by moo » 27 Sep 2006 15:20
by MartinRdg » 27 Sep 2006 15:30
moo Is it true this is the name because once Caskey missed a open goal and every1 threw biscuits at him ?
by Fubar » 27 Sep 2006 15:32
moo Is it true this is the name because once Caskey missed a open goal and every1 threw biscuits at him ?
by MartinRdg » 27 Sep 2006 15:39
Corky341 Who's Darren Caskey?
What's a hobnob?
by Reading Abbey » 27 Sep 2006 15:57
moo Is it true this is the name because once Caskey missed a open goal and every1 threw biscuits at him ?
by Royal With Cheese » 27 Sep 2006 16:02
by RoyalBlue » 27 Sep 2006 16:02
moo Is it true this is the name because once Caskey missed a open goal and every1 threw biscuits at him ?
by scutterbucket » 27 Sep 2006 16:17
RoyalBluemoo Is it true this is the name because once Caskey missed a open goal and every1 threw biscuits at him ?
'course it's not true. Super Darren Caskey never missed an open goal!
by TBM » 27 Sep 2006 16:37
Royal With Cheese We used to be known at the "Biscuitmen"
There used to be a fanzine called "Taking the Biscuit"
A Hob Nob is a biscuit.
I believe there is a connection with the above stated facts.
by bigmike » 27 Sep 2006 16:53
scutterbucketRoyalBluemoo Is it true this is the name because once Caskey missed a open goal and every1 threw biscuits at him ?
'course it's not true. Super Darren Caskey never missed an open goal!
or liked biscuits.
by Reading Abbey » 27 Sep 2006 16:54
Royal With Cheese We used to be known at the "Biscuitmen"
There used to be a fanzine called "Taking the Biscuit"
A Hob Nob is a biscuit.
I believe there is a connection with the above stated facts.
by Reading Til I Die » 27 Sep 2006 17:27
TBMRoyal With Cheese We used to be known at the "Biscuitmen"
There used to be a fanzine called "Taking the Biscuit"
A Hob Nob is a biscuit.
I believe there is a connection with the above stated facts.
Plus the fact when you meet with people etc its called "hob nobbing"
Considering Caskey joined us in 96 and the site has been here since about 94 its not possible.
by readingfc_4_life_and_beyo » 27 Sep 2006 17:29
Reading Til I DieTBMRoyal With Cheese We used to be known at the "Biscuitmen"
There used to be a fanzine called "Taking the Biscuit"
A Hob Nob is a biscuit.
I believe there is a connection with the above stated facts.
Plus the fact when you meet with people etc its called "hob nobbing"
Considering Caskey joined us in 96 and the site has been here since about 94 its not possible.
I thought it was called "Cottaging". Or am I mistaken?
by phil in cornwall » 27 Sep 2006 17:51
readingfc_4_life_and_beyoReading Til I DieTBMRoyal With Cheese We used to be known at the "Biscuitmen"
There used to be a fanzine called "Taking the Biscuit"
A Hob Nob is a biscuit.
I believe there is a connection with the above stated facts.
Plus the fact when you meet with people etc its called "hob nobbing"
Considering Caskey joined us in 96 and the site has been here since about 94 its not possible.
I thought it was called "Cottaging". Or am I mistaken?
That's when you meet people from the cottage pie site. HTH.
by Forbury Lion » 27 Sep 2006 19:52
by Row Z Royal » 27 Sep 2006 20:57
Reading Til I DieTBMRoyal With Cheese We used to be known at the "Biscuitmen"
There used to be a fanzine called "Taking the Biscuit"
A Hob Nob is a biscuit.
I believe there is a connection with the above stated facts.
Plus the fact when you meet with people etc its called "hob nobbing"
Considering Caskey joined us in 96 and the site has been here since about 94 its not possible.
I thought it was called "Cottaging". Or am I mistaken?
by Ian Herring » 28 Sep 2006 07:23
Forbury Lion Speaking of Fulham. Is it true they play in John Craven's back garden?
by Z-Head » 28 Sep 2006 09:29
moo Is it true this is the name because once Caskey missed a open goal and every1 threw biscuits at him ?
by TFF » 28 Sep 2006 09:34
Z-Headmoo Is it true this is the name because once Caskey missed a open goal and every1 threw biscuits at him ?
I remember Elm Park very well, and i cant remember many pepoile holding biscuits ready for a avalance on a player.
Maybe a old boy once threw a biscuit and probibly because his bird left the tin open.
Sorry but i think your wrong!
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