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Shameless Plug

Posted: 05 Jul 2009 18:38
by Jaques Francais
Ok guys, I have setup a basic commerce website for my neighbour, who has a little gift shop down here in Devon. Do us a favour and take a look - and maybe let others know who might be interested. I know this is a shaeless plug, but I have no shame and want to help a mate, even thought they are Chelsea fans!


Re: Shameless Plug

Posted: 01 Sep 2010 01:44
by 10539.4 Miles Away
Jaques Francais Ok guys, I have setup a basic commerce website for my neighbour, who has a little gift shop down here in Devon. Do us a favour and take a look - and maybe let others know who might be interested. I know this is a shaeless plug, but I have no shame and want to help a mate, even thought they are Chelsea fans!


I'll try and be a bit more constructive than our friend from the South Downs.

Personally, I think the home page could do with a quick summary of what Spotty Chicken actually is and what products are stocked/are likely to be stocked rather than launching straight into the products. A short blurb "Spotty Chicken is ..... we sell..." then maybe have the jewellery and teddy bear pic in "Hot Items" or "New Items" boxes (ideally with the pictures all formatted to the same size). Then the user can click through.

On the product pages it may be better to split the items into 2 columns, theres a fair bit of scrolling down and I'd order the products so the most impressive ones (best sellers) are the first ones you see.

Looking at any new store site I also like to see a page that simply shows me what products are for sale, e.g a browse our catalogue style page.

Also, I'd probably put Checkout Now and View Cart after the search link in the menu bar.

Finally, get them to take some pictures of the products that aren't out of focus :-)

Hope thats constructive enough.

Re: Shameless Plug

Posted: 01 Sep 2010 15:29
by TBM
^^ except he never asked for anyone's opinion on the site :lol:

Re: Shameless Plug

Posted: 01 Sep 2010 15:34
by rfcjoe
What do you know about web design eh :?:


Re: Shameless Plug

Posted: 01 Sep 2010 23:30
by 10539.4 Miles Away
TBM ^^ except he never asked for anyone's opinion on the site :lol:

D'oh :oops:

Re: Shameless Plug

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 00:23
by Tails
10539.4 Miles Away
TBM ^^ except he never asked for anyone's opinion on the site :lol:

D'oh :oops:

"I have set up a basic commerce site" = shit site.

Will pass this on to the old dear, she likes these sorts of things.

Re: Shameless Plug

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 00:39
It's taken nearly 2 months for people to respond.

Before AE this whole board was unused.

Re: Shameless Plug

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 10:16
by Magnus
Desperate times call for desperate measures

Re: Shameless Plug

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 18:47
by dan19
SLAMMED It's taken nearly 2 months for people to respond.

Before AE this whole board was unused.

Take a look again... July 2009!! 1 year 2 months!

Re: Shameless Plug

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 13:58
by Jaques Francais
I only just noticed people have replied to this.

Yes, it is not great.
Yes, it could be better.
Yes, if it was mine and I had not done it for free for a neighbour I would put more time into it.
Will I? No.

Thanks for looking though.