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Assorted signed posters and shirts....

Posted: 27 Sep 2015 19:21
by juanpablo
Hi guys, used to have a games room I filled with signed stuff, well ten years later it will be a babys room(hopefully) so I'm looking to get rid of this stuff. Its been in a garage for a while so stuff like the shirts smell like (they\ve been in a garage) a few marks here and there. Will end up on ebay but I figured id shoot them on here, the signed photos come with certificates but tbh who would forge Reading stuff anyway :)

if people can help with the shirts etc would be appreciated, I believe the team signatures over the stadium picture are the 106 promotion year, if someone could confirm that would be cool.

The older shirt is player worn as you can see by the number etc

Two simod cup related shots,

Kitson hatrick against Westham

any questions I'll try my best but they were all bought around 8 years ago so not exactly sure myself!

Re: Assorted signed posters and shirts....

Posted: 06 Oct 2015 12:15
by billybraggsbeard
Hi what sort of prices you asking?

Re: Assorted signed posters and shirts....

Posted: 04 Nov 2015 22:33
by eddiegrundy
Pic 2 is upside down and too awkward to read.
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7 Largely unknown but Neil Smith is at the bottom and Phil Parkinson is at RHS middle
Pic 8 Simod Cup Final; Clockwise, Unknown, Martin Hicks, Jerry Williams, Ian Branfoot (manager), Unknown . Neil Smillie
Pic 9 Michael Gilkes, Adie Williams
Pic 10 Dave Kitson
Pic 11 L to R, 2 Graeme Murty, 10 Stephen Hunt, 1 Marcus Hahnemann, 19 Kevin Doyle, unnumbered top middle ?, 12 Dave Kitson, 15 James Harper, 4 Steve Sidwell, 17 Bobby Convey, 16 Ivar Ingimarsson, 23 Chris Makin, Lower RHS ?