has a string of A Grades at A level.
At Wawrick?! Times have changed.

Edukayshun aint what it was,the boy is hardly literate.

Hardly literate? Sounds like another unfounded load of balls. You are stooping, old fellow. Can't be good for your back. My education is utterly irrelevant to this debate. As it happens, I am considerably better qualified academically than you are. But like I said. Irrelevant. I simply pointed out that you are blinkered and spouting unsupported rubbish re: Stephen Hunt. I didn't ask you to prove yourself to be stupider than me. You're taking this too far.

Now that's a new word "stupider".
I like the fact that you are " considerably better qualified academically than you are" when you know nothing about me although in the past I have had major back surgery so could have seen your other comment as spinist".
BTW have you been watching too much of Harry Enfield recently and in particular the "considerably richer than yow"?
character? :wink:
I agree to bring this to an end and when Hunty gets voted as the PFA player of the year you can have the last laugh,asuming of couse that laughing is allowed at your esteemed seat of learning.

I have said so many times that I am not arguing that Hunt is flawless, or the greatest player in the league. You are remarkably unintelligent to persist in that line of reasoning. That is one of the many reasons I am confident that I am not wrong in my assumptions with regards to your academic prowess. I'm not trying to be elitist, it's just extremely frustrating that you have such a startling inability to grasp what is being said to you, no matter how many times it is clarified. You were arguing that Hunt is rubbish and that we'd be very lucky to get 3m for him, and that he belongs in the lower leagues. I was arguing against that, and pointing out that you'd have to be something of a moron or an ignoramus to hold the opinion that you do. You decided that meant that I think he is a footballing deity. Even though I made it clear several times that that was not the case. Then you decided that I hate comedy, and that I am some kind of totalitarian dictator. And then you decided that all opinions should be equally respected (people have varying opinions that you might not agree with but should. (sic) respect all the same), whilst pointedly refusing to respect mine. Congratulations. You are a generic relativist as well as a terrible debater. It's all coming up roses for you today.

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by Hampshire Royal » 03 Jan 2008 14:11

I didn't think that 'stupider' was a word. Well I never!!

I think you're wrong that Victor is stupid, it's just that by refusing to accept other peoples' opinions, and being unable to see things from others' point of view is a sure sign that he hasn't had a Higher Education. And, for what it's worth, I think that University education is every bit as demanding and difficult as it was in my day.

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by JimmytheJim » 03 Jan 2008 14:26

I don't think he's stupid either, I'm just a reactionary. And in fairness, I have been totally intolerant of his opinion. But I don't believe in tolerance for the sake of tolerance, especially when codswallop is being spewed out, so I guess that makes it okay.

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by West Stand Man » 03 Jan 2008 16:11

Xavier Onassis
West Stand Man - check out Jimmy's location, he is at Warwick University. Hardly doing GCSEs then is he? Being at that Uni the likelihood is that he has a string of A Grades at A level.
At Wawrick?! Times have changed.

?????? Meaning what ???

If you are suggesting that Warwick is not a leading seat of learning then you should check it out. It is one of the leading universities in the UK, by just about any recognised measure. In many courses it is on (or close to being on) a par with Oxbridge. Most courses there require a minimum AAB, and they get what they are looking for. :oops:

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by Victor Meldrew » 03 Jan 2008 16:37

Hampshire Royal I didn't think that 'stupider' was a word. Well I never!!

I think you're wrong that Victor is stupid, it's just that by refusing to accept other peoples' opinions, and being unable to see things from others' point of view is a sure sign that he hasn't had a Higher Education. And, for what it's worth, I think that University education is every bit as demanding and difficult as it was in my day.

Thank you HR,well sort of.
How come the Warwickshire Lad-he who has yet to get his degree?- cannot see things from other people's point of view?

BTW Jimmy it's "with regard to...not with regards to...."
I'm sure that University education is as difficult as ever but (and the opportunity now available to so many is something to be proud of in this country)with it being so readily available to so many does not make it the elitism that it once was.
There is no factual answer Jimmy to this debate-you have a view(as many did on the merits of Andy Hughes)and I have another view-res ipsa loquitor.

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by JimmytheJim » 03 Jan 2008 17:07

Victor Meldrew
Hampshire Royal I didn't think that 'stupider' was a word. Well I never!!

I think you're wrong that Victor is stupid, it's just that by refusing to accept other peoples' opinions, and being unable to see things from others' point of view is a sure sign that he hasn't had a Higher Education. And, for what it's worth, I think that University education is every bit as demanding and difficult as it was in my day.

Thank you HR,well sort of.
How come the Warwickshire Lad-he who has yet to get his degree?- cannot see things from other people's point of view?

BTW Jimmy it's "with regard to...not with regards to...."
I'm sure that University education is as difficult as ever but (and the opportunity now available to so many is something to be proud of in this country)with it being so readily available to so many does not make it the elitism that it once was.
There is no factual answer Jimmy to this debate-you have a view(as many did on the merits of Andy Hughes)and I have another view-res ipsa loquitor.

Therefore debate is forbidden? To hell with that. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean I have to respect it. I can criticise it all I like, and I believe I have done that in a reasoned, albeit abrasive, manner. In return, you have offered a list of about three errors he made in two games, you have clamoured about how he belongs in the lower leagues because he has a work ethic, and you have called my grasp of the English language into question. And somehow you feel you are justified in painting me out to be a cack-handed, prescriptive autocrat.

You are right about "with regard to". However, if you really want to be a pedant, why don't we correct the numerous errors in your posts? Remove the log from your own eye, and all that.

So, to sum up: selling Hunt at this moment in time would be absolutely insane unless we had a genuinely top-class replacement lined up. Even then, it would be unwise, since Hunt is currently offering something to the team that nobody else can, and both he and Kitson have proven themselves to be the most important elements in our bid to stay in the Premier League so far this season. We can not guarantee that the replacement would settle quickly enough, nor that he would do as good a job as Hunt is currently doing. And losing a player like Hunt to a rival team would compound the problem. If you disagree with that, you are wrong, it is that simple. Opinion is irrelevant.

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by Hampshire Royal » 03 Jan 2008 17:30

I was a great fan of Andy Hughes. Whatever anyone might think of his abilities, he never gave anything less than his best. He was 100% all the time. Unfortunately, he was never going to make it at this level, but we must remember he was an integral part of the team that gave us three very good years before the season we got promoted.

Hunt is a bit like Hughes (100% and all that), but a much better footballer. He is the sort of player every team needs. He's our Roy Keane, Robbie Savage, Dennis Wise or Bryan Robson. We simply cannot afford to sell him at ANY price.

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by Victor Meldrew » 03 Jan 2008 17:34

Victor Meldrew
Hampshire Royal I didn't think that 'stupider' was a word. Well I never!!

I think you're wrong that Victor is stupid, it's just that by refusing to accept other peoples' opinions, and being unable to see things from others' point of view is a sure sign that he hasn't had a Higher Education. And, for what it's worth, I think that University education is every bit as demanding and difficult as it was in my day.

Thank you HR,well sort of.
How come the Warwickshire Lad-he who has yet to get his degree?- cannot see things from other people's point of view?

BTW Jimmy it's "with regard to...not with regards to...."
I'm sure that University education is as difficult as ever but (and the opportunity now available to so many is something to be proud of in this country)with it being so readily available to so many does not make it the elitism that it once was.
There is no factual answer Jimmy to this debate-you have a view(as many did on the merits of Andy Hughes)and I have another view-res ipsa loquitor.

Therefore debate is forbidden? To hell with that. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean I have to respect it. I can criticise it all I like, and I believe I have done that in a reasoned, albeit abrasive, manner. In return, you have offered a list of about three errors he made in two games, you have clamoured about how he belongs in the lower leagues because he has a work ethic, and you have called my grasp of the English language into question. And somehow you feel you are justified in painting me out to be a cack-handed, prescriptive autocrat.

You are right about "with regard to". However, if you really want to be a pedant, why don't we correct the numerous errors in your posts? Remove the log from your own eye, and all that.

So, to sum up: selling Hunt at this moment in time would be absolutely insane unless we had a genuinely top-class replacement lined up. Even then, it would be unwise, since Hunt is currently offering something to the team that nobody else can, and both he and Kitson have proven themselves to be the most important elements in our bid to stay in the Premier League so far this season. We can not guarantee that the replacement would settle quickly enough, nor that he would do as good a job as Hunt is currently doing. And losing a player like Hunt to a rival team would compound the problem. If you disagree with that, you are wrong, it is that simple. Opinion is irrelevant.

I respect your view because that is all that it is,a view,an opinion and there is no absolute.
My view is that if we used £3 million wisely we could have a better balance to our side with a more orthodox left-sided player with more craft and vision,possibly a Surman,Taylor ,Arca or Richard Hughes type(BTW I think Bobby is too soft).
We do however desperately need a right-sided player,preferably with pace to create even more chances for our greatest assets,Kitson and Doyle.

Our argument is superfluous because either Hunt will stay and we accept his limitations or he goes.
I feel that it would be far from the end of the world if he goes much as it was far from the end of the world when a similar player in Hughes left.
We are a sde that is playing too much hurry-scurry football and I feel that Hunt is endemic in that,i.e we give the ball away too much and too easily.

I do understand that Hunt has improved this season because he has played regularly but I feel that his old role as sub (in a side that finished 8th or was it 9th?)was preferable to a regular slot in a side not far off a relegation spot.
It could be argued that he brings a certain vibrancy (as it was argued with Hughes) but at Premiership level I don't think that is enough and his wandering out of position causes the sde to be to unbalaced and disorganised.
Probably the club will offer him more money and an even longer contract so we will be saddled with him for many years to come as we slide back to the Championship.
Why not let him go there with Sunderland?

BTW I think it is "beam" and not "log" but it probably depends upon whether it was the ancient or modern bible. :wink:
Last edited by Victor Meldrew on 03 Jan 2008 17:38, edited 1 time in total.

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by Dirk Gently » 03 Jan 2008 17:37

For the N-thousanth time, it's not the transfer fees that count. We could easily find £3 or £5 million for any player.

It's the committment of then paying them £25k, £30k or more a week for 3 or 4 years, and also seeing eveyone else's wages rise to match that level.

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by Victor Meldrew » 03 Jan 2008 17:41

Hampshire Royal I was a great fan of Andy Hughes. Whatever anyone might think of his abilities, he never gave anything less than his best. He was 100% all the time. Unfortunately, he was never going to make it at this level, but we must remember he was an integral part of the team that gave us three very good years before the season we got promoted.

Hunt is a bit like Hughes (100% and all that), but a much better footballer. He is the sort of player every team needs. He's our Roy Keane, Robbie Savage, Dennis Wise or Bryan Robson. We simply cannot afford to sell him at ANY price.

A glowing testimony indeed-you're not his agent now are you?

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by Hampshire Royal » 03 Jan 2008 19:36

If I was his agent, I'd be touting him for sale. Anyway, the percentage he pays wouldn't keep me in the style to which I have become accustomed.

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by Victor Meldrew » 03 Jan 2008 19:51

Hampshire Royal If I was his agent, I'd be touting him for sale. Anyway, the percentage he pays wouldn't keep me in the style to which I have become accustomed.

I think nowadays the agent gets a rake off when an extended contract or increased salary is agreed so it could just be in the agent's interest for Hunty to stay with us.
It must be marvellous to be Anelka's agent (is it still his brother I wonder)as something new happens every year.

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by Franchise FC » 04 Jan 2008 09:54

Victor Meldrew
Hampshire Royal If I was his agent, I'd be touting him for sale. Anyway, the percentage he pays wouldn't keep me in the style to which I have become accustomed.

I think nowadays the agent gets a rake off when an extended contract or increased salary is agreed so it could just be in the agent's interest for Hunty to stay with us.
It must be marvellous to be Anelka's agent (is it still his brother I wonder)as something new happens every year.

Apparently, Anelka's brother is to take FIFA to court over the restraint of trade. He argues that limiting a player to two clubs in 12 months prevents him from touting Nik at every transfer window and getting another cut.

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by Victor Meldrew » 05 Jan 2008 17:12

Thought I had better get in first.
A goal from 50 yards and one from 2 yards-is there no end to the boy's talent?
Presumably Sunderland would have to offer at least £10 million now to have any chance of getting Huntaldo. :wink:

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by West Stand Man » 05 Jan 2008 18:05

Victor Meldrew Thought I had better get in first.
A goal from 50 yards and one from 2 yards-is there no end to the boy's talent?
Presumably Sunderland would have to offer at least £10 million now to have any chance of getting Huntaldo. :wink:

Yawn ..... :wink: :oops:

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by bracknell loyal royal! » 05 Jan 2008 18:43

fruits If Keane is mad enough to pay 3.5 m take it and laugh all the way to the bank. Would be a bigger con than Hughes to Norwich for 500k.

Ian Royal I'd rate him at about £1.5m


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by rotherwick_royal » 05 Jan 2008 18:44

Coppell's said he's going nowhere, so you might as well lock this thread.

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