Hi everyone
I am streamlining my programme collection down to a few key games of each season. The rest are going.
Years covered are 1975-2016, although I have hung on to most of the 75-76,76-77,78-79 ones. All home games are there plus hundreds of aways.
So... is there a programme you missed out on/sold out that you've been looking for?
So long as it's for you, something you've wanted, and not for you to list on eBay then I'm not asking anything for them other than to cover cost of postage if you're not able to meet at a home game.
Only issue - let me know quickly, I am starting on this over this weekend (23/24 Jan 2016) so get your skates on and reply....... I might have what you're looking for.
Over to you to reply back this weekend if possible, or your risk to see if what you want is still around next weekend......