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by The 17 Bus » 31 Dec 2006 11:17

whats needed is a bigger Old Trafford, no vision some clubs.

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by shadesrwrf » 31 Dec 2006 11:18

Russell Street It took ages to get in and out of the city

I'm beginning to understand where you went wrong.

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by earley_royals » 31 Dec 2006 11:24

Woking Royal We parked at Altrincham for free and got on a 15 min metro ride to Old Trafford. 5 stops. £2.80 return!!

Oh, were you supposed to pay for that?

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by Royal Lady » 31 Dec 2006 11:28

Woking Royal We parked at Altrincham for free and got on a 15 min metro ride to Old Trafford. 5 stops. £2.80 return!!

Oh, were you supposed to pay for that?
:roll: Top Jibbing. Aggro would be proud of you. Speaking of which, we received the expected text from him all the way from Oz. :roll:

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by Mummy » 31 Dec 2006 11:47

ShrewsandRoyals 10/10 for the Stewards where we were. Came to find myself and my little one who had seats right at the back and offered us seats in the front row so he could see more of the game. (Well done Reading for giving a mum and tiny one seats on different rows even if they were behind each other he is too small to not want to be next to me,and we weren't the only ones in that situation either. At least they were in the same block this time!)

They stewards checked with us after that everything was OK and they were most complimentary about the team, as were the United fans right in front of us.

50 of the stewards were from Reading. We were next to Man U behind the goal right next to the stewards. The one next to us was wearing his colours under his jacket !

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by Russell Street » 31 Dec 2006 11:53

Royal Lady
The 17 Bus I would guess there might have been more Reading fans in the home stands than Man U fans in the away stand, Russell St for one.
:roll: Maybe because they couldn't get a seat in the AWAY end, where some idiots had sold their AWAY tickets to HOME fans.

Absolutely. I was one of the unfortunates who was travelling back from Newcastle when the measly allocation RFC decided to have were sold out. When my brother phoned me up and said "What you doing on Saturday? I know a Man U season ticket holder and his mate who can't go so I've bought his tickets", I thought sod it! It's not something I am happy to do but to hear there were Man U fans in our end when I could have been there is annoying.....but I shouldn't complain, I was there doing the same thing. I don't like seeing away fans in our stands, but I showed no colours, clapped and stood 'when I should have' and made it look like I was frustrated when I was loving it, rather than blatantly aggravating people by being a Reading supporter in their end!

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by The 17 Bus » 31 Dec 2006 11:59

Russell Street looked like I was frustrated when I was loving it, !

Typical woman :wink:

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by LoyalRoyal22 » 31 Dec 2006 12:00

Due to the massive ques after the game for the train to piccadilly, i left 5 mins early, so missed Lita`s goal. :(

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by The 17 Bus » 31 Dec 2006 12:02

LoyalRoyal22 Due to the massive ques after the game for the train to piccadilly, i left 5 mins early, so missed Lita`s goal. :(

How did you know there were queues after the game if you left before the end, it might have been a quiet day

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by Royalee » 31 Dec 2006 12:11

rg6royal I thought that we was very unlucky today and deserved to get at least a point. Apparently the first and third goal for man u were offside.

No apparently about it. They WERE offside.

I'm not sure about the third, but the first DEFINITELY was, contrary to what the idiot behind me was saying after.

Did you watch MOTD? Marginal...

Did you see the angle it was shown at? He was offside, the angle favoured the striker.

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by ayjaydee » 31 Dec 2006 12:21

Highlights of the day for me -

Steward on the way in - "Stuff the mancs for us" in a broad scouse accent.

Steward in the concourse at half time - "Sorry mate it no smoking in here" I went to dob it "dont be silly mate go in the toilet and finish it off"

While finishing off said ciggie anouncement over the tannoy about the winner of some Utd Christmas raffle was "Joe Bloggs from BRENTFORD"!

Having no idea how we were getting back into town, walked round the corner, got on a bus the fare was £2, I only had about £1.90 in change or a twenty, driver said no worries and didn't even take the £1.90. Back in town by 5.30 for a 2 hour pre train session.

Oh, and the football wasn't bad either.

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by Matt de K » 31 Dec 2006 12:55

Very taken in by OT. Shame it didn't have a big screen though, seems odd that it hasn't got one. Got in & out easily, much much easier than we thought. Stayed til the end, left with the majority of other royals - got a taxi (unlicenced of course) more or less on the main road outside the ground, by DFS IIRC, got to the station only to see the 17.23 train just pull away, gutted!! Got the 18.16, which was quite amusing. Lots of drunken royals chanting directly by the where the train tannoy guy made his announcements. Funniest moment was stopping at Oxford "Ladies and gentlemen, next stop is oxford, the next stop........." was actually quieter than the "oxford united are shit" chant :lol:

All in all though we had a wicked day - no knobs, good support. Only told to sit down once by some young noobie behind me, but didn't react to it although i was drunk. Thought it was funny the way some of the Manc twats sitting to the right of our support thought that it was neccesary to say how shit we were when we clearly gave them a good game, even with 10 men.

Ref was diabolical.

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by Y25 » 01 Jan 2007 18:31

I stayed in Doncaster after the game - so I suppose I was feeling a bit smug about getting my feet up early with a curry and a beer :D

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