by AthleticoSpizz » 21 Jan 2007 02:16
.Sebastian do I? nothing in my inbox!
by readingbedding » 21 Jan 2007 03:40
by Stooper » 21 Jan 2007 11:14
by Royal Lady » 21 Jan 2007 12:22
I somehow doubt that if rumours are true.Stooper Hopefully John Halls can prove everyone wrong too a la Bobby Convey/DLC
by Royalee » 21 Jan 2007 12:23
AthleticoSpizzwell actually i took fu3kin great pleasure.......and YES it made my sad seasonRoyalee You stated that some players are disliked and implied that you take pleasure in them doing well just to prove people wrong. I don't see how De La Cruz having one exceptional game can make your year - surely it's much more satisfying to see the team do well as a whole?
I'm pleased for De La Cruz today as he showed vast improvement. However, I take no more pride in his performance than I did Shorey's against West Ham or Glen Little's against Chelsea.
The derogatory comments that were coming out during the pre-game team announcements
And the scorn that was poured in DLC's way everytime he got near the ball in his first two or three minutes today (from some knobheads sat around me) was spoiling my day.
A couple of tackles and decent passes later...they were silenced
The Goal bought me some smug rebate!
These are the same wakners here that pre-judged Sonko a couple of years ago too
So, sorry if I enjoyed the moment too much
by Skin » 21 Jan 2007 13:29
by zac naloen » 21 Jan 2007 16:59
Skin Why do we have so many pricks that 'support' the team but think that putting players down along on their 'look at me I'm being contreversial' posts is helping anyone?
F*ck off you miserable C*nts. Once and for all.
by Gordons Cumming » 21 Jan 2007 17:05
by RoyalBlue » 21 Jan 2007 17:09
SebastianAthleticoSpizz whatever seb![]()
Looked a little bit nervous for a while (I sit in the NE)...but every pass found a Reading player in the first 15
Found the flow soon enough tho'
oxf*rd hell man. Are you Frimley in disguise? I also sit in NE, Y20 right alongside where he was playing. You must have some crazed different definition of 'being caught in posession' to me. To me if you have the ball at your feet, and you're looking for a pass, the whole crowd yells man on, and you get tackled, regardless of where the ball goes, that's caught in posession. Disagree as much as you like but I know what I saw, as did everyone sat round me.
Now go to bed, get some sleep, and wake up in a slightly less condescending and argumentative mood in the morning. There's a good boy.
by AthleticoSpizz » 21 Jan 2007 19:08
Yes thats' how it was.........fair play to you too RoyaleeRoyaleeAthleticoSpizzwell actually i took fu3kin great pleasure.......and YES it made my sad seasonRoyalee You stated that some players are disliked and implied that you take pleasure in them doing well just to prove people wrong. I don't see how De La Cruz having one exceptional game can make your year - surely it's much more satisfying to see the team do well as a whole?
I'm pleased for De La Cruz today as he showed vast improvement. However, I take no more pride in his performance than I did Shorey's against West Ham or Glen Little's against Chelsea.
The derogatory comments that were coming out during the pre-game team announcements
And the scorn that was poured in DLC's way everytime he got near the ball in his first two or three minutes today (from some knobheads sat around me) was spoiling my day.
A couple of tackles and decent passes later...they were silenced
The Goal bought me some smug rebate!
These are the same wakners here that pre-judged Sonko a couple of years ago too
So, sorry if I enjoyed the moment too much
It's wrong if he's being booed before the game and fair play to you if that was the case, although I was unaware of that.
by amdocsroyal » 21 Jan 2007 21:52
by SpaceCruiser » 22 Jan 2007 10:59
by readingbedding » 22 Jan 2007 11:01
by Seal » 22 Jan 2007 11:05
by 79Royal » 22 Jan 2007 11:07
by Royal Fleet » 22 Jan 2007 11:10
by 3 veesinarow » 22 Jan 2007 11:34
79Royal DLC had a god game, but as has been said, he still made mistakes. Maybe it would be different with a run of games in the first team, but at the moment, I still need some convincing.
by 79Royal » 22 Jan 2007 11:55
3 veesinarow79Royal DLC had a god game, but as has been said, he still made mistakes. Maybe it would be different with a run of games in the first team, but at the moment, I still need some convincing.
And what about every other first team regular, who doesn't have the excuse of needing games, who has made mistakes this season?
I can recall specific instances of mistakes from Shorey, Hahnemann, Sonko, Ingimarsson, Sidwell, Harper, Gunnarsson, Murty that have directly led to goals being conceded this season. Nobody suggests that they need returning to the bench etc. after one or more mistakes - why should DLC be any different just because he's not an "established" player?
The general consensus seems to be "flash in the pan - get rid when all are fit" instead of well done, Dela, you contributed directly to our win. As the game went on, his contribution just got better and better. Name me a single player who hasn't looked shaky at some point in a game.
by Newman was Waiting » 22 Jan 2007 13:34
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