Recognition for Steve Coppell

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by Scarface » 04 Jan 2007 11:14

Lets not get carried away, we could be calling for his head in a few years.

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by higher » 04 Jan 2007 12:19

Scarface wrote:
Lets not get carried away, we could be calling for his head in a few years.
This would probably be to the fore on the mind of anyone responsible for such things. Few of us over the moon royals fans right now can really envisage it but Football is a funny old game.Imagine if a certain Mr Pardew had been immortalized in steel or granite or somesuch!!
I just cant see Coppell doing a Judas or Hoards of Hooped fans doing Coppell out protests a la Branfoot days but never say never it football.
Realistically Coppell will serve his time and hopefully continue to gather accolades for his achievements.After his tenure comes to a hopefully graceful transition would be the time to immortalize him in some capacity.

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by readingbedding » 04 Jan 2007 12:24

higher Scarface wrote:
Lets not get carried away, we could be calling for his head in a few years.
This would probably be to the fore on the mind of anyone responsible for such things. Few of us over the moon royals fans right now can really envisage it but Football is a funny old game.Imagine if a certain Mr Pardew had been immortalized in steel or granite or somesuch!!
I just cant see Coppell doing a Judas or Hoards of Hooped fans doing Coppell out protests a la Branfoot days but never say never it football.
Realistically Coppell will serve his time and hopefully continue to gather accolades for his achievements.After his tenure comes to a hopefully graceful transition would be the time to immortalize him in some capacity.

How will Coppell be called a Judas if he only signs year-on-year?
If he's getting tapped up right at this minute he'll wait until the Summer to leave.

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by 79Royal » 04 Jan 2007 13:06

We could dedicate a corner flag to him then. Or the dugout maybe.

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by RoyalBlue » 04 Jan 2007 13:10

Scarface Lets not get carried away, we could be calling for his head in a few years.

Not a problem - rename the road again (in the case of Northern/Coppell Way). Would have been a fitting way to signify Parjudas' treachery!

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by Huntley & Palmer » 04 Jan 2007 13:21

royal.badger lets organise a steve coppell theme day.

Most of our fans are already moaning old f*ckwits so it should be easy

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by Forbury Lion » 04 Jan 2007 13:22

Get the local brewery to name a beer after him, We can then celebrate him before and after everygame.

Should be possible considering there was a Forbury Lion ale on sale last year.

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by purleyroyal » 04 Jan 2007 13:36

How about clubbing together for a brick in the wall :lol:

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by Uke » 04 Jan 2007 14:25

purleyroyal How about clubbing together for a brick in the wall :lol:

He probably bought the record the first time around.

Whenever I see or hear Steve Coppell, I tend to recognise him.

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by Trendy » 04 Jan 2007 15:04

royal.badger lets organise a steve coppell theme day.

What, stand around the ground, staring at the players and not smiling. Did enough of that in the 70's. :wink:

Not only that but I have lost enough of my hair through watching The Royals (that's my excuse!) without shaving the rest off. It's too blooming cold for that. :o

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by brendywendy » 04 Jan 2007 15:21

shave all our heads bald, and stand for the whole game leaning on something and playing with our necks, and dont make a sound or facial expression for the entire match, and be totally gracious towards all opposition players management and fans

sounds like a rubbish day out!

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by rg6royal » 04 Jan 2007 15:23

brendywendy shave all our heads bald, and stand for the whole game leaning on something and playing with our necks, and dont make a sound or facial expression for the entire match, and be totally gracious towards all opposition players management and fans

sounds like a rubbish day out!

somehow i don't think that i would be able to cope !

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by Royalshow » 04 Jan 2007 17:39

Royalee Massive statue outside the Mad Stad once it's been extended methinks.

that would be a great idea,the mad stad is lacking anything that suggest history.It could be in the middle of a fountain as well

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by Maguire » 04 Jan 2007 17:46

If we are going to build a statue, I reckon it should be at least as tall as the windmill. Proper big, so people actually come to Reading to see it.

That would be great.

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by M4 Junction 11 » 04 Jan 2007 18:16

Maguire If we are going to build a statue, I reckon it should be at least as tall as the windmill. Proper big, so people actually come to Reading to see it.

That would be great.

At least 45 meters!

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by dontbedaft » 04 Jan 2007 21:33

At least 45 meters!

The word is bandied about too liberally, but, really, THIS is genius

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by OldBiscuit » 04 Jan 2007 23:11

RoyalBlue Why not rename 'Northern Way', 'Coppell Way'?

I think 'way' is more appropriate than 'street' , 'road' etc. as our success has been attained the 'Coppell Way'.

Good idea, Northern way is the most unimaginative and meaningless name of a thoroughfare anywhere in this land! Must have been dreamt up by the same people that chose the names for the new grounds at derby, sunderland and the renaming of bradford.

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by Banjax » 04 Jan 2007 23:15

a thai girl for the night painted in blue and white hoops - never fails

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by OldBiscuit » 05 Jan 2007 17:30

OK, seems to be quite a few people that agree in some form of recognition, but this thread wasn't just about Steve Coppell, it was also about getting the Queen Victoria statue removed as well. Anyone willing with a hammer & chisel?

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