by handbags_harris »
12 Oct 2006 16:39
alad Reading Abbey alad Reading Abbey Forbury Lion Evening Post today has the new proposed models.... all stands extended with a weird bendy roof thing.
Looks as though the corners are being removed... which makes me think it's just a crap artists impression!
Club say North and South will be done over the summer.
If they do go ahead with that, I really can't get my head around knocking down the corners and losing exec boxes that we wont be replacing with the redevelopment.

The West corners will not be removed. The extension won't effect them

Why roll your eyes you thick c**t? I said IF, refering to the artists impression!
They've already revealed plans that show the corners WILL be staying! See the HUGE picture. Theres no 'IF' about it. You've got the cheek to call me thick, I suggest you read the thread properly and you'll see theres NO plans to knock the corners down

I really think sometimes people take artists/architects drawings a little too literally. For christ's sake, there was never going to be any seats lost, I mean what's the point in losing seats only to put them somewhere else? Waste of money I think. And if you read the leaflet or website, then people would know that the West Stand is completely unaffected by this. Now if I'm not mistaken, the SW/NW corners are physically part of the West Stand as they have Executive Boxes. Executive Boxes are not going to be lost, and neither will any seating. This has all already been confirmed by the club. So why are people questioning an artists CAD Drawing which is merely there to give an initial insight into what the ground, in outline, is going to look like?!
When the stadium was first built the foundations were put in place to merely lift the roof of the ground and put more seats on top. There was NEVER any intention to alter the current layout, lose seats etc, merely "raise the roof" as it were.