by TheLawnMowerMan » 07 Jul 2012 00:06
by soggy biscuit » 07 Jul 2012 07:27
by USA_Loyal_Royal » 07 Jul 2012 12:21
Matt de K I don't get why anyone would actually give 0.25 of a shit about any of this.
ITK or NITK what fvcking difference does it make, apart from maybe getting your cock out and having a good vvank over what could/couldn't happen.
Yes I read it. But I don't get absorbed in it. And I especially don't want to murder the person when it doesn't happen.
by Big Ern » 10 Jul 2012 22:04
andrew1957Extended-Phenotype LOL at Andrew telling Big Ern to "look in the mirror".
Yeah, Big Ern! And you have fleas and fancy Miss Drechsler! You bumface pooper!
It would be so much better if 12 year olds like you and Big Ern actually went to school and learnt something rather than skiving off to make silly posts on here.
Please leave it to the adults.
by andrew1957 » 10 Jul 2012 23:48
Big Ernandrew1957Extended-Phenotype LOL at Andrew telling Big Ern to "look in the mirror".
Yeah, Big Ern! And you have fleas and fancy Miss Drechsler! You bumface pooper!
It would be so much better if 12 year olds like you and Big Ern actually went to school and learnt something rather than skiving off to make silly posts on here.
Please leave it to the adults.
Oh Andrew.....If you represent an Adult's view that really is quite sad. I think most kids, even retarded ones have a higher IQ than you.
by Royal Bahamas » 11 Jul 2012 03:39
by Big Ern » 11 Jul 2012 04:00
andrew1957 Bit wrong there - as I am actually qualified as a member of Mensa.
by The Rouge » 13 Jul 2012 13:13
by Dare to Dr£am » 13 Jul 2012 13:16
The Rouge Is Dare to Dream ITK - or just quoting from Fans Forum + confidently stating what speculation makes look likely?
by southbank1871 » 13 Jul 2012 13:23
by HoneyRoastHoax » 13 Jul 2012 13:25
Dare to Dr£amThe Rouge Is Dare to Dream ITK - or just quoting from Fans Forum + confidently stating what speculation makes look likely?
Never claimed to be ITK. Didn't go to the fans forum either. Just pick up on things from twitter.
by LoyalRoyal22 » 13 Jul 2012 18:57
HoneyRoastHoaxDare to Dr£amThe Rouge Is Dare to Dream ITK - or just quoting from Fans Forum + confidently stating what speculation makes look likely?
Never claimed to be ITK. Didn't go to the fans forum either. Just pick up on things from twitter.
by Dare to Dr£am » 13 Jul 2012 19:01
HoneyRoastHoaxDare to Dr£amThe Rouge Is Dare to Dream ITK - or just quoting from Fans Forum + confidently stating what speculation makes look likely?
Never claimed to be ITK. Didn't go to the fans forum either. Just pick up on things from twitter.
by andrew1957 » 16 Jul 2012 11:56
Royal Bahamas Me too. Mensa Int. 164 Cattel Scale.
by bigmike » 16 Jul 2012 14:31
andrew1957Royal Bahamas Me too. Mensa Int. 164 Cattel Scale.
Wow that is amazing considering the highest possible score on the Cattel scale is 161. You broke the mould.
by Royal Bahamas » 16 Jul 2012 14:55
bigmikeandrew1957Royal Bahamas Me too. Mensa Int. 164 Cattel Scale.
Wow that is amazing considering the highest possible score on the Cattel scale is 161. You broke the mould.
Maybe they meant the Cattle scale which is a whole different way to measure Bullshit
by andrew1957 » 16 Jul 2012 15:05
Royal Bahamasbigmikeandrew1957
Wow that is amazing considering the highest possible score on the Cattel scale is 161. You broke the mould.
Maybe they meant the Cattle scale which is a whole different way to measure Bullshit
Sorry guys, but your knowledge and logic are both faulty, though I do think that there is definite room for a "Cattle Scale" in this forum!
By your logic, the brains capacity for Intelligence stops dead at 161, and thus the eventual demise of Mankind.......Einstein, calculated to be at an IQ (on the Cattel Scale) of 230, would not have been..... Thus, there is no "LIMIT" to the high end of such a scale!
There is one thing that I learned long ago, and that is that some people will willing never believe anything that is opposed to their veiw of life. Given that each of us has/will do things differently than others, is the very aspect of us being individuals. The good thing is that as long as I know that I have done these things, that is all I (and anyone else) ever needs. "Don't be a hater!"
It's a shame that you didn't put the full quote in, ".... though that doesn't mean that you know s--t about football!"
by Snowball » 16 Jul 2012 16:02
by Simon's Church » 16 Jul 2012 16:06
by Blakey's Right Peg » 16 Jul 2012 16:11
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